To Scared to Spend SC/Certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WetPatch, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. WetPatch

    With the up coming and inevitable Patch am I the only one who is to scared to spend Certs or SC in this game.

    The game has been out 2 months now and we all have seen how SOE handle a imbalance, instead of fixing something there answer is to release new improved weapons while giving the broken ones a minor insignificant tweak.

    Take Rocket Launchers for example, 2 months in and they have Broken 1, released a not so good 1, and the latest release does even less then all 3 combined.

    SOE whole aim seems to be gouge the customer as much as possible as fast as possible, creating a atmosphere of miss trust and customers to scared to spend on the game in fear of what SOE might bring out in a weeks time.
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  2. TheBloodEagle

    I feel the same.
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  3. Niv

    When there was the X3 SC event they had problem accepting new credit cards so i could not buy me some SC but i made a rule never spent SC on cert item since u cant tell what they going to do to it 1 day after u buy it, poor poor G2A lock on missile buyers.
  4. Timperium

    I'm currently on around 1300 certs, with about 7000 station cash. I'm saving the SC for daily/weekly sales, but I'm not going to spend most of my certs until they have given us the January patch notes.
  5. Windchaser

    Hear ya there. I've been holding on to mine since I've bought a few things, but still trying to settle in on a faction/server. Feel trapped on the ones that I have bought something for.
  6. OvenTop

    Meh.. I said F*** it and loaded up my mosquito with rocket pods, camo, and a2a rockets.
  7. ThereIsNoTry

    I still have 6000 sc I avoid spending (maybe I should get rocketpods and/or some Lib weapons to rank up some certs) because I really don't kow what SOE is planning on doing. Hopefully January will clear that up.
    If not, well, I don't know. Maybe finally quit playing. At least for a while until things settled.
  8. I Keel You!

    It wouldn't be so bad if the person still got an assist EXP regardless of whether the missile hit or not if the target died soon after. Damage or no damage, the Hawk user still participated in that fight.

    Actually, I'd love if they made a pretty major change in getting EXP from combat. Instant EXP for any damage caused to any target. And have the +EXP reward that shows up on screen announce once every 5 mins--have it synced up with the resource gain timer.
  9. Lord Robert

    I feel the same way.
    And with the track record of "balancing" the game by making huge sweeping changes and not just a little tweak here and there, and also the patch notes being completely unreliable and sometimes downright wrong, coupled with dozens of stealth nerfs, I doubt it will change anytime soon.
  10. Niv

    i didn't mean it like that, what i mean is who knew they going to add lock on missile that can lock on aircraft/tank this what i mean u buy something and 1 day after they either nerf it or add new type of wep that much better then the 1 u spent SC on.
  11. DirArtillerySupport

    That was the beauty of the old system. Didn't like what they did to a problem...forget the cert get refunded the points and cert into another system. There are plenty of ways to make money on this game but charging people to take part in a beta test isn't the best way to gain confidence. That being said I never had any problem with growing pains back when I paid 50 cents a day to play Planetside.

    What's even more scary is since cash money has been spent on items now the devs have to tip toe through a minefield so as not to step on anyone's toes in order to make sweeping changes. You can't exactly write an angry tearful good bye letter in forum anymore and unsub for the 11th've spent your money and time and now they have you by the balls...which is why I'll never spend a dime on this game.

    Trust me you'll enjoy the game and it will be completely stress free...if you keep your wallet in your pants...I mean since when did playing a relaxing game involve following the economy of a weapon's stock market value? Isn't that what most of us come here to escape from? How many jackhammers and lashers did you have stockpiled in your locker during nerfs? How about after nerfs?
  12. Windchaser

    I just wish we could respec our certs, too. Hate dropping certs on something then not liking it at all. At least weapons can be tried out.
  13. Locke

    Well yes and no. Taking the example of the rocket launchers you now have:

    Basic - 2nd best dmg, highest velocity, dumbfire
    AT Lock - Joint 3rd on damage, low velocity, lock on and dumbfire
    AA Lock - Joint 3rd on damage, low velocity, lock on and dumbfire
    Decimator - Best damage, low velocity and i think smaller magazine
    Annihilator - Worst damage, good velocity, lock-on only but AT and AA

    The AT and AA should be made to have a better velocity and then I would say all those weapons are useful in their specific niche.

    I honestly think that sometimes even though Sony will be releasing "the next big thing" on the store quite often those things will turn out to be reasonably balanced. I cant think of anything that they have released that is that much better than the weapons from the games release. You could argue spending money on air weapons is a risk at the moment as clearly the balance will need to change in the near future but these weapons are very powerful now and will hopefully still be worthwhile in the future.

    Another way to look at it is this is a totally free game. If this came out 2-4 years ago you would be paying £30-40 upfront for 1 month and then £15 a month just to get access to it. You shouldn't feel that bad about spending some money to make it successful. If you really feel you cant trust them to try and get the balance to a "good enough" stage for you to enjoy it then maybe F2P games with a shop payment model aren't for you.
  14. Niv

    30 min try out is ********, they need to add virtual reality map where we can test all infantry wep/tank-aircraft weps and we can just use shooting range and such to improve skills for those who want, where u cant die no matter if u flip ur aircraft and such since the WG is to small to testing those kind of things.
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  15. Fox234

    This is exactly what SOE is doing. Simple, transparent money gouging. All new content add is "premium" content and costs $7 yet none of the old content has been reduced in price either. With the introduction of the Deci and Anni shouldn't the original launchers been discounted?

    Why is the Deci 700SC/1K certs yet is a simple dumb fire launcher?
    Also why is it "premium" yet shares the same physical design of the Anni which itself is a variation of the NC launchers? Shouldn't "premium" content come with entirely new models, skin, sound effects and animation?

    SOE based the $7 price tag because LoL did it, yet LoL gives me more for my $7 than PS2 does. Also why is A FPS trying to copy a MOBA's store anyway? Different genres require different approaches.

    In the end I just buy everything on deal of the day. The discounted prices are what I think the current 700SC guns should cost.
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  16. sustainedfire

    I think it is best to wait until the announcemnt this month about the future plans for the game.

    I was hording my SC, with the thought being the game is really a skeleton currently, and there is certain to be new additions coming in soon. Weapons, vehicles, maybe other purchasable items as well. This is just speculation, though who knows, for future vehicles they may try to add SC cost to make specific add ons available to your character.

    I believe the people who bought into the rocket launcher that was completely altered in functionality were ripped off. Sure, tweak the values, but completely reinventing something that a person already paid for is not a good practice.

    Currently, the PS2 SC store is running an ANTI AIR BUNDLE. In the bundle it features 2 vehicle mounted weapons, a MAX BURSTER ARM, and a rocket launcher- Everything in the bundle is anti air- except the rocket launcher! When you are looking at the bundle offer, there is no clear way to read a description of the individual items. That is a bad practice, advertising an ANTI AIR BUNDLE and including an anti ground item.
  17. Bearcat

    You should be scared, because SoE already showed us that they will fundamentally change the functionality of a weapon (rockets) without offering a cert/SC refund. Still, it is what it is, and our only two options are to deal with it or quit playing.
  18. Windchaser

    Very true. I was thinking the same thing the other night. You get into an aircraft or something and fly aound the warp gate but it's small and if you crash you gotta wait for ~20 more minutes just to get another chance to get into one to try again. I at least found a way around that by making another character and spawning another craft almost immediately when I first started.

    I haven't played PS1 in so many years, but I think I recall a virtual shooting range there with targets, etc to try things out.
  19. DirArtillerySupport

    SEE! There is the problem...”quit playing” back in the day meant speaking with your wallet and that meant $15 for an unsub for each month SOE didn't pull their socks up. Now?! Quit playing? What and not use the stuff you paid for? Perfect for them sucks for you. They know you'll be back because really..what else is there? Not only that when you come back there will be a whole new menu of silly crap to spend your money on...more silly crap=more sad stories. In PS1 we didn't need all this new content....WE were the content.
  20. Novmiech

    Very unpleased with the rocket launchers - equally unpleased with the sniper rifle release. In both cases I felt like it was SC wasted.