TMG-50 - How to use it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by karlooo, May 25, 2020.

  1. karlooo

    Why would you pick this LMG over an NS-15M2 or a T16 Rhino?
  2. InexoraVC

    How to use it: short bursts 4-6 bullets each. Aim for the neck.
    TMG-50 is the one of the greatest LMGs but you need time to get used to.
    For me NS-15M2 has the low damage-per-hit value.
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  3. KhlorosTesero

    Its an ok LMG, as your skill increases you find the carv9 and MSW pulling ahead as they have faster TTKs then the TMG50. I will say the TMG 50 is a great gun to learn on, since its slower firing gives a much more controllable recoil pattern, so until you get comfortable with controlling recoil in this game the TMG 50 is a great choice for that. As you get better, dip into use the MSW, and the carv9 both of which can slaughter in the close range and pretty decent in the mid range. The TMG does have the msw and carv in the mid range but so little fighting is done at those ranges compared to close.
  4. Peebuddy

    It's just another gun to auraxium for the butcher. But since the butcher is an inferior carv I don't recommend anyone bother unless you're really bored.

    I think sony was trying to give the Tr a SAW type of weapon but it just came out as a bastardized version nobody would use.
  5. KhlorosTesero

    Honestly, if instead of the butcher, we got like a TMG 50 that either did 200 damage or 167 at 600 RPM and had better recoil then it would be worth it. I Will say one of the most disapointing things about TR HA, is that the best weapon we have is the one you start with, and pretty much every other weapon is sub par save for the msw which is just the carv with a smaller mag and better handling
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