Title Screen artwork.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VillainousButler, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Goretzu

    This is the best estimate we the players have.

    As you can see the TR and NC have been pretty much tied neck and neck for most population for the past few weeks (the VS definately being below almost never by more than 3%).

    If you look at the whole of the last 12 months.

    You can see the end of the 2013 TR populaiton dominance, the NC Jan 14 to May 14 bulge, and how it's gone back to being relatively balanced again.
  2. ShockATC

    lol what?
    Isnt the NC the one faction that tries to kill everything and everyone that does not obey their "freedom" ? Now come on!

    And the VS just fights you Blue and Red guys because you wont let us have our technology. Actually, SoE f*cked up the story of the VS in PS2 :(
    They were NEVER a worshipping cult. They were always scientists who (whom?) wanted to use the Vanu Technology found on Auraxis. But the TR said: "Na-Uh Dudes" and voila - war.
  3. Champagon

    This was excellent, I want MOAR
  4. Brahma2

    The NC on the title screen got their *** kicked... If anything it's a morale booster for me.
  5. Zotamedu

    I looks good so who cares about it featuring NC? The old one was kind of dated and didn't really match the current game. I really fail to see how a picture during the initial loading screen has any impact on the game. It is a silly picture that you see a couple of seconds every time you log on. How can people possibly be so offended? What is wrong with you?
  6. Zotamedu

    If you dig through the lore, NC actually did act like terrorist dicks. It's kind of hard to consider them the good guys when they have never done anything that is actually good for anything other than the profit margin.

    It seems more like the game is nothing but bad guys but in a different way.
  7. Ironclad Lion

    Nerf loading screen, NC OP
  8. DFDelta

    That TR soviet galaxy pilot is now my hero.
    Who cares for a 14 year weapons lock if you have killed (almost) ALL the NC.
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  9. sL360

    Aww man, that's beautiful. That's exactly what TR is all about. Working together. And sergeants screaming at raw recruits.
  10. FactionTraitsFTW

    What the hell are the guns that the heavy on the left and the light assault in the back are using? They look really cool.
  11. Saber15

    Looks like a shotgun.
  12. vanu123

    I laugh every time i watch it.
  13. -Synapse-

    Don't ask. IT'S A TRAP!
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  14. Jedesis

    I watched your epic GIF like 50 times...
  15. RenegadeHelios

    Well.... In my mind, the good and bad portions of each faction seem to be divided between the people themselves and the leadership, with the people's ideals seeming worthy, and the leadership's ideals seeming destructive at best.

    The VS PEOPLE are fighting to advance the human race.
    The VS LEADERSHIP is fighting to enslave the nations to an assumed divinity, whether they like it or not.

    The TR PEOPLE are fighting to reunite their nation, and reconcile themselves with their own bretheren.
    The TR LEADERSHIP is fighting to reunite the nation under tyrannical rule.

    The NC PEOPLE are fighting for their own personal freedoms, and the freedoms of their brothers.
    The NC LEADERSHIP is looking for the fastest way to make a buck, even if it's by the lives of their people.

    This is how I see it, anyway - canon or not. I do agree that the VS seem to be the bad guys, overall, as both the people and the leadership seem to be encroaching on personal identity and security.

    The TR, on the other hand, are legitimately fighting to reconcile relations. The only problem is, the leaders wish to enslave the people underneath them in a form of tyranny.

    The NC, lastly, seem to have the most positive ideals overall - the people are genuinely fighting for freedom, and the leadership doesn't wish to enslave the people like the other factions - they just want to cash out the fight.

    But yea. Totally non-canon, but I like these kinds of faction sets.
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  16. Xasapis

    Personally I would have liked a wallpaper version.