To the Fracture Nerf criers.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Dreadnaught Wrex, May 4, 2013.

  1. Dreadnaught Wrex

    So it seems some of you believe the new AV weapon for the TR MAX is OP. Now let me ask you this, how would you balance it? If its so OP it has to obviously have a clear cut issue right? Now, you have to do this while keeping it on par with the other two factions and keep its role intact, and that is long range.

    So you cant nerf its accuracy, because then it cant compete against the NC's laser guided rocket and the VS's railgun.

    If you nerf its damage then it changes from a sidegrade of the pounder to the pounder becoming an upgrade.

    If you nerf its mag size then you make it so it cant compete at a range, due to the fact that you can steer the NC's and the VS's travels very fast.

    So, how do you balance it? assuming that its broken, which it isnt. It does its role and it does it well, like AV weapons for MAXes should be.
  2. Xocolatl

    I haven't personally tested these items, but I have seen some videos of them. I believe that TR's power is at a good point. NC is mostly good, with a few outliers (Scattercannon is definitely over the top, and their new rocket seems to have too much power from the few vids I saw. But I think that can (and probably will) be fixed soon.

    VS, on the other hand (again, from the vids I saw) seems woefully underpowered. It has higher velocity, which is nice. But the power is definitely not worth it, and the dang thing has really unreliable CoF.
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  3. Van Dax

    Well the problem is when people use them against infantry solely. I was defending quartz ridge for over an hour with my buddies-and the thing that finally broke our defence was a gal drop fracture max crash. So yes it felt OP then. Ravens have the same problem. These weapons do the right amount of damage to tanks-but if you made the fractures and ravens as ineffective against infantry as the vortex than I bet you'd see a lot of complaining from the TR and NC who are abusing it.
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  4. SgtBreastroker

    I'd give it a drastic nerf against infantry. People are using it like an AI weapon more than an AV weapon.
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  5. Sledgecrushr

    I think its fine the way it is. The auraxian battlefields are a dangerous place to be. And there are walking armored gods firing a barrage of explosive death. Yeah this game rocks.
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  6. Farlion

    I'm not sure how people can consider nerfing this before NC's guided, 1-hit-kill Raven.
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  7. Lucidius134

    Hell, the pounders got nerfed to 75 indirect damage in the same patch. How much do the Fractures do?

    No Defence: 14 indirect splash hits
    Nanoweave 5: 17 indirect splash hits
    Flakarmor 5: 25 indirect splash hits
  8. Lucidius134

    They're both bad and both need to be fixed. No priories.
  9. Gadamlu


    not quite yet, but soon.

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  10. SgtBreastroker

    It is a 2HK with the Raven to any class.
  11. Lolki

    Most people seem to have a problem with its AI capabilities rather than its AV. Personally I would be fine with it as long as the Vortex was buffed to have similar AI power.
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  12. Bill Hicks

    After more playing against the TR: the fracture is fine. Only bads die to the fracture.
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  13. Farlion

    I meant 1 hit from each arm, making in 2 in total. Not to mention they're guided.
    TR is unguided and needs 4 in total.

    Yet chief idiot Higby is still going to nerf the Fracture way before the Raven.
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  14. Bill Hicks

    I take this back. The fracture is exactly like a hackmax with longer range.
  15. Kireles

    Probably because Ravens only travel at 85m/s so actually quite difficult to hit anything that moves with them? Also the fact they're wire guided means an NC will only have one volley travelling at once so the true ROF of those weapons drops over the distance they have to cover, which is not an issue for dumb fire weapons.
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  16. Stormlight666

    I'd be happy to lose some infantry damage in order to get an increase to vehicle damage.

    I'll admit I do shoot troops with my dual-fractures BUT to be honest I shoot at EVERYTHING with those Fractures. I tend to use them as a deterrent weapon using my fire so other people know where troops are sneaking into a base, or where snipers are hiding.

    After all at range is nigh-impossible to really kill an infantry soldier unless they're being an idiot and standing still after the first volley lands. It really doesn't have a large exploding range so you have to be darn accurate.
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  17. Souleater

    Agreed with Stormlight666. I use VS and TR MAXes and if I kill you with comets or should have retreated after you took the first couple of hits. I've had some duels with infantry while I was using a single Fracture...I think it is less deadly to infantry that the comet but the comet as easy to hit with at range.

    So far if I find myself fighting infantry with AT weapons I'd prefer the Comet.

    I'd be happy to see it do more damage to vehicles and less to infantry, too. Because I thinking of the way this is going to work in Lock Down mode. At that point it is going to be too good against infantry.
  18. Purg

    The funny thing is, if you have to guide them in any meaningful way, they no longer OHK infantry. Perhaps it messes up with the convergence of the projectiles, I don't know. Despite what most people believe, they're not an AV turret on and arm - they have much less maneuverability than the AV turret.
  19. Naithe

    Fractures might be too good against softies now. but no matter what you do to it, when its the only wapon you have, and some dude is charging you, you WILl throw everything at him. doesn't matter if its pounder or not. Right now the fracture is pretty much a (pre-GU7 was it?), with a bigger clip.

    everything in moderation, you could reduce AI damage, altho more then halfing it might be over kill. It shouldn't be so good you'd use fracture over Cyclers for infantry. but you should have some measure of self defence, and there is a HUGE difference between needing 2 or 4 body hits, once people start ADAD'ing its pretty hard to get direct hits in.
  20. Stormlight666

    Exactly why I miss the early-PS1 bursters that would flak for minor damage against infantry. If one did try coming after you, you at least had the option to unload 40 flak shots to try and kill them before they got you.
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