Too many infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Vixxing

    Way to screw with the poor kids mind Meeka... -.-
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  2. Bl4ckVoid

    LOL, I rarely fight from the spawnroom, but it happens from time to time. And if I can kill infiltrators from the spawn room, that is the same low risk gameplay that they enjoy outside. (Yes, you can die in the spawn room, it is not that rare due to TTK).

    So snipers are in the game, so everybody has to dance. I would rather prefer background music for that purpose. ;)

    (Classic troll tactics BTW, if you cannot argue the point, attack the poster).

    As it stands now, infiltrators do not have any other counter just other infiltrators. All I ask is ability to fight back or chance to avoid insta-death. Invisible people killing you from the back and from 200meters without any chance to fight back is bad balance.

    The game was pretty good pre NW5 nerf and pre scout radar nerf, now it is cloakside.
  3. DeadlyPeanutt

    sniper spam is annoying and is everywhere. as much whining as there is about turrets, i can't equip a turret as an engie without getting head shot by a sniper.

    invisible infils are very visible at close range and are kinda fun to catch if you watch for them in daylight. i have a lot of fun cat and mousing with cloaked infils who are ghost capping, even with an engie and a carbine.
  4. Vixxing

    You fogot medixx... we likez meddix!
  5. Bl4ckVoid

    Seeing them is very situational and depends on the background. Sometimes they are very visible when cloaked and sometimes you do not see a thing at all.

    I think the whole concept is faulty. Why not give them total invisibility but reduce recharge significantly? At the same time reinstate scout radar and NW5 headshot immunity and the class would be better and people would have a counter too.
  6. Aegie

    Yes, radar is the option for the flash I agree.

    However, radar flash does not counter sniper infiltrators and neither does the darklight.

    So, we are back to pulling infiltrators to counter infiltrators. I'm not saying that there is necessarily anything wrong with that just pointing out that you either have to have to play their game or spend certs and resources on vehicles + coordinate with a team and I do not think the same can be said for any of the other regular infantry classes. Infiltrators in PS2, IMO, are playing a somewhat different game.
  7. Frostiken

    Ignore this guy. The enemy are like T-Rexes. They can't see if you don't move. Stand completely still all the time.
  8. trichome

    You don't have to dance, you have to use your head and not run around like a headless chicken.

    Infils are so easy to deal with I don't know what to say to you. They have lowest health of all classes, you can out snipe any infil with a BR which an engi or heavy can carry. They can be easily seen even cloaked, you can hear their cloak from 100's of Meters away.

    How bloody much easier do you want it??????
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  9. Frostiken

    I keep seeing 'but how do you counter snipers'? I don't know if this is really a problem to solve besides... other snipers.

    As much as it was hated by Bush Wookies in BF3, the scope glint did serve a very specific and intentional purpose and that was to give people a warning that there was a sniper *before* they were instagibbed. It served to take snipers down a notch. It also meant that sniping with a weaker sight without a glint (an ACOG for example) was rewarded, and it also made you a highly effective counter-sniper in that regard.

    Aside from that, what exactly do you expect to counter snipers? Call down orbital lasers on their heads? Sniping is already like 40% frustration with the absurdly pathetic breath hold and over the top scope sway when not breath-holding. Personally I find counter-sniping to be very rewarding and achieves remarkable results. People will get frustrated quickly and find better fights, and if you're intelligent about how you pick sniping positions and move a lot, you won't be under a lot of threat from the enemy.
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  10. Frostiken

    No. And I don't say that just because I'm a sniper.

    Any time you do something like that with an ability, you've immediately crossed a threshold where something that is already extremely good now becomes effectively mandatory and EVERYONE would be using it all the time. It would also represent a significant upgrade from people who DON'T have the 1,700 certs or whatever it takes to unlock it to level 5.

    It's the same reason why MAX Flak Armor doesn't protect against direct hits with rockets. If it did it would make everything else in that slot instantly obsolete.
  11. Gustavo M

    Yep. I was moving around when this happened, btw.
    Even with that, I don't see Infiltrators as a major threat or something to care about. More like, a casual-friendly class that can do easy kills, no matter in which situation he is imposed; "Hope you enjoy your kill!Now excuse me while I respawn from that sunderer over there, and proceed to cap your base."
  12. Bl4ckVoid

    Maybe with your spec you can easily see them, I run on medium and I cannot see them most of the time. Especially not while stationary cloaked at 200m away.
  13. Bl4ckVoid

    According to this thread, it is easy to avoid headshot, just keep dancing. So what is it then? What if I do not want to dance???

    An alternative solution is to just take away OHK from infiltrators, or give it to the other classes against infiltrators. They headshot from 200meters and kill me with 12x scope, yet if I shoot them back in the head (with 1x scope), they just retreat. This is not balanced. Compared to this, the overshield of the heavy is just a really miniscule imbalance - yet there is a nerf on the way.
  14. MarkAntony

    Then you deserve to die because you will not do a simple thing to counter 99% of snipers.
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  15. Get2dachoppa

    How long does it take you to fire at a tank? You stood still too long, plain and simple. If the Infiltrator hadn't sniped you, the tank probably would have...or anyone else within 70m. Make your shot quickly then get behind cover. If you need a little extra time making the shot, pop your shield to tank a sniper hit. Really, this is a L2P issue right here.

    Wait. So an Infiltrator got the drop on you with a knife hit and you still were able to kill him before he could finish you off? And this is a class you are complaining about? :confused: Overall in this encounter you went 2-2. Whoopity doo.
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  16. Vinakis

    If you don't want to dance, you get sniped and die. Simple. If you're too tired from dancing, you might want to remain indoors and away from doors and windows. That or hop into a vehicle.

    Also, if you're only shooting them once in the back of the head from close range, you're doing it wrong. You must master the art of the double tap, or just hold down the trigger on your automatic weapon of choice. Infiltrators with their eyes down the scope tend to have faily poor reaction times, and it's usually fairly easy to sneak up on them from behind, too. Even as a Heavy Assault.
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  17. cruczi

    Maybe you just need a few dance lessons?

    How is it not balanced? The objective of this game is not team deathmatch. Snipers don't capture objectives. The whole point of snipers is to kill people from distance. Why would they carry sniper rifles if they didn't give them exactly the advantage at range that allows them to do that?
  18. Flashtirade

    My only problem with infiltrators is that they are really hard to see while on the move using low settings. I've lost track of them cloaking just off to the side of where I'm looking more than a few times, and then they decloak and SMG me without fear of retlaiation because latency.
  19. cruczi

    Pretty sure he meant shooting them back in the head [from 200 meters], not in the back of the head [from close range].
  20. Vinakis

    Who uses a 1x sight at 200m? That would mean he's also using the wrong weapon for the job.