There have been plenty of buff/nerf posts and this game is dying posts and suchlike on the PC forums as well. What has been lacking in comparison to the PS4 forum has been the level of personal abuse and playground-level arguments. But today I've noticd another thign creep in - the number of posts in this gameplay forum that are not actually about gameplay (though I don't know how many come from PC players and how many from PS4 players). TBH it is easy enough to skip a pointless or abusive thread and just move on to read the next one
Whilst there's always been a fair bit of "X killed me, nerf it" here, equally a lot of the balance threads here are why the game is as balanced as it is now. And it is pretty balanced compared to release; it is actually hard to find a genuinely overwhelming (or underwhelming, for that matter) balance issue these days.
That's what the forums are really for, game discussions, not stat arguments and drama. These forums are great and refreshing after a couple days and a couple "less desired members" being banned to avoid the inflammatory and derogatory posting, already taking care of the problem we had. Thank you again Radar...
I'd had it with all the '1v1 me brah' threads so the merger with pc is very welcome. I agree with Radko that there seems to be more 'buff what I use, nerf its counter' threads in the pc forum, but even that is an improvement on the outright toxicity of the ps4 forum the last few months.
Why? 1v1s are game related and actually brings new challenges to high skilled fps players that need something other than killing sub 2.0 kd players all day. FevR outfit does them all the time, it's just boring now because it's always the same players.
Ummm..... no. 1v1s on a high level on PS4 are literally who gets peak advantage. 1v1s are a way to teach CQC movement, nothing more. I wouldn't say two equally skilled players 1v1ing is really that valuable at all. 5v5 on the other hand... that's fun, and actually really great training.
just a qustion why cant PS2 listen to there player base when asked to switch it back to CPU because GPU is causing alot of trouble for alot of player both paid and nn paid members is it to hard to ask to have it switched back to CPU please thank you
I can see that. For me anyway, 1v1s improve how I play by bringing to light how I can aim better, improve movement, awareness, etc against higher tier players like youself and Marksman. I guess if you're equally skilled it would be pointless.
Perhaps the difference is that many PC players have been FPS gaming since 2003, 1998, 1996 or even 1992. I'm not sure I've actually learnt anything new in a 1v1 fight since 1998 (not saying I'm good; just there is only so much to learn and it doesn't really change), plus on the PC servers there's usually a decent well populated fight to find somewhere which is really the only reason to play PS2. Also I suppose on the PS4 version there are no scripters and aimbotters so what you see is what you get, unlike sometimes on the PC.
Whenever people challenge me for a 1v1, I ask them to do it in Quake Live. If their response is "Bruh, wtf is Quake? *slurps mountain dew*" Then I know enough.
How silly is that? Planetside2 is honestly wasted on this console kiddie crowd. They rather hold 1v1 duels then do the whole persistent FPSMMO thing? Sad.