[Suggestion] Thoughts on cosmetics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by qquqq, May 23, 2016.

  1. qquqq

    After playing on all factions for a good while I have noticed a few things which are outliers in the way that cosmetics affect the gameplay.

    TR is not distinct enough; the esf and mbt is very similar to NC, the faction color do not contain a bright color (I have posted this before). The TR light assaults jets are easily confusable with the VS

    The NC has no light up classes, the TR have infiltrators back light up, the VS have the infiltrators and engi back light up. this seems too random to be balanced by some other factor.

    Helms should say if they light up at night. I purchased an "extractor" helm and wore it for a long time not knowing I was showing snipers were to shoot till I saw it on some one else. I regretted my purchase.

    The commander helm is an item which can be used to disguise you as NC the faction color should be used instead it would be more appropriate for a 'commander' to fly their team colors.

    It would be nice to have continent based cosmetics for easy switching different helms with different camos and decals are not as hot swapable as the all camo button
  2. TrolKabu

    I had much more trouble identifying foes from allies in "modern" Battlefields than in PS2. Fighting at night may prove harder to identify targets. But that's the point of night fights... Only the pink and white camos can confuse enemys. And I think you didn't understood the point of lighting helms. Sam Fisher knows.

    HEY DONT FEEL BAD about your helm u wore to get sniped because for me im just so good so i have to make this game harder i wear this helmet everyday all day [IMG] lol still feel bad well u shouldnt because i still get killfeeds and reck everything i guess this helmet just scares them off then i shoot them in the back i acually dont get sniped to much because im allways on the move and i move eraticly lol
  4. Pelojian

    if you want to see what helmets look like at night you could always get a buddy or made a second account, go into the VR and have your buddy/second acct wear the helmet in there during the night so you can see.
  5. KaletheQuick

    I for one think the game needs a third person "slefie" mode. Like how you can look at yourself in the Elder Scrolls games by holding tab or something. This could be abused to look around corners though. So limit it to zones without enemies or something. The 'preview' window isn't good enough because it has some particle culling issues, and does not let you see how you look next to terrain.
    • Up x 3
  6. Eternaloptimist

    With certain camos that crash helmet with the yellow bit on it you get for playing on the PTS confuses the hell out me - can't tell VS from my NC allies
  7. Pelojian

    maybe the functionality could be limited to VR and warpgates. the only zones where using it wouldn't give you an advantage.
  8. Eternaloptimist

    press M and the first tab on teh left - you get to see yourself wearing whatever you are trying out in VR. That's how I choose my camos and other cosmetics