Tired of aircrafts domination.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kristan, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. daniel696

    "tired of aircrafts domination"
    I laughed.
  2. Goretzu

    I think you can, at least for smaller battles.

    The killpower the bring (importantly with almost no risk to themselves) to smaller battles is waaaaaaaaaaaaay overpowered at present.

    You can argue whether or not they are directly OPd in taking/defencing a base to a degree, but in the amount of exp they get for very little risk in these situations there is NO debate, nothing else comes remotely close.

    No a counter is something that can genuinely kill something even if that something does everything RIGHT.

    A deterent will not kill anything unless they do something WRONG - this is how AA currently (and has always) worked. If you die in the air it is because you got greedy (or occasionally unlucky - that always can happen) and didn't bug out quickly enough.

    Air dies to AA in PS2, but it's never a case of there being no escape from AA, it is either the above or people being inexperienced enough to get out.

    AA is much, much stronger for newer or poorer pilots than it is for more experience and better pilots, to be honest I don't see how an experience and good pilot could die to the current AA (barring the odd bit of bad luck - no one is immortal).

    If the Lib is just hovering there, trying to trade blows, perhaps.

    If the Lib is being flown in a remotely sensible manner, not so much. A Lib can knock out a Skyguard in a few seconds (literally), all it has to do is be flown in a way to avoid taking enough damage to do that.

    It's 16 seconds (IIRC) for a non-composite Lib to be taken down by a skygaurd, even with 3 that gives the Lib 5.3 seconds to take out a Skyguard (more than enough time, almost enough time for 2 infact). Add in composite and some decent flying to LOS or throw off some of the incoming flak and 1 Lib vs 3 Skyguards becomes very winnable for a good Lib crew.

    But the reality is that the Lib just flies off to farm somewhere else, or does quick runs killing the Skyguards one by one.

    If is both, since the last buff the defense has increased significantly and the offence is still very, very high.

    This exactly why you've started seeing Libs getting 10,000 of experience small base fights, it is in fact very similar to the release Liberator farms........ before SOE were forced to nerf them because of it.
  3. Zar

    no flying aircraft lol podders are blown up before i even look at them xD im talking good pilots they don't run flak armor so they die quick learn to lead its awsome =3