Too many infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Aegie

    Well, forgetting that I can OHK you from 300m away (200m further than your radar) you cannot counter infiltrators with your radar flash. Your radar flash+teammates can make the infiltrator into a regular infantry minus 100 HP- true, it counters the cloak (to a certain extent) but it does not counter the class. Yeah, park your radar flash indoors so you cannot get sniped but now your game play experience is a lot like a bad wallpaper. I know flashes do not cost very much resources but you're still sinking how many certs into a vehicle, spending resources, and sitting idle while relying on teammate cooperation- what other class requires this kind of coordinated investment to counter?

    Counter to a medic = shoot them in the face with any other class.

    Counter to an engineer = shoot them in the face with any other class.

    Counter to a HA = shoot them in the face with any other class.

    Counter to a LA = shoot them in the face with any other class.

    Counter to a SMG infiltrator = cert into max radar + spend resources on flash + sit like a lump on your vehicle + get teammates to track them down so they can shoot them in the face.

    Counter to a sniper infiltrator = sniper infiltrator.

    Like I said, I'm not necessarily saying that infiltrators are OP just that they are the epitome of a cheese class. Medics can be cheese too but you need other players around for that, engineers can be cheese but you need other players for that too. Infiltrator, all by itself, is cheese.
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  2. Wecomeinpeace

    Just FYI, i see one thread about HA shields, and as for the reason why it was locked, well, check it out for yourself. :p

    I don't have a flash with max radar and i basically never use a sniper rifle. Yet i still manage to kill enemy infiltrators, both snipers and smg ones. Therefore i find it a bit hard to believe that it is necessary to do what you wrote.

    I do however agree that radar should work regardless of the drivers seat being occupied or not.
  3. FateJH

    Being cloaked permanently at the cost of your primary weapon is fine. Being able to do anything meaningful while still cloaked isn't. Having to uncloak to accomplish anything more than basic observation or positioning (and repositioning causes some level of exposure) is an invitation for a sense of fair confrontation.
  4. Koldorn

    To be fair; my indoor flash is the only real tool I have to fight them. It may not be a good counter; but it's quite literally all I have.

    So in that regard; I'll completely agree that it takes a greatly disproportionate amount of attention, coordination, and resources to counter a free, spammable unit.
    IE: Cheese.
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  5. deggy

    I have been killed by Infiltrators so few times in the last few days it's not even funny.

    This is an L2P issue. Seriously, NEVER stop moving. Ever. For any reason.
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  6. K2k4

    How so? You stand still you may get sniped. This is how sniping works. You need to learn to take your shots quickly.
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  7. Bl4ckVoid

    I have the 100m Flash radar just for this purpose, pretty much WASTED CERTS, WITH NO REFUND OFFERED, because it was nerfed to uselessnes. Sitting on the vehicle just to get the radar, well, it is boring, unless you do it with an alt on your laptop.

    Fighting from the flash is not a very good idea (no wonder people do not do it, except some crazy skilled people).

    So there is no real viable counter to snipers that can be done solo (except countersniping), all recent changes to the game gave them more power.

    This is called game balance. Well, maybe I will switch to sniper, it is boring, but at least I do not have to A-D all the time, and my KDR will improve. On thing I will promise though: I will mainly shoot enemy snipers, because I hate the little suckers.
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  8. Vikingo

    Acctually you will have to, after engineers on turrets enemy snipers are the preferred food for a skilled sniper. Anything that is still for a fraction of a second and for a sniper to fire it has to stand still.
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  9. phreec

    1. Cert Scout Radar on your Flash.
    2. Pull Flash with Scout Radar.
    3. ?????
    4. Profit.
  10. Bl4ckVoid

    As a heavy I must sometimes take aim at turrets, etc. Result: DING, headshot. Strafing with ADS will still get you killed, unless using 0.75 ADS speed guns - very limited choice.

    I would not complain if I could shoot back and kill them, but at those distances my shots have zero effect, while they can OHK me. If they can OHK, they should also die to a headshot and not just by infiltrator rifle.
  11. Bl4ckVoid

    Not if its cloaked at 150m. Do you see strafing snipers? Are we playing the same game? They sit on a rock, uncloak, shoot, retreat. They do not strafe, they play easy mode.
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  12. AdamGrantBell

    Because if the only real impact of sniping on a battle is to force people to dance, then the only reason to keep sniping in the game at all is for the funky. Much as I love to be funky, right now there is an excess of funk. We need fewer bush wookies to prevent an unhealthy funk buildup.
  13. Sulsa

    I can't imagine what those QQ threads would be like... ;)

    Ok serious:
    Yes many times I've gotten upset at people who are playing 'X' class. On the other hand, you have the ability to play that class too, or take specific actions that counter them. I play infil a bunch and sometimes I have good runs. Other times, I want to kick the cat and throw my keyboard across the room because it seems everything I do is thwarted.

    Deep breath OP and get back out there :D
  14. Aegie

    Well, 8 of your last 100 deaths were infiltrators (8%), plus, to be fair, you spend a lot of time in an MBT and vehicles in general so it's not really surprising you do not frequently get killed by them.

    Figuring random distribution, including vehicles as classes (instead of lumping them in with engineers) and ignoring suicides means there are 12 things that can kill you- LA, HA, medic, engineer, infiltrator, MAX, harasser, MBT, lightning, ESF, Gal, Lib so a random distribution would expect that each of these would account for 8-9 deaths per 100 deaths. So, considering infiltrators cannot harm you when you are in an MBT, Lightning, Gal, or Liberator whereas all the others can...

    I'm not saying that is off or anything or proof of anything one way or the other, just putting it in perspective.
  15. Taemien

    Turn your graphics settings up. You can see moving cloaked infils from 300m while scoped. I pick them off all the time. As for the original poster, he is merely a spawn room warrior... by his own admission:

    So I think there is nothing more to see here. Just a nub incapable of surviving outside spawnshields.
  16. Vikingo

    Sorry I forgot, you were killed by snipers a few times, how could they!? Of course it is easy mode, those cheesy noobs. Obviously no skillz.
  17. Aegie

    Fixed that and just want to remind you that you are suggesting a) dump certs into a vehicle solely for the purpose of countering one class, b) spend resources to pull a vehicle to counter one regular infantry class, c) are expected to sit like a lump as if that is fun or interesting and d) still require other players.

    True, you could put some weapons on that flash (more certs) but, as I asked before, what other regular infantry class requires this kind of coordination, cert and resource investment to counter? Not to mention that you are not really countering them so much as you are countering the cloak- an infiltrator without a cloak is at a 100 HP disadvantage, I'll give you that, but they can still fight quite effectively without the cloak. 100 HP, for most weapons, occurs in what fraction of a second again?

    This, as I mentioned before, also does very little to counter the sniper infiltrators since they can OHK from beyond your radar radius.
  18. VogonPoetMaster

    So flanking and turning some hapless guy into swiss cheese before he can even turn around is fine, but landing a headshot 300m out on a sprinting target is abhorrent and "random". I read ya.
  19. pnkdth

    Infiltrators just had a long of bling added, like new cert lines, and ESSRs = more players want to test them out.
  20. phreec

    The Scout Flash is amazing in a lot of situations, the one OP described is one of them. I personally tend to pull one after finishing a cap at larger facilities to ensure there are no stragglers left.

    There are cheaper alternatives of course as putting a darklight on your weapon for 100 certs or simply going Infiltrator yourself and spamming darts around for no cost.
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