Tips for a new Light Assault

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Vallos, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Vallos

    Hi, I am going to play Light Assault, but I can't decide which faction to choose. My question is: What faction is the best for Hit-and-Run tactics? I mean which faction has a gun with a big magazine, high rate of fire and high accuracy? Can you give me some tips for the Light Assault, please? (eg.: What should I invest CERTs in?; Carbine or Shotgun?; etc.)
  2. VKhaun

    The TR (Terran Republic - The red and black people) is your only faction with extra big mags, and they do love their high RoF. Just be careful what weapon you spend your certs on. If you like hip fire for example, only one will have both softpoint ammo (more damage at short-medium range) AND the second stage ADAVANCED laser dot (rail item for better hip firing). The rest will only have the regular laser dot and maybe no softpoint ammo option.

    Shotguns are good to get eventually. Their slug ammo option and a 4x scope makes them into the best long range option you have and they are surprisingly good at being used long range. Up close with regular shotgun ammo though, they are tricky. You need to be very close for them to be better than a carbine.

    Note: The automatic shotguns have select fire built in so you can set them to semi-auto, and all of them get the same amount of extra ammo (+4) from extended mags. Don't buy the semi-auto one to get two more bullets.Get the auto you like better (reload time or firing rate.) and set it to semi when you use slugs in it.
  3. Vallos

    Thanks, but can you suggest me a TR carbine that has both soft point ammo and advanced laser dot?
  4. VKhaun

    No. It's no easier for me to find that information than it is for you to find it.

    Just open up your cert window on light assault and expand the lists for the carbines. Look for softpoint under the ammo category at the top (not all have an ammo category and can only use default, so you might not see it right away) and look for the laser sight/dot to have two unlock blocks in the rail category, as opposed to just one.

    But again, this was just an example. If you don't like to hip fire and always want to use the sights, there are better options like underbarrel grenade launchers (same slot as the laser sight, so you can't have better hip fire AND the launcher) or if you like getting up high and shooting long range, there are weapons with 'high velocity' ammo that are better for shooting long range. Though again I personally feel like Slug is better than those... but slug fires slow and has a ton of recoil on a small mag. Sounds like you prefer the full auto style.

    The shop window (make sure and check a class and weapon type box so shotguns aren't next to carbines and stuff) is a good place to compare weapon stats, and then the cert window is a good place to compare what attachments they can have. Take a good look around and save your certs and station cash until you know what you want to do. Play a few days with a naked default TR carbine and see if you actually ever hip fire, or how often you end up up high... only you know how you play and what weapon would help it the most.
  5. Unbound

    The weapon you're looking for is called the LC2 Lynx, it has the stage 2 laser dot and the soft point ammunition, be aware though that you're giving up the utility of some weapons attachments to get them.
  6. Floris

    Quote: "softpoint ammo (more damage at short-medium range)" is wrong. Soft point does less damage on short range. On medium range it does more damage but you'll have a harder time to hit. On LR you get less damage and the slower bullets will make it even harder to hit anything.

    Anyway, TR is your way to go as it's infantry weapons have hi rof and good accuracy, in general.
  7. Badname3073

    If you are going to play TR, I suggest getting TRAC-5 S, because it gets all possible attachments. For example, you can attach the silencer, high velocity ammo, 6x scope, grenade launcher, and pwn the battlefield.
  8. Vallos

    Thank you all! I think I will be TR with TRAC-5 S with 3.4x Scope + Grenade Launcher + high velocity ammo + silencer
  9. Krona

    Maybe the Nighthawk does, but the Pandora has no fire select.
  10. Snarkyfoo

    I dunno if it does or not, but the Nighthawk's RoF is so easy to control with some trigger discipline, that having a fire select seems pointless. When I first started using it, I assumed it was semi-auto, and didn't bother to hold the trigger down until two days later! :p

    Also, I'd suggest the second reflex sight, as that 3.4 scope often gets in the way at a Biolab, where the light assault's utility reigns.
  11. Steppa

    My suggestion to someone who's new to the class (or the game) would be not to worry about LA tactics at first. The very first thing you need to do is learn the various base layouts and how they are capped. By layouts, I mean that from the LA perspective. How to get around up in the rafters, on top of things, looking down at the backs of the enemy. Learn the in's and out's of the fortress wall towers and the walls themselves.

    There are tricks aplenty, but if you know how the buildings (with their myriad ledges, nooks, and crannies...THANKS DEVS...) you will be a better LA in shorter time.
  12. FallenArchon

    First pick VANU then
  13. DonSuave

    2 Packs of C4 - extremely costly, but turns a wimpy flyboy into an AMS Sundy hunting machine who can single handedly snuff out an offensive. Also, the thrill of sneaking behind MBT's and blowing them sky high is easily worth 700 certs. I feel naked with it.
  14. FritoBandito

    100x this. Along the way you will also learn the ins and outs of the jetpack and how to judge where you can make it to. A lot of the angles can sort of be clung to as well if you are able to hold forward and angle yourself right which can let you recharge your jetpack to make a higher leap. Your mobility is your greatest asset.
  15. irishroy

    TR has high rate of fire, low recoil, but does less dmg per bullet.
    ==> is for people with 0 skill :D

    go new conglomerate! ( :D ) they have more dmg per bullet, fire also very quick and have more recoil, but the recoil is easy to handle after some practice( ~ + - 1/2 weeks).
    fire some bursts of 3-6 bullets and everything is fine^^