[Suggestion] time to increase max c4 resistance?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liewec123, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. LordKrelas

    C-4 became more able to be used, less glitchy, and less suicidal-in-part basically.
    ...You just called a short burst of speed on an infantry unit, to make the LA the fastest unit in the game... You ever heard of an ESF?
    Ambusher Jets are one of the oddest additions.
    Charge used to allow an rapid as hell escape from most encounters, ensuring survival of most Maxes.

    Maxes, in general need a re-work.
    C-4 itself, as Adam says above this, hints at the best ways to easily make it more manageable.
    Let alone, how poorly built Maxes are at this point.
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  2. MonnyMoony

    I thought it was fairly obvious from the context of my post and the context of this thread I was talking about infantry units.......to my knowledge ESFs cannot equip C4, so their speed in relation to a discussion about Max C4 resistance seems rather irrelevant.

    I guess pedantry matters though huh!
  3. LordKrelas

    Not really.
    Phrasing is key here -- And me not paying attention.
    After all, the Magburn doesn't actually make the Magrider, the fastest MBT -- But it is a speed burst.

    Not to mention, Maxes are kinda terminated hard in a single salvo by an ESF.
    Still not sure who's bright idea it was, to introduce the Ambusher Jets, when rapidly moving objects love to desync
    But Maxs really do need a rebuild.
  4. Halkesh

    For the MAX rework, do you think it will be better for the game to have a 350/450 nanite reworked MAX or a 0 nanite reworked MAX ?
  5. LordKrelas

    Class system is crowded, and Infantry-scale arms need a nanite-option, in some regard to engage the nanite-heavy vehicles & aircraft.
    So it's nanite-vs-nanite more effectively.
    A 0-nanite cost max, means no straight nanite-options past C-4 & tank mines, for anti-vehicle.
    A 0-nanite cost max, also would need to fit in with the other classes, without over-lap, which is unlikely.

    So I'd say a 350\450 Max, designed around handling enemy vehicles, or supporting allied infantry, instead of engaging infantry directly.
    IE, not designed to slaughter infantry, but designed to handle heavier threats with infantry support, or supporting infantry.
    At present, they're lumbering machines needing 2-copies of the same weapon, and are either AI guns, or AV guns, with AA being bursters usually best off inside an Invulnerable room (being incredibly PITA to aircraft, in the process..)
    With Archer-fire, C-4, Tank-Mines, meeting maxes, and Vehicles (land & air) both mulching them for cheaper.

    But if they could easily mulch infantry, let alone if handling vehicles, then you have a man-sized All-purpose killer: Which is bad.
    That's generally what people have an issue with the HA for: Too Universally effective.

    So you take your nanite-based man-sized weapons-platform, and have it a squad-support platform, with a vulnerability to infantry, revive-capable by medics, with anti-armor weapons: Now it's a nanite-priced AV weapon.
    Which means Infantry can have a nanite-option that isn't kiss the Tank.
    (And with HA Launchers, being as they are, the idea is that these Maxes take the primary infantry AV role)
    Then you can worry about how it handles infantry -- but the idea in my mind, is to make the Max, the infantry squad's Solution to vehicles, with a focus on boosting allied infantry near it as well.
    Unsupported, it's a heavy-weapon with a vulnerability to infantry.
    Supported, it's a walking-buff-provider, armed with dedicated AV weapons.

    AA variants could lock-down into Walker-Style Turrets, to increase their armor to non-small-arms.
    The standard AV, could just lock-down into essentially a deploy-able Shield bubble boosting resistances to allies.
    Anything AI, would be limited, to prevent it being too universal:
    The idea is an infantry-based AV\AA vulnerable to Infantry. (Mind you, AP should be effective against it)
    So it ends up primarily as Nanite-vs-Nanite in those interactions, outside of Infantry fights.
    With access to Maxes from Spawn-Rooms, might help?
  6. DemonicTreerat

    Nope, not at all. Nor is it time to give people who want the benefits of nanoweave protection against explosives as well. The problem isn't C4, its that a lazy developer gave the same C4 to the light assault, heavy assault, combat medic, and engineer. For a light assault C4 is fairly simple to use - jet up somewhere out of immediate line of sight then drop it and boom. Unless someone happens to be looking up you'll usually get away with at least one brick. For anyone else using it C4 is an extremely high-risk option requiring either extensive effort to avoid being spotted while trying to flank or a suicide-rush without the means to quickly close the distance.

    Fix that by changing how C4 works for each class and a lot of problems people have with it would go away. For the other three it could remain as-is; extremely high risk with a high reward. For light assaults their C4 option would be limited to timed charges with a minimum setting of say 10 seconds. Long enough that throwing it into a crowd isn't an assured kill without being too easy to avoid by random chance.

    Now could the balance between MAX & C4 be better? Yes.

    First drop the cost of a MAX to a reasonable 250 to 350 nanites with a possible 20% reduction from a new A.S.P. perk. Goes a long way to fixing the problem of pulling a MAX only to be blown up without firing a shot and having to wait another 5 minutes to pull one. Heck maybe we'll even see a new class of specialist - the MAX pilot - appear.
    Second, as these are supposed to be soldiers wearing powered armor, instead of making them the slowest and biggest target around make them the fastest & biggest target around. Not vehicle levels of fast but fast enough that if they see the C4 coming a MAX can sprint out of the lethal blast radius. It could be an 10% increase to walk & sprint speeds, or a short MAX charge (that seriously hampers their ability to turn ala PS1 MAX run mode), or whatever you want - as long as the result is the ability to get far enough from C4 to survive provided you're paying attention.
    Third, give C4 proper physics even if it means reworking how vehicles are damaged (which is probably long overdue anyway). At the brick its an assured kill even against flak while the immediate 1 or 2 meters its absolutely lethal to any MAX or soldier not wearing flak armor and even then they'll barely survive. Beyond that the damage rapidly falls off until at 6 or 7 meters its less than a direct hit from most sidearms.
  7. LordKrelas

    So Vehicles have 10-additional Seconds after the LA has reached, placed, and triggered the detonation process, to whip out a repair tool & disarm it with 3-seconds or less of Disarm time.
    While every other class has a suicidal ground charge at Battle-tanks, exactly where the tank is expecting & aimed.
    Basically removing C-4 from harming any tank that isn't straight AFK.

    Couldn't just bloody adjust the damage type so it's not an infantry mulcher, had to just make it useless against vehicles eh?
    Did you figure why LA's use C-4 most effectively, when it's basically suicide for them, and worse for others?
    Adding a 10-second timer on top, removes any ability to use C-4 on vehicles - as the LA that reaches it, and manages it, now has to some-how prevent engineers from disarming either of two C-4 packets for 10 seconds, against a tank.
    In that time, the LA is long dead, the Engineer has disarmed it, or just drove the tank back & then disarmed it.

    So Max suits become the original ZOE, with the speed, without the damage-taken increase.. with the largest health bars, and max weapons.
    Enjoy a faster-than-infantry shotgun max running at you from NC.
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  8. DemonicTreerat

    Geez. Do you people even know how to read? First I was specifically against any reduction in damage against infantry expect for a reduction of the 100% lethal blast radius. While increasing the damage inflicted to something in the area such that it is not survivable even with flak armor. I also said that the timer was mandatory ONLY for light assaults. You know the guys who have the easiest time putting C4 on a vehicle? The guys who can put C4 on a tank that is moving and by the time the crew A) realize they've got C4 on them, B) dismount and not get killed by said LA, C) find said C4 and D) assuming its an engineer that finds starts to disarm it probably has a second or two left before boom. And since one brick going off is all it takes to set of the rest that 10 seconds is a very generous estimate. Not to mention some light assaults would consider a timer on C4 instead of manual detonate a buff. No more getting your charges in place only to get killed by a random grunt before you can trigger the stuff and watching the tank just sit there. With a timer any hesitation on the tank crew to deal with the C4 - assuming they even know its there - would invite death.

    And maybe you need to get your head out of your *** crack. At least long enough to stop killing what is left of your brain with your own fumes. A max running 10% faster (which is no faster than an infiltrator with adrenaline pump) isn't going to become a new form of surgile. Hell I've tried that on my infiltrator on top of cat like and the speed increase is barely noticeable and not even a factor when sprinting. On top of that considering the size of a MAX's hit box and their susceptibility to all sorts of AV weapons they would hardily be dodging shots. The only real difference a bump in speed like that would have is a MAX could - assuming they react in time - move from the "you will die" zone of C4 to the "almost dead but not quite" area.

    You know what, forget it. Obviously your ego is too huge to consider the possibility that you are not the source of all PS2 wisdom, much less have a rational discourse with. Back to ignore you go with the rest of the brats that life didn't beat the concept of their not being anything special or important into.
  9. LordKrelas

    Anyone else isn't able to even get to the Vehicle without being dead-to-rights.
    Vehicles fear C-4 on a Light-Assault as it can reach them.
    With said timer, on the only class where it can get results, you just provided Vehicles with the ultimate cover.
    In 10 seconds, that LA is long dead, and the engineer has already had plenty of time to disarm the C-4.
    Make it less effective against maxes & infantry: Yes.
    Make it near impossible to use against people with a brain, on the one platform that can use it: No.
    If a tank crew can spot C-4 now, with 10 seconds extra on top, they have chance after chance after chance to drain Nanites without having to even pay attention: They let the LA reach the tank to begin with.

    I mention ZOE, as the speed was a deciding factor of the power of ZOE.
    Rather than make Maxes the speed of Adrenaline-pump infils (which is fast enough to catch infantry)
    We just adjust the damage type of C-4 to not one-shot the bloody max.
    As that speed, makes the dreaded NC Shotgun Max, 10% faster -- which people would notice.

    Ah yes, my Ego, after I mentioned how ZOE was partially speed.
    On a unit with a ton of health, over say Making C-4 not as lethal against Maxes instead of making Maxes faster.
    Oh, I forgot, allowing C-4 to work against Vehicles, unless running to it, where the Vehicle is aimed.
    After all, LA's aren't the only practical way to deliver C-4 onto tanks... they're also still suicidal attack runs.
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  10. frozen north

    Unfortunately, the inner blast radius is a non negotiable number with C4. Do to the way that vehicle hit detection works with regards to any sort of damaging explosion, the blast must reach the center of the vehicle. So reducing C4's max damage blast radius removes their ability to deal max damage to vehicles.

    As for manual detonation, a big point favor of keeping it that way is that it allows it to be used as trap. Additionally, the manual detonation gives tank crews a last chance at survival, even if its only barely. Not to mention making C4 feel more fun and reliable to use.

    Also, a ten second timer means C4 would now be realistically defusable post throw, as long as disarming was started within about 3 seconds of the throw. Just pointing that out.
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  11. frozen north

    Technically, LA are not the only class that can effectively C4 vehicles ( tanks... bit of a different story).

    But generally yes, it makes much more overall sense to reduce the power of C4 against MAX suits then to speed them up.

    I mean, for the TR, a speed up amounts to nothing thanks to anchored mode freezing you in place.
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  12. DeadlyOmen

    The gods of unintended consequences smile on this thread.

    The gods of PvP look upon this community with pity.
  13. Diilicious

    Not true at all, as we discovered in the other thread (and which you can discover at any time by logging into the game) you will only ever kill a vehicle with C4 that doesnt know you are there. as such it doesnt matter if you are running, or flying. if theres a tank that you really want to kill, you can run across the map and C4 him with an engineer, why? because hes not expecting you to do that. (i have actually done this many times as light assauts are basically as cancer as this game allows.

    the only time this is not true in a huge open field with no cover (north indar), or trying to catch a magrider while it climbs mountains on hossin. but again, if the tank ISNT PAYING ATTENTION, then you can do what you like and still c4 his ***.

    this is so untrue i dont even know where to begin, 10 seconds is nothing... youd only be dead if the guy saw you coming towards him with c4 in hand (in which case you're rubbish and cant even deploy the cheesiest tactic in the game correctly you deserve to die) but lets humor you. He misses you, you plant c4, he has 2 options, either he can
    1. Try and kill you and unless you are already hurt or he has crack commando aim and is able to get out of the vehicle and instantly get a bead on you and take you out, which if you are shooting at them puts them at a disadvantage already. if he jumps out of the tank with a heavy assault you're dead yea but so is his tank. *shrug* OR
    2. He can frantically try to find where you put the C4, probably while the tank is spinning around like a spinning top, and you are trying to kill him, AND you probably put the C4 ontop of the tank so hes just stood there desperately humping the vehicle trying to get ontop of it somehow

    if theres 2 of them, then its SLIGHTLY more (and rightfully so) in the tank crews favour, one of them can murder your butt while the other looks for the c4, it is a 2 vs 1 situation.

    you also forget that no matter what you do all you need to do is put the C4 on the tank, the tank is then out of action until the crew can resolve it. IF they can resolve it, and if that tank is in battle i.e. doing what it was supposed to be doing (which it will be otherwise youd never have a hope in hell of putting C4 on it to begin with) then the moment he stops with his vehicle its going to be mauled by the rest of your allies.

    So in almost every situation but the absolute most ideal situation for the tank, (a long corridor with you at one end and him at the other) means that the LA will win.
  14. LordKrelas

    So the entire point of the timer on LA only, is in spite alone then, given your reaction?
    The C-4 that is a red-glow, and with EUD, shows up pretty well.
    If a tank is unable to kill an LA, with limited flight, an entire tank's main & secondary top-gun, their own weapons, and needs 10 seconds on top, after not stopping the LA on the entire flight there... Why exactly is this tank meant to win?
    Sure on a Lighting, I can imagine it being a bastard, but it's also faster to move.
    On a MBT, yeah that's a good joke.

    If a tank is out of action, since one got out to disarm & re-enter, great:
    That means the price of C-4, and getting there, death, and not killing them all or scratching them, might put them in a bother for a moment.
    I could've done more with a MAX, and that's over-priced, hilarious, and easily mulched for more nanites, lool.

    If you can't handle an LA with C-4, unless in a corridor at opposite ends.
    I need more of you in a tank, I love easy certs.
  15. DQCraze

    If thats your goal why not just double the cost?
  16. adamts01

    Because I think vehicle/C4 is pretty well balanced. Reducing the blast range won't let it hit the center of larger vehicles, so the only reasonable solution I see is a base resistance for infantry/Maxes.
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  17. omarxz11

    https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/8ug06d/nerf_c4_on_max_ffs/ , i made one about this issue too before i saw your post , and ofc you see tons of dislikes duo to cry baby who want max removed from the game and never get any buff and stay uselss forever
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  18. UrielSeptimIV

    Nobody want to waste 450 nanites and be countred with item that costs 75, and I can understand that. But...
    1.MAX is a infantry and can be revived.
    2.NC MAX can OHK you most of the time (Don`t say me that NC have low range, guns of the others factions can`t deal much damage on the distanse too due to just horrible CoF)
    3. If you died by C4 - blame yourself, you don`t stick with your team that can revive you and shoot LA at range before he throws C4.
    MAXes can be buffed , but some aspects need to go:
    -Medics shouldn`t be allowed to revive MAXes.
    -MAXes shouldn`t be allowed to use terminals.
    After that you can buff MAX:
    -2 C4 to destroy MAX (Or make the ability to temporary increase blast damage resistance, it will require some skill to use)
    -MAX can`t be roadkilled by any vehicle.
  19. rsonny

    Oh yeah. My Scatters instakill all infantry. If nerf c4 I will be god.
  20. Liewec123

    1 tankmine = dead max.
    2 rockets = dead max.
    1 AV nade 1 rocket = dead max.
    several shots from Archer = dead max.
    a few seconds of small arms fire from several people = dead max.
    6 shots from X-bow = dead max.
    hell, roadkilled instantly by a dam quadbike... = dead max.

    puny god.