It appears that most of the resistances are undefined, so it takes large amounts of damage from weapons that normally wouldn't do that much damage to a light vehicle. For example, small arms. Currently one Dalton sets a Valk on fire, so I really hope it will be changed. The forward thrust appears to be broken, so we don't have a proper picture of how it handles, currently you can only move forward with V-thrust, which is nice in a helicopter like way (or Boba Fett in empire strikes back, if you prefer). The rumble seat is not stabilised, so the passengers target rotates with the vehicle, this makes shooting while moving incredibly hard, or even locking on. You can repair from the rumble seat but it is reduced to 1/3 effectiveness as with the harasser. The passenger has good field of view both forwards and backwards, but is highly vulnerable to fire, especially flak explosions. The default nosegun while higher DPS than the drake at shorter ranges, still only has a 550 ms velocity, giving it limited A2A effectiveness (for example, hover duelling), hopefully this will get a velocity buff like the Drake did. The "Vulcan" with extended mags cannot one clip a tank from the rear, and takes a while to do so, it is definitely inferior to the Tankbuster, that is a good thing. The Valkyrie is the cheapest air vehicle in the game at 250 nanites (ESF 350, Lib & Gal 450)
they should not take damage from small arms for 1 and they need to be faster cuz when a lib can out maneuver you then strafe 1 time w/o reloading and desimate u there is a problem. they should not have a ton of health but they shouldnt have so little either. i sugest 2 more rumble seats with anti personal turrets one type no more so u can at least shoot down esfs and infantry but no tanks or lib/gal. mana turrets w/o shield would be perfect. i would like to see a stealth aircraft and thought it would be a good idea on this but after getting my hands on it i dont think so. but none the less this aircraft is a major diapointment and i hope you guys re-vamp this cuz in its current state it does not fit it has no purpose except to look cool (it does look cool esp with trim XD)
For a close air support aircraft it get absolutely rekt by small arms fire. Even with composite armor.
The Valkyrie in its current state is a loot pinyata. If it were to go to live in this state it would effectively be useless. The first thing is it extremely slow with a close third person FOV taking up a majority of the screen. Even without the hud completion from within the cockpit, its speed is comparable to that of a galaxy. To make matters worse, they do not have a afterburner option so it's easily chased down by liberators or esf's. We were watching Augr on the test server fly his galaxy around easily smash into said Valkyries without a problem. While augr is an amazing galaxy pilot, It shows the lack of maneuverability as compared to a galaxy, liberator, or esf. The TTK on all of the guns is extremely slow. The wire guided missile launcher for example moves slower then the vehicle and fizzles out before it even makes it near the target. My gunner was telling me "I can't even see the rockets." they move slower then the vehicle does they don't really appear on the gunners screen. You would need to effectively hover in place for it to be useful. The rest of the weapons are inaccurate with slow ROF. The health pool on the Valkyrie is pitiful at best. With the slow nature of the vehicle and large surface area, it is a prime target for daltons (that 1 shot set it to fire), dumb fires and tank rounds. To sum it up, it is slow, can't kill anything and has no survivability. It's only redeeming factor is it has a rotatable front gun that costs relatively low resources
Initial thought are I love it because it handles like a helicopter with a bit of galaxy mixed in. I hope the whiners don't get it reverted to the boring standard flight models. It could definitely use some more horizontal thrust though, people don't really pay attention and see that space is firing those thrusters too. The cockpit needs a re-design for it's flight model, it's impossible to fly in first person without free looking the entire time, and even third person could be angled a bit higher. Guns are ok, no idea what will shake out as too much. I still wish there was some faction flavor on any of them. Also I noticed it can't equip faction specific camo, I hope that's a bug.
Some people think its going to be good for lockons. I doubt that. Trying to lock on from a vehicle in motion where you are on the side 180 HFOV and 90 VFOV and the target is a fast moving aircraft I dont see working well. Also phoenix missile might sound good but their speed is so low that they hit the valky itself if its moving. Also the 300m range limit. Dumbfire RL I dont think work either. People have enough trouble making good hits with dalton which has superior span of firing angle, travels much faster, has much less drop and reloads faster. You have to be close to the target and hover with your side facing it. Sounds bad for an aircraft. Any kind of side mounted A2G weapon must have very fast projectile like walker or lots of splash like bulldog. Also infantry are very limited in rocket ammo. Infantry weapons just arent good enough for airborne rumble seat, if any. Cant wait to see how it turns out.
I tested it on a magrider and it can one clip to the rear. But the time it takes and how close you have to be to it will not make it easy.
This is why they scrapped the lib camera guided belly gun. It passes that 300 meter range in no time and it just kicks you out to prevent a loading screen.
Sounds like you thought my post was about missiles range. I about the range limit. What I talked about was that the missile disappears as soon aa you fire it often. You dont even see it or and explosion. The reason is probably because its slow spees makes it fly into the valky unless its hovering in the air like a sitting duck.
They need to add a couple more seats to this TRANSPORT vehicle. Its not designed to be a fighter I assume. Therefore allow more than 4 to comfortably fly from one place to another. This does not feel ready for this month. Late September we will get this thing at best.
Personally I think it handles like dream (at rank 3 evasive airframe), but its completely lacking in purpose. As it stands, its too weak to really be a gunship with carrier support (a "Hind") and its too fragile, carries too little and is too slow for insertion (a "blackhawk"). The lack of afterburner means if you come in low to drop off troops that you will likely never make it back up due to rockets. The cost of the ejection seats to bypass this ***** you for any other utility. The lack of 4 passengers makes it useless as a transport in general. The rumble seats themselves give no purpose other than to make your crew motion sick prior to landing. Theres still a lack of a **** button for transports too, which I mean, cmon SOE. Its too much hassle to kick people out over bases manually if they cant hear you on the mic yelling to get out. A **** button would solve alot of headache. My list of improvements would be: Give Pilot afterburns and a utility slotarklight Spotlight and Launcher: Smoke. This allows the pilot to get down to the ground, drop troops in smoke cover and bug out. Bonus points if the smoke is faction specific, which would give the Val a recon spotter role too. Pairing faction colored smoke with scout radar and marking targets would be very satisfying. Darklight spotlight would also give it a helpful role. Place 2 interior slots for additional passengers. This allows medic triage and hotswapping engineers out for heavies with rockets. This also ensures you atleast have SOMEONE to drop when you get flakked to hell and back. Cheaper ejection seat cert would also make it an more appealing and tactically sound option. 250 sounds way more fair than 500.
Valk is horrible to fly. Been waiting for it since it was announced, but I'm really disappointed in the handling.
My opinions so far are that this thing is going to make lightning offensives a reality with the CAS-14 making for a fantastic force multiplier. But I think it needs two things. 1. Pilot operated, forward facing grenade launcher. This would allow the pilot to front load an attack with either damage, smoke, or flash and ensure the two jumpers can clear an area or arrive safely. It also would still differentiate it from the gal in that it would rely more on the combined efforts of the Valk team rather than endless dropping troops and bombing an area. 2. Galaxy style rumble seats. Without these it is incredibly cost prohibitive to run an attack from a Valk as the only viable passengers are light assaults. With them you could see fast response forces and a mix of troops, including maxes. With these two things and a proper flight model (the current one needs to be fully functional to determine) I think we'll have a valuable new tool to use and not just another dot in the sky to shot down by everyone.
If it's really that slow.... then it's a good candidate for.... ...Wraith Cloaking. h8'ers gon h8 .... but deep down, everyone knows it's what this craft was meant to have
Cloak then fly around dumbfiring ESFs and libs, it'll be glorious! not... Can't wait to drop 10 mines onto a convoy though, or better yet 40 mines using a full squad.
I enjoy it. It might have a low flight speed, but man is it maneuverable. Seems like it would be nice to have on Hossin, dropping off rocket teams on those inaccessible plateaus, using the tree canopies as cover. Seems like a good special teams vehicle. Not every vehicle needs to be intended for strictly killing. Think of nook and crannies you can place spawn beacons in now, or how easy it is to quietly flank an enemy without the bulk of a galaxy and where terrain would usually stop you. Drop mines behind enemy armor lines on reinforcement roads. Drop Infils on enemy vehicle terminals and have them draw Sundies to attack the enemies rear. This vehicle seems very versatile to me. On things people suggested: I see no need for a smoke launcher, the Valkyrie has rumble seats, equip your weapons with under-barrel smoke launchers. They are horribly underrated. On that note use them just for cover while landing? Why not fly over enemy positions pop smoke on their heads? I'm not opposed to afterburners or wraith cloak, but I don't feel they are necessary. That darklight spotlight idea is awesome! I have no idea how it could be implemented, but I love it. Just the idea of a spotlight in general, not just on a Valkyrie, but anything. Things I'm not really fond of: I think 50 meters seems pretty short for thermal scopes, especially with the vehicle speed being so slow. The decal position is horrid.
Oh my. Well. Valkyre right now is complete crap. HP and resists are suck, it have good maneuverability but ****y acceleration. so how it shoul survive? weapons suck. banshee-analog-thing: it have half of banshee RMP and indirect damage? oh wow vulcan-analog-thing: wow it even worse then vulcan! please soe can we have saron or enforcer? lolpods-analog-thing: wow it have half of splash damage than lolpods! ground peasants will not be harm! oh wow rocket-thing: it two times worse than hornets! whooow drake-analog-thing: oh wow it carrying two rumple-seats peasants? wooow probably in case they want to place beacon on cliff. cause in other scenario they dead.