Funny thing is that top shooters they cheat on ps4 with mouse and keyboard and they think they are op. Specially ESF pilots some of them who are dear to their K/D's. Git good on controllers.
Except we've had the same lack of moderation here. And look at the stark difference between the two forums. Nice theory. Too bad it's BS.
The main thing about the ps4 forum is hardly anyone used it, so it became a playground for a small clique of American teenagers. This wouldn't be possible in a higher pop forum whether for PC or console. I've seen many other console FPS forums and they never became such a zhitshow, simply because significant numbers of adults used them.
If that truly is the case (doubtful) then I expect this pc master race trash and the general arrogance by several pc forumsiders should...well, let's just say the popcorn is well-stocked over here. The PS4 forums started with small stuff, like the stuff that's being posted by a few pc forumsiders. You guys could try welcoming PS4/console, given the fact that more players equals more money, and greater chance of PS2's survival...but so far a few of you would rather stir up trouble to maintain an air of snobbery. Nothing mature about that. Final note, from what people have said here, the pc forums "back in the day" used to be over-moderated. That being the case, you started with a moderation that the PS4 forums never had in its entire existence. So you can't say you were "unmoderated". The likelihood is that most of your harsher elements were eliminated right off the bat, and the remnants remain cautious with their posts. There are some decent pc forumsiders here, just like the PS4. But I can see it already taking a similar path with some of the things that are being posted.
The whole problem that occurred on the ps4 forums was not due to lack of modding, it was many things that contributed to closure. Including Radar confirming that those forums were not long term to begin with. The largest problem was a difference in opinion and neither side backing down, and I have already apologized to Radar for the role I played, however I never took it to a bannable level as some did. It wasn't the fact of stats vs casual play that was the problem, it was the way the high stat players looked down on the casuals with a k/d lower than a 3, and constantly insulted them which in turn resulted in a few of us viciously slamming back and it turned into a shishe fest. NOT ALL the top players were guilty of bashing, but they are all in the same group and were unfairly ostracized. Having good stats is a personal perception and reflection of how you play and wish to play the game, and yes it is a reflection of SOME skill. It is not by any means a vehicle to be allowed to tell others how to play the game or insult because they want to play the game the way it was intended to be played. I believe it was in this thread by a poster, I believe she said, "we asked the larger zergfits to stay away from the smaller fights". Don't complain and call people zhitters because they're going down a lattice gaining momentum, stop them. That argument is perpetual and will never end as much as it is ridiculous in and of itself. Anyway, just my opinion on why the forums got closed, it was not Radars fault for not overwatching, I'm man enough to admit it was our fault and I will not allow it to happen here.
Have yet to run into a single PS4 pilot I've suspected of MnK, and the 2 best pilots on NA I know for a fact are using controllers, so if there's a bunch of MnK pilots running around on ps4..they're really bad lol.
? Every top pilot on Gen uses controller. So yeah. I think your just mad bcuz you can't even ESF bro.
This is a weird argument. If the PC forums were here longer, and with the inclusion of PS4 players the forums are now taking 'a similar path', isn't that indication that the new players are causing this change? I don't really get any of this drama over the merge, but you're contradicting your point here.
Not necessarily, PS4 forumside merge could be a catalyst, doesn't necessarily mean that community is the sole driving element in devolving the forums.
You thought I was trying to start a forum war with that? If I was trying to start a war I would be more creative than this. Your reply confirmed that PC players are upset that the inferior console kiddies come to invade their forums. Putting all this Console v. PC b.s. aside I think everyone can get along just fine.
Yes yes, this is what I like. Console folk bowing down to the PC master race. You are welcome now do yourself a favor and build yourself a PC and use that instead. Thank me later.
Buddy, if you're not keeping an ESF K/D of at least 5 with the Joyboard, then you're not even invited to my birthday party.