Time To Kill A Player is too Fast

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mhollo15, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Xasapis

    What's your FPS like?
  2. Smeh

    TTK in PS2 must be different. Now it just like ARMA. And we all know no one play ARMA themself. IT is boring, pointless and idiotic - run 10 minutes and be killed for 0.__ second whith no chances to defending. Especial whith such thing as Harassers instakill tank that can be healed MOVING!!!!
    Most time game dead.
    But this is SOE - it only make money and not intresting evolve their porducts.
  3. Salganos

    I understand the sentiment, when comparing to other FPS titles. The TTKs and the prevalence of OHKs aren't any worse than my memories of, say, Halo, where I would say they worked reasonably well, and would in any remotely similarly paced game.

    The difference for me is that:
    a) I can't figure out the guns, as the gunplay model is very different feeling from any of the shooters I've been familiar with, ever; it has all of the cone of fire widening and such one sees in games that reward people for standing still and crouching to fire, yet somehow manages to make that a complete trap;
    b) the flow and pacing of this game feels entirely different from that of an arena shooter; there are persistent dedicated objectives, the need to hold them to the point of perfection for long lengths of time, and the capacity for enemies to completely destroy one's access to those objectives, often as suddenly as they destroy players; it's a supposed strategy game where there is rarely such a thing as a fight of attrition, mostly just sudden overwhelming crushes, and the rapid insta-kill/insta-revive feel promotes that, heavily downplaying the strategic feel.

    I don't feel that the short TTKs allow for a gameplay experience nearly as tactical as warranted by what is ultimately also a strategy game.

    On foot, I can kill people, and I can be killed, but I rarely feel like I can actually get anything properly done. If I just wanted to kill people and nothing but, I'd play something else.
  4. Salganos

    Usually alright. Better during these last few patches. The value bounces between 70 and 20 depending on the crowd, and lately doesn't even stay at 20 in extremely large/crowded fights, just bounces a lot and looks mostly fine. Open terrain is usually at 30 to 50, depending on how the game's engine feels*, usually above 40 since I turned off the shadows.

    *Several months ago: Liberator belly gun while landed, staring at mountainside behind landing pad: 50 fps; staring directly at landing pad: 15 fps. ._.
  5. simmi1717

    I agree the TTK is ridiculously fast. I have played other FPSs too and it's more fun if the fights last a little longer. Ex: Unreal Tournament. Halo. Counter strike. Serious Sam. This game has the fastest TTK which is pretty stupid especially since there are so MANY people around to kill you that you die frequently instantly if you even blink.
  6. Sharpe

    And here I was thinking PS2 had a low TTK.
    6 or 7 bullets to kill a player is an immense number.

    I'm used to ARMAs, hardcore BF's and hardcore CoD4:MW servers , it feels like a small eternity here in PS2 to drop someone.
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  7. Chun

    WOW, Counter Strike
    In CS , TTK can be lower . Aim for head, 1-2 shot, 0.1 sec? AWP, 1 Shot on body
    but their gun have high recoil which make it look like they got Long TTK

    PS2's TTK is longer than COD(0.2sec?), BF3(0.3-4) and PS2 have 0.48-0.6 (on body)

    increase TTK? better to increase recoil
  8. MykeMichail

    TTK's are very shot at close range, but if you increase them by lowering damage, then long range TTK's will increase immensely.

    At close range, its pretty easy to keep all rounds on target. But at long range, you have to control for cone of fire bloom and random recoil which makes it impossible to get all rounds on target at full rate of fire.
  9. Oblomoff

    Games like CS, BF, ARMA are allowed to have as short TTK as they like because they can be run from a dedicated server nearby, reducing network lag to a manageable amount. PS2 on the contrary is run from a server far away and it has processing delay. Because you just can't do 200 vs 200 people in real-time. PS2 sacrifices something for that. Like where enemy is aiming, the infamous ADAD warping and such.

    When you hear the first hit you are already without shield to the guy who's shooting you - The TTKs for close combat oriented weapons are around 500-600 ms, let's say server delays are 75-100 ms for both players and processing delay is negligible. even with reaction time as low as 50 ms, the enemy has 250 ms to damage you, and you only then start returning fire.
    (what I wrote above may be completely wrong but I don't know the ways to make client-side hit detection work another way, please enlighten me if you do)

    That makes most 1v1 scenarios "whoever flanked wins" if both players don't miss. And it also makes 1v2 scenarios viable for 1 player, instead of for organised 2 players. Some would say that's strategy. And I would agree with them. But I would also say that if we consistently got dominated by organised fireteams of 3-4 people we would fight fire with fire - use teamwork ourselves. Which to my mind would make the game better, even for beginners and players with low reaction times, computers.
    But yes, I did like the "war" feeling where you just die randomly, even if you are already running for cover 2 meters away.
  10. IamDH

    Someone hasnt played CoD
  11. Assist

    You're right about the TTK being too short, anyone who thinks otherwise is probably a twitch nub who relies on luck rather than skill. Any 'skilled' player out there will tell you that a longer TTK is just a larger benefit to them, which in reality means that a longer TTK is a higher skill ceiling.

    But, that's also why SoE doesn't want to change the TTK. They like that any nub out there can twitchshot and get a lucky kill, those players feel like they're a badass for it, but in the end what it's going to do is drive the good competitive players away from the game. To be honest that's happened for the most part already. Many of us have been asking for the TTK to be revised since beta, but the developers refuse to comment on it.
  12. Cuze

    I find the TTK to be fine at close range, but is painfully long at long range. This discrepancy means most long range weapons are ineffective, and forces fights into close combat where you end up with 15 guys hiding behind the same rock with nowhere to move.

    However, Spawning logistics are more important to determining strategy and how a game is played than TTK. Rapid respawns leads to an arcade shooter, COD being a good example of a low TTK arcade shooter and S4 League being a good example as a high TTK arcade shooter. Alternatively, games with slow respawns or round based combat lend themselves more to strategy and trying to gain positional advantages. Gears of War fits the high TTK, while Neotokyo (very interesting HL2 mod) had an almost 0 TTK.

    The real reason the primary strategy in PS2 is to throw bodies at it until it crumbles is because death has almost no meaning.
  13. TechMechMeds

    Necromancer level 5.

    Any game that boasts that it is an mmofps, deep character progression and immersion, shoots itself in the foot with a low ttk.

    Iv seen ttk kill many, many games.
  14. gibstorm

    It's too high at least at longer ranges.

    Sorry, I don't like seeing someone standing still. They I line Line up my shot perfectly, pump ten rounds into them and watch them run away to heal instantly.
  15. Unsp0kn

    It's usually the fault of the defender landing poorly placed shots out of panic, I do it myself all the time. 1v1 and I end up aiming at their legs and if I would have aimed for chest/head I probably would have won. So many times I've found myself staring at the death screen going "for ****'s sake why was I aiming at their feet???!"
  16. DorianOmega

    TTK's are fine, people should try some other games before putting a stake into the ground..

    Man you have absolutely no idea what your talking about, have you even played other real competitive within the Comp scene? I have and everything you just said sounds like your talking out of your but, This games TTK are just about right if not too long, higher TTK's REDUCE a single individuals overall ability and forces other players to assist, not the other-way around...

    Just go play a game like Quake Live or Counter Strike, come back and TRY to make the argument that this game's TTK is too short.
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  17. FactionTraitsFTW

  18. MarkAntony

    It's fine. TTK is already very high. Any higher and positioning aka using your brain won't matter.
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  19. Wyll

    If you are purposing to give infantry super armor so that being run over by my Sunderer doesn't kill them too quick, please... tell me more.
  20. Jogido

    lol, why revive this old thread?