[Suggestion] To all Infiltrators that snipe

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by IronMouse, Jul 6, 2015.

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  1. IronMouse


    I almost exclusively play LA. LA is an awesome class, a real adrenaline pumping experience.

    Of all PS2 flaws, it's still the only game I play. PS2 is also awesome, unique and crazy fun. It allows the experiences like dropping in on a group of enemies, knifing a few, several well placed head shots in a single clip, jet-packing away then another entrance through an unexpected point to surprise your enemies, cause a little more mayhem and then, if everything goes well, walking away alive. Truly memorable moments. You fight against all odds and somehow win. Wow. You feel incredible. And then, after a killing streak of 20+ kills, you get sniped from a crouching, stealthing coward from accross a hill who's not even IN the fight. He's camping for cheap kills.

    LA has high skill ceiling, is a bit difficult to master and requires great reflexes/reaction time, situational awareness, great aim and timing. Sniping requires what... Patience for an enemy player to stop running for a moment?

    I don't mind fighting MAXes. But campers disgust me. Don't you feel bad about yourselves? Suggestion: How about you try growing balls and actually getting INTO the fight?

    Notice: Stalker Infiltrators who play aggressively, SMG Infiltrators who play aggressively and even sniper Infiltrators who play aggressively (met just a handful of those) and can land head-shots in CQC have my respect.
  2. Kalari

    you have your fun and we have ours and no i dont feel bad i feel recoil
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  3. Rikkit

  4. IronMouse

    If you take a look at the timestamps you'll notice I first posted in the Infiltrator forums, and later in the Gameplay forums. I double-posted because I wanted to address Infiltrators specifically, but also the wider audience as it influences the general gameplay experience.

    I didn't expect for the group I'm trying to criticize to agree with me. I expected exactly what I received - a bunch of clueless people who don't read posts carefully trying to justify their cowardice.

    I also don't expect anything to change due to my post. I just want to let you know you are cheap.
  5. Jubikus

    the real question is what is your point other than calling snipers cowards? is there one? many other classes and players in general provide less to a battlefield than a sniper ever had a medic just walk by your corpse? a good sniper will preform with just as much score per minute as anyone on the battlefield those points arnt given to you because of stat padding and who cares if it is stat padding? every kill is one less person to worry about every person trying to counter snipe you is even more useless that the ones you killed engineers cant defend their base from armor columns because your taking them off turrets or killing them as they try to snipe with their AMR you can reliably take out tank mines beacons you have a high point advantage so you can take in more of the battlefield to easily mark enemies for you opponent you can deny enemys areas of cover by placing yourself well the list goes on and on the only.

    In all fairness your actually correct we dont have good teamplay were not with the team we simply deny from the sky we provide plenty of help for a battle but we dont do it with the team then again light assaults dont really stick with the team either they deny from the sky. Because a light assult is closer and not sitting still he is therefore more valid in helping the team even tho the actual contribution is relatively the same he is somehow superior because hes not a coward? sorry bro but cowardice isnt a reason for anything its not an argument its just a thing maby an insult but this is a game cowardice means nothing only results do.
  6. IronMouse

    You are correct - a medic running over dead bodies without reviving (considering he is not under fire and is actually able to help) is equally annoying.

    My "point" is to draw attention to an unfair style of play. The one that irritates me the most. True, anyone is given the opportunity to camp from within the spawn room, thus being useless and a camper. Many do it. But we aren't talking spawn rooms now. We are talking regular battles. People are scrambling for points of interest. You want to attack or defend the base. You want to control the vehicle terminal. You want to control the infantry terminals outside the spawn rooms. If you're an infiltrator, I could use you hacking said terminals, or joining me on taking the base. I certainly don't need you up on the hill sniping. You are useless there, pissing me off if you're on my side. OR if you're an enemy, you're camping and scoring undeserved kills, pissing me off once again. You'd probably piss everyone on your team off, if they ever stopped and wondered - why am I doing the hard work, while this guy does virtually nothing? Oh, right, he shoots at spawn beacons and spots Sunderers. Phew, good thing we have him, I could never do that.
  7. Shaggath

    It's all about efficiency.
    You can take only easy shoot you raise your kda but you have no utility and you can't break renfort.
    Or you can try to take all shoot, you need to train but when you master that you have an utility.
    And this is more difficult then flank and shoot the back from high spot.
  8. Jubikus

    Yeah theres ****** snipers theres alot of ****** useless ***** on every class ever seen a group of people sitting behind a ro next to a sundy shooting at people to no avail guess what only a few of them are snipers the rest are heavys and medics and engys but theres also snipers that are in a squad go to a base to cap it the first thing they do is hack the terminal pull a sundy get it in a relatively safe spot like on the other side of a wall they go onto the wall or if its indar or a base with hills with a better angle they go up there. They kill people on the way to the point and trying to kill the sundy hell theres some bases where youll never see a sniper like that underground one on amerish (god that place is a cluster ****).

    My main disagreement with your opinion and it is an opinion is your belief that its skilless sure it doesnt require mad jukes because of no movement and your distance but this is traded in with aiming and im talking long distance aiming this is on a different level to regular aiming you have to calculate much much more and read your targets patters if your going to land shots regularly this includes targets speed angle of the direction they are moving and tho its not really the same twich reaction aiming and firing of CQC firefights it is similar people know not to stand still but many people will but they dont do it for very long at all maby a fraction of a second to fire off a rocket or take shots at a guy running at medium range or they have slowed down because hes aiming down sights and firing at somone or looking around or out a window this is your window of opportunity they dont last long and you have to hold breath account for drop and fire a precise shot because if you don't head shot hes probably not going to die.

    But hay i play on a different server and good snipers are rare here for all i know there just arnt any on your server and your 100% right
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  9. Mustarde

    Get good
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  10. FeralBoy

    The good thing is Infiltrators, especially Infiltrators who use long range tools effectively are not the only "cowards" lololol...... if you look into the LA forum there are also "cowards" there too lololol.... sorry, it's hard to keep a straight face or be serious with all the "virtual cowardice" *pffft*....

    You cannot be taken seriously at all when in your other thread you say "all Snipers are cowards" and the real nugget "no Sniper ever impacts a battle" lmao....wow.....and wait, there's more here "LA has high skill ceiling".... LOLOL......

    oh wait there's this beauty...."my point is to draw attention to an unfair style of play. The one that IRRITATES ME THE MOST....PISSING ME OFF if you're on my side or if you're an enemy PISSING ME OFF AGAIN..."

    Seriously, the fact you cannot understand that it takes an exceptional player to be EXCEPTIONAL with ANY class coupled with your apparent belief that only whatever class YOU play takes skill smells of frosted ***. I sense mayhaps you reside under a bridge.

    Well played LA. Well played.
  11. jmdafk

    I tend to agree with the OP myself.
    A lot of snipers sit well out of the battle picking up easy kills or in a spawn room looking for an... easy kill.
    They have next to no effect on the battle. The person killed often just respawns and doesnt stop at the spot he got killed at (I used to go LA and take revenge, which was easy and fun but that does then effect the battle in the snipers favour so i stopped).

    I tried playing infil when i started, both as a sniper and running round uncloking for a quick TX1 headshot. Id just started and found both extremely easy, certainly much easier than playing other classes, but i did get bored after only a handful of kills.

    I feel sad for the genuinely skillful and useful infiltrators. Im sure some of the snipers are good players, but they are tarnished by the fact the majority contribute nothing to the battle and just annoy the person they shot.

    What convinces me of most infiltrators just being there for easy kills is the amount of friendly ones i pass, either stood by the spawn room waiting for the freindlies to loose the point and get pushed back or when on the offensive a whole rack of them stood on a mountainside waiting for 1 stray enemy to wander into there sites. Yes, ive seen 6 TR snipers stood idle while the rest of the team attempt to take a point 200m away in a building.....
    Infact whats with counter sniping? Most of my deaths are to snipers, so what are all our snipers doing? shoudlnt they be keeping the NC/Vs snipers heads down? That alone tells me most TR snipers are pretty rubbish.
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  12. Tamon

    There are a small handful of people who snipe that do what you mentioned. Yes, it can be annoying. Especially those that are still waiting, long after a battle is over, for someone to pull a vehicle at the terminal. Easy kills, utterly pointless.

    In a big ongoing battle, a sniper can be great for taking out engies manning AV turrets, killing medics that are helping their team push forward, HAs firing launchers, etc. While they're doing those things they may take a shot at some careless LA too. Good! If that infil isn't accomplishing much, good for your team! If that infil is a barb in your side, someone needs to go infil and take him out.

    Anyone complaining about "campers" in PS2 has to go back to playing Quake.
  13. EV0_sentient_

    The point of snipers is to take out people who need to be taken out and suppressing the team from advancing to hard onto your team/spawn.
    I play a lot of sniper and I usually pick a place where I can protect my sunderer from HA's and LA's with there C4.
    I'm not a coward I'm just choosing the safer alternative. Where you can take on an advancing team by flying over them into crazy area's whilst I'm making sure no one strays away to flank or take shots at our sunderer. Plus if there are other snipers it's always a good idea to have a counter sniper.
    A good team of snipers can hold down a decent size team on there own, taking the heat of everyone else.
    Our job is to be a pain, Otherwise we failed our job.
    Another great way a sniper can be used better then a LA's is during 2 sided fights in choke points or runways. eg: the Rocky cliff leading towards the crown. A light will not have much wiggle room and be forced to fire from cover, a sniper will be able to widdle down the team, take care of other snipers, and take out people who try and advance to far.

    AND your missing the bigger point, everyone has there preferences, you like flying around taking our people in a exciting way, I like sitting back and taking out high valued targets and other snipers trying to do the same. We all have our uses.
  14. IronMouse

    A guy who hacks terminals, pulls sundies and deploys them, then goes for the point... Is no camper. I aimed sniper campers specifically. They do none of the aforementioned.
  15. Gemenai

    This topic kind of reminds me of the last time i logged in.
    There were allways guys, which would send a little hate tell or cheat accusation here and there when i snipe them from long, medium or short distance. Or when i sit on the roofs or trees in the biolaps.

    But now the funny thing is i even got those tells as i did the same with the archer.
    That's right - the ARCHER!
    I sat there on the tree in that biolab and even set up an AI turret just for the lolz - so you could tell that there was or even might still be an engineer in that tree.
    Seems to me it is still easier to rage than being aware of ones surroundings.

    I mean Archer - WTF - 3 shots to kill, 2 sec rechamber time, no cloak and you guys are still complaining?
  16. breeje

    when i play LA then i don't worry about snipers, only the very best snipers can kill me with a head shot while moving
    this only happens 2 or 3 times in a play session
    yes i get body shot a couple of times but they will never get there second shot to kill me

    when i play sniper most of the time i will snipe you from 20 meters away
    but when you look on your death screen you only see the direction from where i killed you, thinking it was from 300 meters away
    and this is how most infils play
    so do you still think every sniper is a coward ?
    or is it your game play, the thing you call "high skill ceiling"

    but don't worry, i forgive you your post
    in real life snipers are also hated and feared
    only there victims can't cry about it on a forum

  17. IronMouse

    1) I am not complaining because I get killed by snipers. Snipers kill me on rare occasions. They are not my itch that needs a scratch. I get killed by heavies WAY WAY WAY more often. Not to mention aircraft. Snipers kill me rarely. I complain because SOME snipers that play passively and CAMP are a nuisance to the game and general gameplay.

    2) I don't think EVERY sniper is a coward, as stated clearly in my previous posts. People who play actively and give meaningful contribution, those who do not camp, aren't. They are the minority, unfortunately.

    3) I consider myself a decent LA, nothing more. I'm sure there are better ones, but I have a job and a family and I cannot dedicate myself to the game as much as people without IRL obligations can. That's ok, I'm not playing to be the best, I play to have fun. And I AM having fun. Generally, if a LA wants to contribute to the team and be active within the game session, he needs to be pretty skilled. Otherwise he won't last long enough to do anything meaningful. So yes, in order to play LA the way you're supposed to, you need to be pretty damn good. If you want to camp and snipe, there are no skills required. There is nothing easier than to adjust your aim and hit stationary targets from just about any distance. Especially when not under fire yourself.

    Lastly, I don't cry. I'm doing pretty well for myself, and if I wanted to "cry" it would be about other classes/vehicles. I just have a low threshold for *******.
  18. breeje

    you can say what you want but if it looks like a cow, sounds like a cow then it is a cow
    and why post this in the infil section you must have known it would piss off half the infil forum
    let everybody play his game, some like to relax coming from work in the evening and snipe a little
    others like the action after work or school this is a game for all players and all ages
    there are no specifications for what fun is to everybody, this game can be played many ways
    for me it depends on how i feel, one day i play sniper infil tomorrow max and the day after i fly an ESF
    maybe it's time for you to try other classes/ play styles as well
    and place yourself in there shoes to see how they can have fun
  19. Scrye

    Exactly this. There are some days I want to play PS2 but don't want or can't deal with the frantic CQC base combat, so I grab my M77-B and aerate skulls to chill out after a long day. Some days all I want to do is take my TRAC-5 and shove it up someone's nostrils. This is a game, so people will do what they find fun.

    I'll admit it's sometimes annoying during an alert when people don't PTFO, but honestly how much of a difference are those few Infiltrators going to make when capturing or defending a base? Two is plenty to keep up constant motion spotter/recon dart coverage for most bases anyway.
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  20. IronMouse

    I'm sure hackers love to relax after work too. Just OHK with a click of a mouse button. But we are all allowed to have fun, one way or another. I knew it would piss Infiltrators off, of course. I didn't do it to make new friends. :)

    Since you're ready to pledge your life for democracy, let me have a piece of it too - I have the right to believe that camping/sniping, generally being useless, is pure crap. You don't have to agree.
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