Aren't you using that "kiddie crowd" argument a bit too much ? if 77 is your year of birth you are just 3 years older than me, i started playing online with UO so stop generalizing, i played PS1 so i pretty much guarantee that on ps4 they play the same way of ps1/ps2 pc, just slower with a lot of less rendering distance and less tactics and organization since the UI and Chat usage are far worse than on PC, this thing about 1Vs1 is just a stupid thing from the forum itself on nothing more. 99,9999 % of ps2onps4 players play this game as intended, the only limits are imposed by the platform itsef and by DBG wich still haven't figured out how to make a more deep and friendly UI
Could you please not generalise the entire PS4 community? These 1v1 people are one of the reasons the subforum got shut down and we were all sick of it. That's a few rotten apples just like the PC community has a few people moaning about things that ruined their game evening by calling it OP and demanding nerfs.
I have 2 chars on one of the pirate servers for uo who should still be macroed to train forever hehe.
As Radko said, please don't judge all of us console guys, the .05% that throw around terms and quotes such as "pc plebs" as seen previously in this thread are the loud minority that really should be playing another game cause what they desire is not what this game is about. It's refreshing to have them finally put in their place. See sig...
Its hard not to make generalizations about you console people when you get your whole sub-forum closed.... and than have this thread devolve into some conversation about 1v1s.
Well, can't argue, but now you are introduced to the ones solely responsible for such action. Don't let them do it here...
That's an incorrect characterization. It's not a matter of preferring 1v1s over the game itself. You make it sound as though people doing 1v1s are just always in the corner of a map by themselves. Truth is that it's actually a matter of using them for what benefit they provide. We hold 1v1s or 5v5s occasionally (not all the time) against each other just to sharpen a few skills, etc. Doing that kind of thing against better players just helps you in the overall game itself. Not to mention that it's a fun break from farmside at times. I don't expect the general public to understand, and like you they're more than willing to mock it as a result of that misunderstanding. But you should at least try to get the the characterization right.
I can't speak for gen but a break from farmside for me is playing on the front lines doing 1vsX amounts of people trying to kill me lol.
You guys must see the irony of your appealing to someone who just stereotyped everyone playing on a console as a "console kiddies" in the hopes of him thinking not all console players are the type to use terms like "pc plebs" lololol. I get the whole introducing yourself to a new community thing, but some of the pandering people are doing in hopes to fit into a group of people who just happen to have sat around in a different forum subsection for longer is pretty hilarious. I've seen the same type of arguments on these forums over the last few days that I've seen on PS4 forums; a fair bit less dramatic and slightly better worded so not like I can deny it's a more mature forum.... but I've seen pc-players spamming political memes, arguing over the importance of K/D, and making uninformed balance claims. Seems pretty familiar to me just with a few less ego threads and personal attacks. As for my take on the whole 1v1 thing, pretty certain Rhyme was talking about all the "challenge threads" that were around (which imo were really entertaining reads even if they were..and I hate using this word "toxic" lol) but speaking for actual 1v1 format; 1v1s can have benefits as far as honing things like esf aim/movement and can certainly be useful and fun (dunno what value a 1v1 would hold for infantry play tbh). Guess what! PC players have done the exact same thing with ESFs, similar arguments could be made for the skill development & entertainment value of 12v12, 24v24, 48v48 or any other controlled setting format that people play outside the everyday battles that happen naturally within the game; doesn't mean the rest of the game is lost on all of them because they enjoy things beyond the obvious main draw of huge scale combined arms. I'd never in a million years actually argue for Planetside to be changed to a purely fixed format lobby game but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see/participate in organized outfit scrims and events that take place in more controlled environments.
Not all of us. Just a "Select Few", the rest of us enjoy to fight how the game is intended. And by luck, those "Select Few" are also the ones that made the ps2onps4 section useless with thier threads of 1v1s and 12v12s.
That is true. I have been playing fps games for years on console and so have a lot of competitive players on my friend's list, but majority of them play popular games like CoD, Battlefield, Uncharted, and new FPS games like Division. Planetside 2 on PS4, on the other hand, lacks good talented players because our majority are casual low skilled players. The masses are terrible and have no knowledge of how to actually attack and defend a base without zerging it. In fact, all our large outfits (yes all of them) avoid each other and instead go to low populated fights. Then they claim to be the best. How can you claim that when you're being anti-competitive like that? The PS4 forums shut down, not because of 1v1s discussions, but because the few talented players were telling large outfits to stop zerging low pop bases and instead go to larger fights. But the large outfits, who make up the majority on the forums, ignored their call for a change. Instead the large outfits said they should leave this game and go to competitive games, how they should stop caring about improving players skills but instead should play for fun (yes because dying over and over again with a negative kd is fun), why zerging empty bases is skill, etc. So that attitude left competitive players to hold private matches once in a blue moon for those that actually care about this game just so they don't leave from ennui.
Really hope they would act more reasonable here. Ps4 section was utter crap/bragging/drama/bf, gf amd so many more. Never bothered to talk to thrm anyways. That was utter toxic. Yes few were good chaps. pc glad I joined with u guys. yea yea #pcmasterrace lol
Don't kid yourself...the PS4 forums were so bad because there was no moderation, not because PC forumsiders are better people. If this place was mismanaged as the PS4 forums, they would be just as bad as, if not worse than, the PS4 forums. All you need to do is look around at PC master race crap being slung around less than a week into this merge.
The irony here is that we had three locked threads in six months. We had three the first day PS4 arrived. The PC forums are equally (un)moderated, we just weren't crossing the line with the quantity and quality that you guys were. In the end, nothing will change, and PC forums will go on being what they were. I guess PS2 forums now, I should say
PC - cheats, wallhacks, aimbots. I can not know: opponent played honestly or not. PS4 - maximum MnK and lagswitch. I improve myself. Educational. I am looking for my mistakes. I know: this enemy was better than I do at this moment.