[Suggestion] Tone down the AI damage of Hornet missiles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MacavitySWE, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Cuik

    I'd just like to point out that your few friends were weak and pathetic for quitting over such trivial non-sense.
  2. ColonelChingles

    Errr... he used a real life example of something working under the laws of physics to argue that something is not realistic.

    You're using a fictional example from a video game where good guys and bad guys politely take turns moving to argue that something is not realistic.

    This is what happens IRL when plasma hits something:

    Yea... not nearly as destructive as you thought, ya?
  3. DatVanuMan

    Bro, plasma has not yet been developed well enough to contain enough energy to fire the appropriate amount of plasma. Plus, what metals we have on Earth are not strong enough to contain plasma's energy, so plasma weapons can never be achieved without proper containment.
  4. ColonelChingles

    o_O That's plasma. In the video. Right there. In real life. It's not a fake video, ya know?

    You may be under the impression that there are different "flavors" of plasma. But plasma is simply matter that is at a certain state of energetic existence. It's one of the states of matter, along with solids, liquids, and gasses.

    In other words, matter either "is" plasma or it is not. Pretty close to a binary system.

    That test device in the video is on Earth, and it seems to be doing a pretty good job of containing the plasma (at least as far as I can tell from the lack of screaming or flashing red lights).

    Plasma is pretty easy to contain actually. Modern TV's do it. Neon lights do it. If you're using a modern computer screen, you're probably staring at plasma right now. And guess what? You're not dead.

    Plasma also responds to magentic fields, which means that we don't even have to touch the thing to contain it.

    Also plasma generally needs to be constantly energized. Without constant energy inputs, plasma will quickly lose energy and just become hot gas.

    While we haven't yet managed to figure out a use for plasma for things like large-scale economic energy production, it doesn't mean that we haven't already mastered plasma for many (some would say trivial) purposes.
  5. DatVanuMan

    BUT... BUT...
    I want plasma weapons!
    The love I've had for everything I know is crushed now. Thanks a lot:(
  6. St0mpy

    So in your need for so called balance in this rock-paper-scissors game we play, what class of user exactly is allowed to kill a MAX?
  7. t31os

    Go on, create your own game, that's fun, fair and balanced, whilst catering to a wide variety of skill levels... :confused:

    You cannot have all those things together, but SOE are doing a pretty damn good job so far, despite all the issues along the way.

    Sheesh, i feel old just responding to posts in these forums.
  8. Shadowyc

    To be honest, if the Vanu decided to stop hating on modern technology, they could work out a significantly better delivery of their beloved plasma; durable, rapidly moving, small plasma grenades. That explode on impact. You get the fun of high projectile velocity, exploding plasma, and needless complication of murder!
    • Up x 1
  9. DatVanuMan

    Well, considering this is a game with very unrealistic stats, every single weapon in this game is worse than a modern weapon. Of course, old ZOE, Ravens, and the Banshee would decimate modern forces.
  10. Roland2TowerCame

    re: plasma weapons,
    We don't have plasma tech now on Earth that's really equivalent to what we see in this game or Halo novelizations.
    That plasma in the real life pictures is extremely thin, less dense than air.
    Real weapon grade plasma is like taking a fistful of the sun and throwing it at your target, both in terms of density and heat.
    Tokamaks can initiate fusion, so it's closer, but I don't know specifics.
  11. ColonelChingles

    Any plasma is by nature going to be less dense than air. Although stuff like the ideal gas law does not apply to plasma (because it is not a gas and has its own properties), there still is a general relationship between temperature and density.


    There are some exceptions when really weird things in the universe happen, but for the most part the hotter plasma gets, the less dense it gets.

    Sure you could compress plasma, just like how you can compress gas (liquid natural gas), liquids or solids. But we know that the more you want to compress or more things, the more energy it takes to do so. It's already rather energy-intensive to contain plasma through magnetics like how a Tokamak does it. And since the more energy plasma has the less dense it becomes, you have to really have heavy containment for the most energetic plasma. Not an easy task, particularly if you want to make little tiny packets that can be used in an infantry small arm which won't simply dissipate on contact.

    There's also no such thing as "real weapons grade plasma" simply because it doesn't exist. We have fictional weapons grade plasma, which is the sort you find in video games and science fiction. :p

    Yea, this makes the most sense. A sort of plasma warhead, where the plasma could be energized and contained until contact. Might be a bit bigger and not so sleek (goodbye 0.75x ADS!), but it'd work.

    Or just use a gun. Those kill pretty good too.