Now that Jaeger has merged with Waterson what do you guys think so far? For me it's not as bad as I thought it might be, a pleasant surprise. Speaking for the VS side it seems things are rolling smoothly even when we are underpopulated by 5-10% all the time.
Waterson TR is a little bit more caustic then old our guys. My outfit had two of our fully manned galaxies flipped in the warp gate. This is the first time that has occurred in 1 month for us. Still, great fights, and some good outfits to work with.
NC side of things is a nice improvement as well. Overall it seems pleasant. In an, "oh my god there's so many people my framerate is plummeting but I want to stick around to see this happen" kind of way.
I personally had a good time last night. Had some great fights, lots of people, FPS did go down like others mentioned but man, it was worth it for the fights we had. The best part was I never set foot on Indar. So far so good for me. I am also happy to say NC command chat was decent as well. A little crowded at times but people quieted down when asked to when things got a little too chatty.
A bit of a PITA for larger outfits. When moving 2 platoons, we have trouble with the continent caps, effectively screwing squads since only 50% of the people can get onto a continent. Good things to say about it otherwise.
Love it. I fought on amerish with REAL battles for the first time in ages. It has just been awesome. I've also noticed the VS have slowly fallen to the side. Being easily ignored/overlooked by the much more populace NC and TR. They are just plain hard to find.
It is awesome so far. Battles on Amerish all day. The NC just took it from us, and it was a blast. 60% NC at the end , we held the Ascent, huge attack and epic defense. It was plain awesome. A Massive NC infantry wave won it for them in the end. Jaeger seems to have brought not only more numbers to NC and TR, i have definitely noticed some new TR outfits that seemed to do a pretty damned good job, and most of all, leaders chat today was as active and cooperative as i have ever seen it on TR Waterson.
I teamkilled my first awfully deployed Waterson sunderer today. Many people (Two noobs) were upset. Feels good. Move it next time. Vanu Alliance seems strong. I'd join, but we're a little too edgy for that. Looking forward to working with you guys, however.
Four words. Terran Republic Foot Zerg. Also, this required me to reassess the invasion patterns. Quite interesting results.
Amerish is my favorite continent and there are fights there every day now! Jaeger also brought a lot of good pilots with them so air battles are now more frequent and intense. Really great stuff.
So many people to kill it's rediculous. 14k score a hour was impossible in a ESF on Jaeger. Althought I'm not super fond of the massive groups everywhere. Was great on Jaeger when you could see a small group of a specific outfit and recognize them, or specific players in the Air. Now it just feels like massive unknown zerg vs another, and random ESF pilot after another.
Pretty awesome IMO. I love the fact I can find conflict on Amerish or Esamir at any given time. A lot of new groups to work with and shoot at so thats all good haha. I'm not to excited about this nasty bullet hits not registering stuff though. Seems something that came along with SOE "optimizations" they did on March 1st. Never had an issue before but I hope they fix it soon. I have to log out every 15 or so minutes and log back in to do damage 0_o
Mar Mar, I'm so happy you're a target and not a teammate Mar Mar. Especially since you think teammates are targets, that's just bad form Mar Mar, bad form.
As some of you may know, I am a veteran PS1 outfit leader. I have been through all of this before. There were server mergers in PS1. A few thoughts: 1. I have personally experienced a 30 - 90 fps drop. 2. Recruiting on Waterson sucks. Recruiting was much better on Jaeger. 3. The quality of gameplay from the other factions is lower. We found ourselves saying "this is too easy" a lot. 4. There are a lot more targets which is good for gaining certs but most of them are very easy targets. Not much of a challenge most of the time. 5. Queues suck, even as a subscriber. I missed the Amerish cap that PHX led the way on during prime time last night. 6. The community seems pretty good so far except for the n00b griefers from UTSG (spelling?) who kept griefing our opposing force training yesterday. That is all for now.
Ugh, I haven't had to experience the queues yet, really hope I don't have to become a subscriber to be able to move effectively from continent to continent with my outfit.