Told You So

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BamaRage, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. BamaRage

    Zergfit all the way boys, told ya so.
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  2. netBattler

    Zerging is great
  3. BamaRage

    Sure, if that's your only skill set.....No Skill Required to Zerg
  4. Twin Suns

    "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the ZERGS of war". ;)
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  5. BamaRage

    If that's what ya wanna do, but looking back I predicted where the game was headed and was told I was wrong, crazy and so on. But yet I step back in for a bit all these months later and guess what, the predictions I made have all come true. Just like when they made Wrel top dev I said VS would for now on be dominant. Looks like that's the way it is.
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  6. Liewec123

    It's almost as if rewarding zergs and giving nothing to the underpop defenders was a bad idea...
    Who'd have thought!

    Who'd have thought that it would create a meta were all 3 factions just
    zerg over underpopped bases while avoiding eachother...
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  7. Johannes Kaiser

    To be fair, depending on population and lanes this isn't always the case and there are some genuinely big fights during high-pop times. At least on Miller.
  8. netBattler

    Keep drinking that haterade.
  9. Twin Suns

    Dear Zergling.

    While you were posting....the Zerg left without you.

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  10. Desann

    Best counter to zerglings is a FIREBAT!

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  11. TripSin

    Planetside has always been about who can outzerg who since 2003.
  12. BamaRage

    Zerg has always been a thing but nothing like it is now. We used to actually use tactics and get things done. Now you see guys all the time with 80% pop yelling for reinforcements. Its the most zerg oriented that its ever been. And I have to admit there is a certain satisfaction in knowing my predictions based on the meta were right. But I still hate the zerg, oh well doing some work for the outfit and then I am out again. Kinda fun to go away and then return to see how bad Wrel as F***** it up since I
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  13. Desann

    Planetside 2 seems like a boomerang right now. It went way out there with the whole BUTTHOLE ROYALE nonsense...but it seems like it is swooshing right back!

    I am loving the Escalation update and can't wait for more PLANETSIDE feeling updates. This game went from EPIC Planetside feel to a "competitive" Red vs Blue vs WTF is purple? shooter...

    Factional flavor is what makes Planetside so unique!