To the PC community

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Radko, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. askull

    Crown. Best place for Max Punch Farm - 400 complete.
    I'm the tooth fairy. Knock your teeth completely free! :D
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  2. Relaxed Tortoise

    So by now PC sub has realized why PS4 forum was a ****fest. Not because "one small group" was toxic. When you read something stupid you can let it go or get involved, PS4 sub had too much of the latter. If you guys keep it up this forum will be ruined because you will encounter more people willing to get involved in the drama who weren't before.

    Either let go of your dumb grudges or don't point fingers like only a very few where to blame. There is no better way to play the game... if you are not cheating and enjoying yourself it's all good.

    Finally, ExiledGirl there are bad players on every game and they always are the vast majority. Because it's a game and nothing more than a dumb way to waste free time. Very few try to really improove and learn and expect to be the best. Some are fine supporting those great players or even being on the same fight/squad with them. It is those great players who can inspire and teach and help build a better community. You do this with respect, something that it appears most PS4 forumsiders lost long ago for each other. I certainly tell you that you are wrong about all large outfits. Not all zerg all the time and the good ones are nurturing players and helping them get better.
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  3. AxiomInsanity87

    If I can't c4 farm people round the back dirt path, i'm not interested lol.