Too many infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Bl4ckVoid

    I have zero problem if I meet 1 on 1 against someone and they kill me. It is OK if they flank and kill me.

    But dying randomly, just because I stopped for 2 second or because I was trying to aim is frustrating.

    Darklight equipped shotgun is not a bad idea though, thanks for that. What is the range of the darklight?
  2. Bl4ckVoid

    If this seems like whining, I just do the same like what they did.
    The infiltrator whining about NW5 stopping headshots could have filled a book.

    If they are entitled to whine, then allow the rest of the playerbase to whine too.

    This game would be so much better with less vehicles and with true counters to infiltrators.
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  3. gloowa

    I upvoted your post before i read last sentece and now i had to undo that.

    As much as i hate infils, every class has a counter to them in their hand. Only real problem are snipers, but i just learned to accept it as part of the gameplay. Think of it as game killing your randomly every now and then (Red Orchestra random arty anyone?)
  4. Bl4ckVoid

    I prefer the random arty of RO to this.

    At least in RO, if I shot the sniper he would die from one shot (just like everybody else). In PS2 you headshot him, he just cloaks and retreats.
  5. notyourbuddy

    Very short. Probably only like 5m-10m.

    Got to be careful how you use it though as the flashlight will not only give away your position to the very infiltrators you are trying to hunt down but it also forces you to walk while using it making you an even easier target.

    I find it best on shotguns because if you find one and he tries to insta-decloak on you with his smg your shotgun can out DPS him.
  6. Kinan Eldari

    *post removed. I didn't consider other guns besides a bolt action sniper rifle*
  7. RomulusX

    Too many shotgun users*

    Of all the weapons to give away for free...SOE chose a shotgun :(
  8. Frostiken

    Did you ever play PS1? The sniper rifle would one-hit-kill infiltrators with a body shot; It was pretty common (and hilarious) to just randomly kill infiltrators who caught the bullet on the way.

    I too believe there's too many infiltrators, and hell, I play one pretty often (though mostly as a sniper). The problem is the idiots at SOE gave everyone the same durability. Every single day I play, I miss the different armors. They served very, very specific purposes in PS1 - yes, even spawn armor.

    Giving everyone the same armor and durability was just stupid.
  9. Aegie

    So counter to infiltrator is infiltrator...makes sense.
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  10. Vikingo

    Anything with radar or motion sensor capabilities really, Infiltrator though is the only method which doesnt cost resources, if you dont want to buy a crossbow that is.
  11. Posse

    Just strafe all the time and when you're going to stand still for one second to fire a rocket, activate the shield, if they headshot you they won't kill you, eat a medikit, rinse and repeat.
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  12. cruczi

    Personally I love playing as infiltrator, and I have no trouble fighting enemy infiltrators when I'm another class. All I can really say to people discontent with fighting versus infiltrators is to learn to counter them. Yes, "l2p", as stupid as that sounds, but that's just how it is.

    Awareness. If you know a sniper is out there, don't give them an easy target. If you don't know a sniper is out there, you just have to hope for the best: few snipers are skilled enough to OHK you on the first shot if you're strafing, even if ADS. And even then that's something you can deny them as a Heavy Assault, just enable Overshield for the brief moment you're in ADS.

    Never stand still outdoors. Ever.

    As for SMG infils, you can usually hear them cloak/decloak before they're too close to you. Again, awareness is your best counter. Try not to get drawn away from your teammates so you don't get singled out by the infiltrator (unless you're deliberately flanking solo which you should really only be doing as a Light Assault who can avoid the obvious routes).

    Also, never stand still outdoors.
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  13. K2k4

    The true counter to infiltrators is dancing.

    Jump, squat, move left and right forward and back, if they can't hit you they can't kill you! If they do manage to HS you while you're doing this, they deserved it trust me.

    Need to learn to fire rockets without stopping to aim. strafe into your shot.
  14. Koldorn

    Rank 5 Flash Scout Radar.

    100-m wide giant middle finger to all stealth.
    I giggle like a school girl when pulling one; and see 4-5 dots just pop up on the minimap.
    It's like pacman, watching the allied triangles scurrying for the delicious invisible pellets.
    Then I collect my scout-radar assist credit.

    The key: is to pull the flash somewhere where you have cover from bolt-action rifles.
  15. aoyagiaichou

    That's weird, I clearly remember having a full overshield on and dying in a single shot from an infiltrator.

    For the record, I hate the easymode infiltrators, but I don't care enough to be vocal about it aside from giving out their position in /re
  16. Vinakis

    You couldn't be more wrong there. When I'm sniping, enemy snipers are the only targets I'll prioritize over enemy medics. Hunting the hunters is far more entertaining than shooting people who have no chance to kill you at their current range.
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  17. Aegie

    So, counter to infiltrators is vehicles? I have the xbow and while I have not used the radar darts very extensively I do not think they are that great of a counter. First, I think they do just about nothing to counter sniper infiltrators. Second, if I was an infiltrator and saw someone spamming xbow darts I would just shoot them since they are helpless while that weapon+ammo is equipped.

    I'm not disagreeing with you, you're right that the best way to counter infiltrators is either a) more infiltrators or b) vehicles because infiltrators cannot damage vehicles (or course, vehicles counter pretty much any infantry).

    I'm not exactly saying that infiltrators are OP but they certainly are the pinnacle of cheese- all the cheese of OHK from render range snipers combined with all the cheese of nigh invisibility with a dash of wall hack .

    Don't get me wrong, I like playing infiltrators sometimes- mostly when I get a bit frustrated by other infiltrators or I want a break from dying and just want to go on a casual killing spree from 200+ meters.

    As other people have pointed out- SMG infiltrator aside you can...

    1 find medium-large fight
    2 pull infiltrator
    3 find some small cover 200-300m away from fight
    4 cloak
    5 come out from cover
    6 find target
    7 decloak
    8 OHK
    9 cloak
    10 move back into cover
    11 reload
    12 GOTO 4

    The only thing you even have to concern yourself with in those cases are other snipers but if you are properly doing the cloak-decloak and have any cover whatsoever then they are really not much of an issue. As others have pointed out, it is far more lucrative for snipers to focus fire on other non-cloaking infantry because a) well, they cannot cloak and b) they cannot really retaliate even if you miss and they become aware. True, you are still vulnerable to certain vehicles but, of course, any infantry can get wasted by them and if you are sniping properly you are probably not with a horde of other players so you are not a very juicy target to bomb in the first place.

  18. AnnPerkins

    Snipers are meant to be annoying. It's basically their job. They force you to send people to hunt them down and draw forces away from the main fight.

    Cloaking in general is pretty easy to counter if you can get one of the dozens of infiltrators walking around on your team to PRESS 3 AND CLICK. I pretty much spam people this in proximity until one of the idiots finally does it.

    The only thing it doesn't help against is the goddamn stalker cloak. I really really think permanent cloak is a bad idea and the trade-off is almost non-existent as the secondarys are so good. Make the cloak last a minute, make it last 2. Just make it so they have to recloak once in a while. As right now about the only way to find stalker cloaked players is if they're stupid enough to sit on the point.
  19. Bl4ckVoid

    I had zero problems with infiltrators before Scout radar and NW nerf.

    Yes, I got killed by them, but at least I had a counter / chance to survive. Currently this is insta-death without a coordinated counter-effort.
    Countersniping snipers are a minority.

    Notice, how the heavy shield threads are being locked after a few pages, while the NW5 / no OHK whine could go on for a volume of a book.
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  20. Bl4ckVoid

    This advice clearly shows that this aspect of the game is broken.
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