To the PC community

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Radko, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Radko

    Thanks for having us chaps.
    Let it be known that, although the vast majority of the PS4 community was ****, there are still those who are okay and don't feel the need to act like an entitled brat. Please just ignore the people who caused our own forum to literally break down. It's a sad, pathetic thing that happened and it's done now but I hope those players never set foot in here and cause drama in a decent section of the forums.
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  2. Eternaloptimist

    You're welcome.

    Tbh I like reading the PS4 forum posts from time to time. Apart from the pure entertainment value, they remind me that some of the stuff on this forum ain't so bad after all. In fact it's ages since I saw RadarX close down a thread, now you mention it.
  3. Eternaloptimist

    Ah, I've jusut seen the news on another post about shutting down the separate PS4 sub forum. You're still welcome.
  4. Old_Cherokee

    Yeah feel bad for the pc guys
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  5. Savadrin

    Don't feel bad for us. We can certainly take care of ourselves ;)
  6. LodeTria

  7. EPIC389

    Now that im back from raiding NC for popcorn supplies and VS for their high tech popcorn machines.

    I think im pretty much set for the ps4 guys to come over.

    BTW. Welcome to the PC forums
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  8. Pelojian

    Don't worry about it people who are okay won't have any trouble fitting in. after all the bad posters will stick out like a sore thumb, we just need to stockpile some pitchforks and torches so we can run them out of town when they show up.:D
  9. Azawarau


    I know im stretching it leave me alone
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  10. The Rogue Wolf

    It's not like the PC base is immaculate either, really.
    Hey! We were saving that popcorn for movie night! We were gonna watch Snow White & the Seven ScatMAXes.
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  11. Scr1nRusher

    Spoilers, none of them make it because they get teamkilled.
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  12. Savadrin

    I heard about that movie. Lot of splattering everywhere.
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  13. FieldMarshall

  14. Nalothisal

    I prefer Rambo Commando.
    The Jackhammer badassery in that one was just great.
  15. Nalothisal

    Also don't worry about wrecking anything in here, it's been a mess since day one.
  16. cubannigthmare

    hello from the other sideee (ps4) i most of had played a thousand timessss!
  17. DuckyPowers

    Clearly you have never see the ps4 general discussions ha. It makes the best of us cringe at the stupidity of some.
  18. Cheezy Q

    Yeah, from what I can tell, it's not the in-fighting and bickering that the PS4 forums had to deal least not to that level. But you do seem to have your own form of drama.

    Maybe I'm just in the honeymoon phase, but so far I don't mind your drama as much. :)
  19. Radko

    There is alot more complaining about the game though from what I've seen.
    Things like "Weapon X is OP!!" or "Nerf Weapon Y asap!"
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  20. Cheezy Q

    Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. But they've also got a fair amount of "What would you like to see?" or "What do you think about X?" threads, too...which I like. So it balances out, IMO. Time will tell if it gets too annoying though. Only been a couple of days since the merge.