Today's Patch Notes: Cloaking while firing causes cloak to automatically deactivate!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FnkyTwn, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. FnkyTwn

    Cloaking while firing causes cloak to automatically deactivate!!

    Cloaking while firing causes cloak to automatically deactivate!!

    Cloaking while firing causes cloak to automatically deactivate!!

    Cloaking while firing causes cloak to automatically deactivate!!

    This basically makes it so that when you accidentally hit F while firing (to activate your Heavy shield when you're actually an Infiltrator) it won't cloak, so you don't lose precious seconds cloaking and uncloaking to return fire.

    Today's Patch Notes
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  2. hostilechild

    Are you sure this means what you think it means?

    Its not like they said "Firing while cloaked with automatically deactivate the cloak"

    I take it to mean that those people that have macro'd fire and cloak, they will no longer cloak immediately after firing (kind of a delay after firing).

    Or more to the smg users that accidentally hit cloak while firing (thinking its there HA shield!) can keep shooting and not cloak.
  3. FnkyTwn

    Now they just need to fix it so that Engineers can keep firing after throwing free ammo at their enemy.
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  4. Ballto21

    its a bug fix. they stopped that from happening where reloading/pressing the fire key instantly decloked you.
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  5. Riku

    It's listed under bug fixes, not new features.
  6. Lord_Avatar

    Oh boy... I main CM and HA and I tend to throw ammo packs at the enemy every other 1v1 as Engi...
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  7. palto1826

    man this isnt even the best thing to happen to infiltrators (well vs infiltrators) in the patch.

    VS: Infiltrator: Lumifiber Armor: Groin piece is stretched

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  8. MasterTater

    YES its a change and something you have to get used to - some mentally rigid and slow learners might have problems with that but hey:


  9. Dowlphin

    This. I don't know how they can mess so much stuff up in updates/patches. When I want to keep throwing ammo packs in quick succession, I switch to the ammo pack. When I want to just drop one and continue using the weapon I was holding, I'd press F. It worked perfectly before the patch. Now it sucks.

    I'm also wondering whether the 6-or so seconds lock on using F to throw a pack again served and serves any purpose, because I can't think of a reason to not make it instant.
  10. Dumpsterprophet

    the cloak should break when you fire instead of having to always manually decloak
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  11. Dowlphin

    Would probably be too much convenient automation, and also then you could accidentally reveal yourself when you shoot (and that could ruin a whole plan), and also decloak takes a moment, so the shot would be delayed anyway, which is not practicable.
  12. Rhumald

    I always hit the cloak and reload key together, immediately uncloaking when the reload animation starts was a nuisance, I hope this fix isn't just for hitting the cloak button while you were still firing because you realized you had to bail.
  13. 00000000000000000000

    I do this all the time.

    Then I saw an NC throw ammo at me and it was a moment of brotherhood...then I shot him.
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  14. xXdAnK420snipar69Xx

    Why on earth is there now a .5 second delay between when I can uncloak and when I can take the shot I just lined up? SOE why'd you hurt the one thing in this game I enjoy? The 200m lobotomy special can't happen if I die of old age waiting for the new cloak delay, not to mention holding your breath doesn't last long enough to support this.
  15. Sulsa

    Logged in to say LOL
  16. FLHuk

    So, what you're actually saying is "Mouse1+ability+spot" scripts and all variants will have to be turned off before changing to infil......

    Ok, ty