Thoughts on the Valkyrie

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Subject851, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Xebov

    Alot of the Valkyrie is not ready yet, but from what i see there are the following issues:

    - Noseguns are to weak, they look like weaker copies of Noseguns used on ESFs and Libs. It doesnt make Sense to get the Valkyrie if you can not stand your ground against anything.
    - No Afterburner, this Vehicle is meant to be fast but there is no Afterbunrer available
    - Only 2 Airframes avaiable instead of 3 (reason?)
    - Rumble Seats are still Passanger Seats, making it unlikely that anyone will ever fight from them as they wont get much XP

    Overall the concept looks nice, but with the weak weaponry and the missing Afterburner players will simply stick to the other Air Vehicles as they have more firepower (ESF/Liberator) and more room for transport (Galaxy) in a way better cost/benefit ratio.

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  2. ThePropain

    The Valkyrie has a lot of potential, for some fun play styles, but the main thing holding back the Valkyrie right now is speed. It's a freaking turtle. A Skywhale can outrun the Valkyrie by quite a bit.

    I think the solution to this is to not increase its base speed, but give it utilities that help it make up for it.
    It should be a more of a Spec-Ops aircraft, not a straight up bomber or fighter; we already have vehicles that do that.
    I'm talking about an Afterburner or a Phantasm Cloak Module. You can only pick one, you can't have both.

    • For the Afterburner:
    • The cost should be cheaper than the Phantasm Module.
    • It should work unlike the ESF afterburners. The fuel capacity should be the same for all levels. Upgrading it gives it more speed boost instead of more fuel.
    • This allows for more of a hit and run Harasser play styles.
    • For the Cloak:
    • I think it should be able stay on indefinitely like in PS1, but you have to uncloak to drop off teammates. And of course, the faster you are moving, the more you are visible. Don't forget the engine sound as well.
    • The Cloak will block new lock ons. However, it will not remove a lock that has acquired or is acquiring you already. It will also, of course, not shake off a rocket that has already been fired at you.
    • Have it work like the a combination between Infiltrator's Nano-Armor cloak and Heavy's resist shield.
    • While the cloak is on, you take reduced damage, let's say 30%, from everything. However, every hit you take removes your cloak energy by 5%. (These are just approximate numbers)
    • This allows for more of Spec-Ops play styles.
    In addition to that, instead of having an engineer stick an ammo pack on the rumble seats (that frustratingly won't stay on at all), the Valkyrie should also have an "internal" ammo stockpile that constantly keeps rumble seat people stocked up on ammo. However, for the sake of balance, the stockpile should also be a limited supply, which can be refilled by an air pad.
    Eventually, after the heavies on your rumble seat fire many rockets, the stockpile will run out, which will lead to the heavies running out of ammo. Which means the Valkyrie will have to find and land at an air pad if they want to keep firing rockets.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the Valkyrie.
    Edit: Why does it like to randomly change the font size on some stuff whenever I post something big like this?
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  3. TorigomaSET

    And Internal Ammo supply would be a pretty cool idea, and IF the Valk is to remain as Slow and Squishy as it is, it Definitely needs a cloak of some kind.
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  4. VonStalin

    looks like potato flies like potato.
    how cockpit should look like on heli-like air vehicle - you should be able to see the ground.
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  5. Praiseworthy Tunes

    I'm a bit worried about using the rumble seats to carry some Heavy Assaults since their "Ground-2-Air Lockons" are still using the "fire-and-forget" mechanic without any possiblity to dodge them. This would, more or less, force most ESF's to fly with Flares and head off as soon as they've been used and needs to wait for at least 25 seconds for the flares to get ready again before returning to battle.

    If there are several of those Valkyrie's around somewhere it could maybe cause a little problem for the airgame and I'm pretty sure that the Valkyrie, if it turns out to be not effective against grounded targets (almost instant killed by AA for example), will be used this way for most of the times.

    Please correct me wherever you want, I would be really glad to hear that I'm wrong about this. :(

    EDIT: Sorry, I've forgotten to mention that I wasn't able to test the Valkyrie by myself yet. This is only based on summing up the stuff I've read and heard about it.
  6. biterwylie

    I think with the flight model not yet sorted my only comment is too the art team.

    Art team! You are the most unimaginitive gamers I have even known.

    The thing looks like a toy medical shuttle rather than a war machine.
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  7. iccle

    Pretty disappointed with what i have seen so far, the vehicle is too small (in terms of passengers) and slow to be an attractive alternative transport over a galaxy, the armor is far to weak vs small arms. It seems to sit somewhere between an esf and liberator but without any of the advantages of either at the moment.
  8. LLancaster

    My 2 certs on the Valk.

    It feels as slow as a Gal but more agile than an ESF (due to the low speeds I would imagine).

    The rumble seats are rubbish, the pilot is going to be focusing on a target in front of the craft and manoeuvring to be in range of the main gun's firing arc. If a broadside strategy is wanting to be the focus, then a gun on each wing would be better. As it stands now, the rumble seats are there for passengers to die to flak fire.

    I really don't like the look of it. If the rumble seats stay, then the area for them needs to be more open and closer to the ground. Passengers in the rumble seats look like they're sitting on a high wall and not in a aircraft. The pilots view is largely blocked by the console which is both annoying and ugly to look at (need to see where I'm dropping my squadies at, but have to aim down to that which limits time on getting away fast if needed).

    The weapons are decent. They feel good and perform well enough (more testing needed) and I think they're pretty close to where they need to be at.

    TLDR; right now it's "Eh." Lacks the speed or capacity for a dedicated transport vehicle, looks very generic, guns are decent, and rumble seats are a death trap with little reason to use them.
  9. Gleaming

    Obviously it's just release on the PTS but if it were on the live server it wouldn't even leave the warpgate. It does feel sluggish to fly and i saw someone mention you need to use the thrust button (space). I think that's how it's meant to be (?) Because if you just hold forward it causes the rear fins to start rotating as if you were to hover in a liberater. And holding space when flying gives you the speed of it. Even if it is not intended it is an interesting flying mechanic which i kind of like, it's just a little slow.

    The weapons on it are a nice but they don't seem anything special.

    The VLG Missile launcher which is an engineer like turret on it, is a good mechanic to have on an air unit however it travels slower than an engineer turret. For balance reasons i imagine as it could be used as AA but in it's current state is not viable for AA, and if the pilot moves a lot it is going to be hard to aim at ground units but would be interesting to see in a crowded situation.

    The M20 Wyvern I only used a little and it feels like a basilisk 2.0. Does the same damage but at a longer range (50m instead of 10m) I don't have much else to say on this but other than a good all rounder weapon.

    The Helion G20 is by far my favourite. It feels much better than the TR's Vulcan that's for sure. It's cone of fire is good at close range but gets a lot worse the longer the distance, it seems good at taking out both air and ground units at medium distance any further out and the cone will screw you over as most of the bullets hit around the target. Might not be best for taking out infantry because of the spread.

    The CAS 14-E Doesn't really feel anything different to the walker (In my opinion). It takes 2 full mags to destroy an ESF and that's landing them all. The fire rate is similar, if not the same as the walker. I don't feel like this should be a main gun to use as it's below the Valkyrie and cannot look behind itself and i imagine most ESF's will be behind and over the Valk.

    The Pelter rocket Are kind of fun to use. Just like the ESF variant it's great at taking down a cluster of infantry and in the VR room can take down both a lightning and an ESF using 2 volleys of rockets ( If all land ).

    The rumble seats feel a little lacking. Currently you cannot aim fully down on it. Which means the Valkyrie has a huge blind spot just below and behind it, same with being just above it and behind. I think the worst part about it is it's health. Currently it can be damaged by small arms damage. A deci shot with full comp armor on will take it down to around 1/4 health and small arms can finish it off, meaning one heavy could take you down if you don't kill him fast enough. Take it into a zerg and the amount of small arms fire you will take means you won't be there for long. It's much easier to hit than a ESf because of the size of it. And one last note is that if you want to drop off infantry you either have to get close to the ground so they can jump out safely or purchase ejection seats as they operate like an ESF
  10. Seededshadow

    so here is another idea the cockpit veiw does need to be changed. i would like to see the steel rods and rivets go away keep the glass shape but go for a canopy better field of view (for some reason u devs love your blind spots) but rlly this is futurestic game why is ns using ww2 cockpit tech?
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  11. Kunavi

    Same for the Lib, it got the Spur and we can't point it down. Crap.
  12. John_Aitc

    I am glad you said that about the vehicle requiring constant vertical thrust to remain in the air. I found this to be a very strange thing while flying. I like that the vehicle won't really hover, but not staying in the air when in forward flight seems odd.

    It is a fun little craft to fly. I worry that it looks like it will fit into a lot of places it should not be like Domes and Amp Stations, and inside a lot of the Hossin buildings with large doors and high ceilings.
  13. Gleerok

    Do you really think Liberator's nosegun are small capacity ? Have you seen in how many seconds an ESF will be teared apart by a tank buster?

    I am not suggesting that. I am suggesting a weak "esf like" nosegun, just for defensive purposes.
  14. AgentRed

    When I was playing with valkyrie it felt a little to slow. I thought it was suppose it be really fast. It is also every weak to small arms fire it that was some what of a turn off for me D:
  15. \m/SLAYER\m/

    engineers should be able to deploy and use AI\AV turrets
  16. DorianOmega

    Valkyrie sucks right now, has a speed that is no where near viable and rumble seats on an aircraft is just a bad idea, make it have manned turrets on each side, MANA AI turrets like what the engineer can deploy but have em fixed to the open sides of the aircraft (like a huey helicopter with door turrets), non of this remote turret nonsense and going to be impossible to make work properly rumble seats.


    Also needs 2 more seats for transport for the vehicle to be viable, currently a flash carrying another person is more viable of an offensive and transport vehicle then the Valkyrie.
  17. Subject851

    Wraith Cloaking Would be pretty neat and would make up for how easy it is to kill, would also make ESF engagement radars more useful.
  18. Subject851

    They should replace the rumble seats with anti personnel gun mounts, and add two more seats like everyone else says. Would probable have to make the craft slightly longer to do this.
  19. xArchAngelx

    I don't think the Pilot should have access to ANY nose gun. Leave that to the "nose" gunner. If anything, the only weapon the pilot should have access to are single fire rocket pods that would be attached under the wings. Not the LOLPods we have on our ESFs, but a fire, wait 3 seconds, fire. Almost like an Engi's AV turret firing mode.

    For everyone saying that this HAS to work like a is some info:

    Just because the Apache pilot has access to the controls, doesn't mean he actually fires them. The pilot should and ONLY fly the aircraft. Not every vehicle needs to have a gun for every single seat. Hell, I'd rather the MBTs have 3 seat (driver, main gunner, secondary gunner), and the lightening have 2 seats (driver, gunner). The only planes that the Pilot has gunning options should be ESFs.
  20. Seededshadow

    we all thought the val died really fast from small arms..... the scythe ppa takes 1/6-1/4 (almost) per shot WHAT THE HELL. PPA's dont even kill flashes that fast! its time for val overhaul!