[Suggestion] Thoughts on ammo packs

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by MaDiv, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. MaDiv

    Got an idea:

    Create two types of used bullets: The ones that didn't hit an enemy and the ones that did hit an enemy (no matter if vehicle, human or turret). Implement an counter for ammo-primary-wep used and ammo-sec.-weapon used. Now reward the engi for the amount of restored bullets.

    Non-hit-bullets restored = XP gain (1:1) [set max. amount of n-h-b restored in 2 mins to two mags or 100 Bullets]
    Hit-bullets restored = Amount*2XP (1:2)
    Rockets/Special restored = Amount*30 (1:30)
    {(Nanite-pool for tools = 200; only use of the pool if heal/repair) Used-nanites restored = XP*3}

    And to prevent stat padding, implment a max amount of Non-hit-bullets that can be restored with reward for the engi [see columms above], but leave the hit-bullets without change.

    A max. amount of bullets or XP gain per ammo pack would help with the immersion.
    Too, implement nanite-use of Repair and Healing tool {see columms above}.

    It could be difficult to read or understand, but I think I expressed my idea good enough.


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  2. Trebb

    Well thought out except for one thing: The server already has enough calculations to choke on. Games with small areas crowded by lots of Players has to be careful. I remember RIFT where every ability had a proc, lots of weapons would proc, and the server had to calculate that, and DoT ticks, and procs off the DoT ticks, and calculate everything at once. Any more than a handful of players in one spot would boost lag to like 10 seconds, simply waiting for the choking server ;)
  3. MaDiv

    How about implementing it clientside? Add the counter to the client and the packet with da used-ammo-information would only be send every time you restore ammo (once a ammo-tick). Wouldn't change much in the client-server traffic in my opinion.
  4. MaDiv

  5. Rainproof

    I don't believe that it would add anything positive to game except add more stuff to process. Simple is better...
  6. MaDiv

    Well, engineers would finally get paid for the amount of ammunition that was actually used and not waisted, making it possible for them to gain more experience in a serious fight. At the moment, you get XP for both and this kinda sucks in a big fight where the peeps reload a lot, making you reach the maximum amount of resupplies very fast although the ammo wasn't waisted like squadmates do with their secondary weapons whilst ghost-capping.
  7. Stormsinger

    I love the idea in general, i've been wanting something like this since beta.

    An idea I think would be workable: If (Any hit, binary value) occurs within (Maximum magazine size) of (currentweapon) For (each carried weapon), set a second binary value to true clientside for that magazine. (IF any round strikes within the first 75 (LMG) OR 6 (Pistol), OR 1 (Rocket launcher) ) and increment Resupply Experience Credit counter.

    In other words, if a HA is carrying a LMG, a pistol, and a rocket launcher: Misses one rocket, misses with all fired LMG rounds, but hits with one pistol round, they get a credit to grant one XP to the resupplying engineer next time they hit an ammo pack.

    If the same heavy hits even one shot per full magazine, the value accumulating resupply exp credits gets a +1. With, say... 5 maximum magazines of 75 ammo, as long as they hit once per 75 rounds fired. (Tracked per 75 rounds clientside, so 5 consecutive hits within the first magazine don't grant +5 ammo exp resupply credits, at least one round must hit per full-magazine in order to count.)

    With totally exhausted ammo supplies, and with 4/5 of his total possible resupply credits stored clientside... once he reaches an ammo pack, only one value is actually transmitted to the server for processing, which essentially amounts to, "Give the Engineer XP 4 times"

    For the Engineer, cap the XP for non-hitting resupplies at ~50 (50 resupplies will grant XP within a given period of time, regardless of whether the units hit any targets) - If in contested territory, grant another 50 resupply XP (on a seperate timer) when resupplying squad OR platoonmates.

    The minimal data exchange between client and server seems like the best way to do this, and the only thing the server must track is how many times the Engineer gets XP for resupplying, based on the value transferred from a client to the server for that particular engineer whenever someone low on ammo enters the Resupply pack's area of influence, a simple counter is all that would be required.
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  8. DeadlyPeanutt

    just kill the cap and leave the ammo packs as is.

    i hate the cap and don't see any reason for it
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  9. MaDiv

    Stat padding.