I think it's a growing pain issue for myself and others newly adjusting to Waterson, but currently I'm having some serious nostalgia for Jaeger in all of its entirety. I originally posted how I had hoped the East Coast servers would all be merged together, but now I see the mistake in doing so. I enjoyed how on the old Jaeger server, the battles were largely small squad vs. small squad. The zerg was still a prevalent issue, but not anything compared to the scale of zerg that the post-merge has brought about. I can't seem to go more than 2-3 hexes in any direction without seeing -massive- waves of tanks, vehicles, and aircraft all farming about (both hostile -and- friendly). Perhaps this is fun for armor and air specialists (awesome to those who are having fun with their tank/air battles btw), but for the infantry guys I feel that the gameplay is still kind of a bit disappointing. Getting farmed repeatedly by a huge Magrider/Vanguard/Lightning spam while attempting to take a base (with friendly tanks doing the same) can kind of kill the fun. The level of lag and framerate issues have unfortunately increased for me--it seems that even with a powerful GFX card and high end gaming rig, I still am choking/bottlenecking with slow FPS in large-scale battles. In other graphically intense games, I can run about 60 fps without any issues, even while recording footage with software. I don't want to come across as sounding negative, but thus far my own experience hasn't been as enjoyable as I had initially expected./hoped for I'm sure there are countless other players (in the majority) who are having a blast with the merge; however, I am not one of these people as it stands. Perhaps it's just a faction-specific (TR) thing, but I miss the old days of small squads and single elements having a direct impact on the battlefield. Nowadays it seems that we're all just a bunch of numbers in the end. I can only seriously hope that the future months will bring about the necessary changes in order to not only optimize the game for older and newer PCs alike (framerate optimization!) but also address some of the more pressing gameplay-related issues--balance,, metagame, and further incentive to participate in an increasingly zerg/numberspam-centric battle.
Since GU3 I've been getting 1/2 the FPS, not too thrilled about that. After I get some playable FPS averages, I'll be able to comment on the merger
↑ This Example.. PHX is taking a 30 tank armor column to fight "Enemies Detected" at broken arch while bypassing and ignoring the enemy platoon detected at zurvan... I got a front row seat to this battle, as I was there alone dealing with them pesky enemies by myself.. When PHX rolls in... It was so bad I started yelling into yell chat about it.. "Poor allocation of equipment is why the NC can't take indar". Our armor is off fighting enemies detected instead of providing support where needed...Thanks PHX! I joined the PHX squad to tell them to bugger off.. but they were to busy talking about what a great job they did taking the base... You won a 48 vs 4 ... and I killed one them before you got there.. so you killed 3 people, with 30 tanks, and then sat in the road for 5mins for the 250xp... *pat on the back PHX.. please use your platoon to fight enemy platoons, let us random solos handle the enemies detected.. You are hurting the NC, wasting our resources only fighting battles where you have overwhelming numbers..
Liberty, I have asked you previously to come to me if you have a problem with PHX. I told you I would address and correct any issues we are having. I want PHX to be the best it can be and HELP the NC. I am a senior officer. I sent you a PM that involves myself and our outfit CO. I personally hold three training sessions a week to train my leaders and members. Phoenix Battalion has never claimed to be the best. Chances are we never will be the best. But we will ALWAYS strive to be. That's why PHX's leaders like me reach out to people like you, who bash us, and ask "what did you see we did wrong?" "Who did it?" It's so we can correct it. So PHX can be the NC's greatest asset. Yet, despite all of this you come here and bash us. It appears you have no desire to see improvements, as you have been given avenues that would facilitate those improvements. Instead you decide to just come and trash talk. What have you done to better the NC? Do you train new people? Do you take an hour each week to go over certs for all the classes? To show them what the different icons on their HUD mean? What a platoon waypoint, a squad waypoint is? How to work better as a team? How to lead better? Do you encourage them as they do a good job? Build them up and reinforce their trust in you during the good times so when you throw them at a tank column later they'll trust you can lead them to victory? (Or "brag" about stomping 4 guys with a platoon as you call it). How many people do you lead every night? Do people flock to your platoons when you open them to the public? I beg you Liberty. Help me, don't attack me. I CAN make PHX amazing, and I'm working on it. Your attacking me doesn't help though, it only hinders. Talk to me, please, don't rant on the forums, it doesn't help any of us.
back on track here guys. the question was about post merger thoughts, not an outfit being under attack. Razzy, respect for what you're trying to do, good luck, looking forward to butting heads with you guys on the battle field. what i've noticed after waterson grew in TR and NC numbers, is my KD ratio has gone up a couple of points. this is not because they can't duck, but because they take turn always trying to warpgate US before they go after each other. NC and TR of waterson, you guys have aprox 40% of the pop each on indar, use those against each other insted of going for us all the time.. you guys knock on our door, we kick you out, then the others show up and knock on our door and again we have to go kick them out. could you please for the love of god, stop trying to warpgate us or do it right, it gets kind of tedius always having to run back to the canyons to remove your people from our closest hexes and then looking at the map and realising that the entire western part of the map is no activity. so in conclusion, either do it right or give us a break so we'll go knock on your frontdoor.
My apologies for jumping the track there Daibar. I've personally had a lot of fun since the merger. I'm loving the big battles, and even more so the fact I haven't been on Indar since the merge. I was never it's biggest fan but ghost capping on Amerish or Esamir, while sometimes necessary, was never much fun. It's also been great fighting against the VS more now too. On Jaeger we often fought the TR as NC, mostly just because of numbers. The VS on Jaeger, while certainly more than formidable, had lower numbers, they tended to stick together very well (impressive organization which has carried over to here) so we tended to run into them less often. It's exciting to hear weapons other than the TR's going off all around me. Overall I feel the merger here has been a great success, I know the TR are having some growing pains at the moment (I'm confident they'll come together, there's some good outfits there), but the NC are doing well and from the fights I've been in the with VS thus far I'm beginning to be thankful your underpop'd . As we spend more time killing each other I believe we'll also learn when to call for help and when to stand and fight, which will reduce the issues the smaller more tactical outfits are facing right now when simply being zergrolled at times. Those outfits tend to be highly adaptive too, I have no doubt they'll be thriving again in no time (assuming they're not again already).
Good: Love our new TR outfits, big fights everywhere, different friends, and new challenge. Bad: My poor FPS.
Overall I've liked the merger with the only complaint being the higher level of activity means I got promoted to platoon lead in AUXG, despite my best efforts to stay out of command.
Good times for all...well a lot of us =) What is this "Indar" you speak of? haha, I'm stoked I have not seen a Crown Queen since last week. Doesn't take me but a few minutes on Amerish to find someone to kill me and get my nerd rage flowing! Sometimes it's just a LOT of players and I stop and gasp in awe, then I die. Lessons learned, save your jaw drops for later eh? You guys talking about the quality of Watersons indigenous players. They have plenty of good players/groups/outfits, ease off and don't cr*p on the welcome mat. Time to go home and fire up PS2! Cya in the field!
^this Plenty of fighting to be had on Esamir, which makes me pretty happy. The framerate drop has been working against me (not to mention the "no damage" bug *oh, my rage*) the zergyness of it all is a bit aggravating, but once all factions establish some more developed Outfits i think everything should even-out to pure amazing
I'm seeing far fewer random platoons, and it saddens me(I'm right now a dedicated Platoon leader for PUGS/Randoms, and it's getting harder to find Platoons at times to lead- the merge does not seem to have done much here) On the other hand , i'm seeing the TR and NC have more forces to spare. Before, my random platoons would chase TRAF across the map. Now, there's a couple of Outfits which are able to pile on the people. ... I've run into some odd things ...that I think are a result of the merge- as far as how the VS now seem to operate but they end up reflecting the population, more likely - and with the merge, it's a whole new dynamic. Speaking of "zergs" - no, the "zergs" have decreased- Now, I'm seeing more platoons that consist of tons of people that will actually move around the map fluidly- thats not a zerg really, it's a platoon - and i'm seeing a bit more independence in VS movements.
I don't think the Waterson players are worse... I think they had more fresh blood however. Low BR's were becoming kinda uncommon on Jaeger... now I'm seeing tons of under BR15's
The merge has brought a immense amount of fun, but the massive lag spikes, fps drops, and overall amount of vehicles kill 80% of it. Either my ISP has suddenly decided to not work as intended since the merger, or the game is so full of people it is incredibly laggy for me. Regardless me play time has declined 50% since merger due to the teleport issues.