[Suggestion] Time to balance the Striker?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Elia Chobanov, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Elia Chobanov

    Ok, so this has been brought numerous times. So as much as TR/NC want ZOE "balanced" (I, as a VS who has used it, agree it is not balanced), we, VS (and probably NC) want the Striker balanced. In the following lines I will list the stuff that's wrong with the Striker. I will also compare it to other lockon RLs.

    - Flaw number 1: possibly the biggest issue: the projectiles. They clip/go around terrain and are almost impossible to evade. This isn't a problem with MBTs, but ESF suffer. So let's compare that to other lockons. All the other lockon RL projectiles are EVADABLE by using terrain - by simply putting a rock between you and the rocket. Now you'll say "buy flares" . I have flares. But guess what happens when I use them and I'm still in battle. There's even the myth that Strikers will ignore flares. I didn't believe it BUT I had it happen to me ONCE. Only once.

    - Now there's issue number 2: The damage against ESF. If you want to keep the projectile as it is, the damage should be reduced heavily. It requires 7 missiles to kill an ESF. That's 2 guys. Now imagine 2 guys with Lancers. :eek:. Damage against tanks is absolutely fine.

    So let's sum it up for people who don't want to exercie their reading: The "cheating" projectiles need to go, the damage against ESF/libs should be reduced. We all want a balanced game, don't we? [IMG]
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  2. StolenToast

    The striker never really bothered me somehow, but to me it sounds like the Striker is an actually broken weapon. Like with programming errors. Your whole first point sounds like this. Which means it really needs to be fixed before it can be judged.
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  3. Gary

    Fixed your title for you.

    [Suggestion] Time to Fix the Striker So It Works Properly And Does Not Send Projectiles Spinning In The Air, Or even Have Them Fly Out To The Target To Then Ignore Them And Come Back And Blow Up In Your Face?

    I can see why you went with the other title as this one is a bit on the lengthy side

    I carry my Striker round mainly for Hillarity when these things occur
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  4. Elia Chobanov

    It's been a long time since the Striker was released. I don't think it's a programming error. But who knows what to expect from SOE. Releasing unfinished stuff and such...
  5. StolenToast

    But even the TR guy thinks it's broken!
  6. vanu123

    It has an insane range against aircraft. It is somewhat balanced against tanks, but it just destroys ESFs in a heartbeat.
  7. UberBonisseur

    You know why TR use the Striker instead of G2G ?

    It hits.
  8. sSie

    I wouldn't mind the striker if I could actually use the terrain to block incoming missiles, but that doesn't work with the incredibly precise tracking system. The only way to out manoeuvre the striker is to avoid being locked on in the first place which means either dropping flares before target acquisition or simply, don't fly over TR territory. I choose the latter.
  9. irewolf

    You know, the Striker isn't actually that good. I mean, if you are a pilot that can get locked that easy then it's your own fault really. I mean, I fly my Scythe a fair bit and was shot maybe once, twice by strikers in the past 2/3 weeks. Compare that to how many time I have been insta owned in a tank by two guys with lancers that haven't even drawn for me. Different situation, different weapons.

    I'll agree the bug of it going through things needs to be fixed, but, it's kind of balanced by the fact sometimes rockets just dump themselves into the ground.

    Thing is I play all three factions and loads of people go on about certain balance issues. Unless you have used and then gone up against what you think is OP it's hard to get an accurate judgement. Personally, I have max stealth, because I like to live dangerously, but, just buy flares, laugh at lock-on launchers, don't see the problem.
  10. irewolf

    Go on get a Striker and tell me that doesn't happen about 60% of the time.
  11. Flukeman62

    it started off... ok-ish (if a bit up) but then something else broke it.
  12. Elia Chobanov

    I think you didn't read my entire thread. And I think you're making up things. Sure, I can play HnS all day, but I didn't get a Scythe to do that. I'd like to, you know, dogfight, harass armor... And that usually makes me easy to lock. I also stated that I use flares and what happens after I use them. Then again, I can just go and hide behind a rock to brake the lock beofre it started, but the issue is still there.
  13. koopa

    as a TR soldier, i cant fully agree with these for two major reasons.

    1. the missile tracking is inherent to ALL available lock-on launchers (yes, this means VS and NC G2G and G2A) so only nerfing one seems like nitpicking.

    2. i cannot agree to nerfing the damage when yes it does take 7 missiles, but that's 2.5 seconds to lock on, then 2-3 seconds for the two people to fire off a sufficient number of missiles to down your one ESF. a smart pilot would have either hightailed it out or popped their flares before they had enough time to either lock on or launch one missile. there's also the question of why you're bringing air into what is likely obviously hostile air zones but i suppose i should leave that one alone.

    and as an FYI, i do not use the striker, i use the grounder. same lock-on but i can actually shoot maxes with it.
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  14. irewolf

    You said, "But guess what happens when I use them and I'm still in battle.", but you didn't seem to go on and say anything after that. Am I actually supposed to guess?

    You also said you didn't buy a Scythe to HnS? Hide n Seek? So not to hit and run? So to hover spam?

    See, if you use flares at the right time you have a pretty large window that you can stay in the combat area and still get away. I still don't see what the problem is?
  15. Elia Chobanov

    HnS =/= Hit and Run, well kinda, but you know, I can say the same thing about ZOE: Just shoot it, it needs 2 rockets to die, hurr, durr. Yeah, but ZOE IS NOT balanced. So even if there is a counter - playing smart, there is still something wrong with it. Something that needs to go. Do you get my point now?
  16. 1Jammie1

    Striker is fine on its own. However, add another one or two strikers to that and you're done for. It's just the go to weapon for TR and all a HA needs. To me it seems like one of those weapons that completely negates the need for any other.
  17. Total_Overkill

    True, however the missile flight mechanics were changed.
    Previously, all lock ons for all launchers attempted to "Intercept" its target, regardless of terrain... resulting in missiles consistently hitting the ground or buildings against intelligent opponents that understood the mechanics.
    Then some lock ons got changed to "Pursue" target, resulting in many missiles being out flown by aircraft and impossible to hide for armor. At this time the Striker picked up its extended range compared to every other lock on launcher, and its flare/smoke defeating lock on (Which is ALMOST fixed...)
    Lastly, we got the recent tweak in which our "Pursue" missiles could navigate terrain with impossible precision for extended periods.
    This is were we are now, Armor and Air cannot out smart or out skill these missiles, terrain cannot be used to your advantage, you get a single countermeasure with 5 seconds of immunity... that works maybe 80% of the time.

    I dont have a problem with the Strikers damage, 75% against my ESF... its range is a pain in the *** but i can accept it... its lock on speed is a bit rediculous and its ability to lock and hold lock through cluttered terrain, even that i can tolerate.
    But the missle flight pathing isnt.

    Then again, this is coming from some one who hasnt used flares since december >.> and still doesnt to this day.
    So i could be a bit biased... but i'd liken it more to the fact that im a bit egotistical about my A2G ability and cringe at what other pilots of varied skill levels must go through, let alone the A2A pilots, if one such as myself can barely survive... i mean, who wants to be apart of an Itano Circus every 15 seconds? Because some days, thats all TR territory is...
    I love a challenge, but damn! My fingers have limits people!

    Just look at this poor Reaver! ;-p
  18. irewolf

    Ye, but, by the same logic the Lancer is broken (it's not but by your logic it is). 2/3 Lancers and your tank insta dies. Ye sure play smart and you can negate that, but, by your logic that would be broken?
  19. irewolf

    Honestly people should really try using a Striker for a bit, it really isn't that good. I mean, the only time I use mine on my TR char is if I know we are setting up for loads of incoming targets and I know others will be using them as well, but, the same could be said of any lock on launcher.
  20. Kunavi

    It seems the Striker is pushing people to use Flares and Stealth. Nerfing the Striker is not required(I've never used the thing so don't /Troll just yet), boosting Flares/Stealth may be. Part of the problem here is that Flares are problematic and I've heard a lot of people complaining. Plus the Radar is quite tempting. Also I'd go for Composite instead of Stealth or any HA will rip my ESF to shreds with any LMG. Even Engie and Medic weapons do Dmg to ESFs as far as I remember. Obviously I'll be in more danger from G2A of any form.

    So Flares should be fixed and Stealth could, for example, force Striker Projectiles(And other G2A Lock-Ons) to drop after X" of pursuit. Sure the pathing will still be excellent but at least it won't hunt you down all the way to the WG. So if you're an excellent pilot you can choose to be a bit more fragile but a lot safer from Lock-On launchers.

    Just saying, Nerf/Boost is not the best solution to balance things out.