Thoughts about max abilities

Discussion in 'MAX' started by kr47er, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. kr47er

    well, here they are:

    They should emulate the three main infantry classes but on bigger scale ( Heavy assault,Light assault, Infiltrator).
    Jump jets were in ps1 and some people allready spoken about cloak ability, so there it goes:

    TR -> HA
    NC -> LA
    VS -> INF

    I know it's drastic, but the way I see, shields should be TR specific ( and work like the HA ones, allowing you to fire while shielded ). TR chainguns fit perfect here to emulate the HA.
    NC should get jump jets, combining with the shotguns. Giving JJ to the NC changes the angle of the ability ( on PS1 it was equiped on the VS) due to the reduced range of the NC. ( maybe remove slugs ( maybe not )).
    VS should get cloak and XxX_MLG_RailgunPewPewSniper_420_XxX

    Share your opinion !

    P.D.: Buff the pew pew knife !!
  2. TheSunlikeOne

    Didn't TR get enough buffs already... ?
  3. kr47er

    The 3 factions would get it could be balanced reducing max life to 1500/1600

    ( edit: lol atm TR is the faction with the most useless ability )
  4. LaughingDead

    Believe it or not VS maxes at one point had jetpacks, not in this game mind you.

    Personally I don't see how a 40% shield or being able to jetpack could possibly go wrong! Except it can. Horribly.
  5. kr47er

    do you think the LA the infil and the HA are that bad ballanced?
    It`ll just be the same but on bigger scale

    Thats probably what PS1 devs said with LA, HA and infil idea.

    An idea it's an idea. Balance comes after. do you think its impossible to balance theese abilities? then it would have been impossible creating this game.
  6. Problem Officer

    MAX is getting reamed over and over with new counters, turn your attention that way first.
    Removing Charge would be pretty funny to show how little it can be further harmed.
    Wraith Flash which can go indoors, Tank Mine, C4 especially on high hovering LA which cannot be aimed at, Archer which 2shot headshots very, very easily even with Charge.
    Your suggestions are in no way overpowered when they make the class worth its Nanite pull cost.
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  7. TheSunlikeOne

    I can see one ability that won't ruin the balance that bad - Full maintenance - restores all HP and ammo with one drawback: MAX unit shuts down (can't move or shoot) for 10-15 sec, starts glaring like a candle (nanites doing their job) and shows up on the minimap until maintenance is over. Ability reload time 5-ish minutes (can be decreased by upgrading it).

    Basically activatable engi for solo players, or for the situations, when there are no real engis nearby.
  8. Korban

    In Planetside #1 MAXes, TR had Anchor Mode and "Overdrive" Mode (Similar to ZOE but with none of the Drawbacks) with Dual Wrist Mounted Weapons; AI (Dual Cyclers), AA (Dual Bursters) or AV (Dual Pounders with more drop-off than the current version ~ more mortar -like).

    NC had a full body Energy Shield (Can't fire whilst on) with a single left arm-mounted weapon; AI (Scattercannon with THREE adjustable CoF modes), AA (Literally a AA Lock-on Missile) or AV (Single Mounted 20/clip quick firing Falcon rocket launcher).

    VS had in-built Jump Jets with a single Arm Cannon which can use THREE types of Energy weapons; AI rapid firing Quasar with Armor Piercing as a Secondary Fire Mode, AV Comets (Stronger than the current version) and AA Starfire (Homing Plasma Blobs with similar mechanics with NS R3 Swarm Rocket Launcher).

    All THREE Factions MAXes have had their Pros and Cons; TR was literally DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA, NC was literally a BRICK with Hard Hitting Weapons and the VS was literally PEW PEW PEW with Adaptivity.

    TLDR ~ It was in semi-perfect Balance between the Three Factions, also all three faction were given a clear choice on whether to choose normal or Armor Piercing Ammos.

    And now we go into Planetside #2 MAXes, TR still retains their Anchor Mode along with their Dual Wrist Mounted Weapons (with more varieties than PS1) but loses their "Overdrive" Mode/Ability.

    NC still retains their Energy Shielding but is now a Frontal Riot Shield instead of a Fully Body Shielding, they also have a pair of weapons instead of a single wielding one (with the option in changing slug shells with buck shells for its AI weaponries).

    On the other hand, the VS MAXes was emasculated to the point that it was barely recognisable from it's PS#1 counterpart (If you don't know what I mean by that just Google the word "Theon Greyjoy" with the word "Reek"), instead of its ICONIC Jump Jet, it was given the Infamous and Despised "Zealot Overdrive Engine" a flayed and bastardised version of PS#1 TR "Overdrive" with its undesirable 20% more damage received with a paltry 10% Damage increase plus minor increase in movement speed. The VS MAXes also lost one of its main traits "Adaptiveness" the ability to change from Normal Ammo to Armor Piercing on the go.

    TLDR ~ Only the TR and NC MAXes retained a minimum of 90% likeness in comparison to their PS#1 counterpart, the VS with no more than 40% similarity to its PS#1 counterpart can be termed as "Functionable but lacks Distinctiveness".
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  9. LaughingDead

    And people are complaining about heavies and infils still.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd like it if maxes were more faction like and had more customization in terms of abilities, like removing charge aka possibly the best ability a max can have is just annoying. I do want more powers to the max but copying infantry abilities is a step in the wrong direction.
  10. kr47er

    then idk why they joined the game on the first place. oh dont tell me, it's for the vehicles. then go play world of tanks. this is much more than a vehicle game.

    and why is that? on ps1 there were jumpjets, plus there is shield. same as the shield is less effective than the main infantry one, JJ could also be modified for, let's say, allow the max ascending for a great vetical distance, and then give it a 20 sec cooldown. as i said, scattdrifters would be terrifying. Vs cloak could be a 5 sec deep cloak with great cooldown, so you can run from a run full of enemies,and when they cross the door make them guess: "hm he had sprinted and gone" and when they go to chase you, you get them from behind. jesus I would even place a stalker cloak to the max and make it go melee only. that would be fun. Anyway, I'm just giving another idea for the current ability system, it's balance on the game is not my business, even if I would like to.
  11. kr47er

    lol MAX used REST !

    That would be fun too.
  12. Masyaka

    You can incrase your firerate, reduce recoil and speed up reload. With the AA cannons it will be nice.
  13. Korban

    I think you are mistaken to believe that Abilities from MAXes are copied from Infantry-types, in actuality it is the visa-versa.

    The Heavies Common Pool Ability "Nanite Mesh Generator" is actually a scaled down and generalised copy of PS#1 NC MAXes Full Body Shield that was exclusive to PS#1 NC.

    The Light Assaults Common Pool Abilities "Skirmisher Jump Jets" and its other 2 variants is a scaled down and generalised copy of the PS#1 VS MAXes "Jump Jets" that was exclusive to PS#1 VS.

    The Infils "Hunter Cloak" and "Stalker Cloak" stayed roughly the same as their PS#1 counterpart, only the "Stalker Cloak" had a 95% similarity to its PS#1 version as they both consumes Stamina/Energy only when moving and recharging when in no lower body movement.

    As you can see, the majority of the Infantries Abilities are mainly from a watered down version of the PS#1 MAXes distinct abilities.

    As for PS#1 MAXes abilities being implemented onto Faction Exclusive MBTs, I would require a 1500 word reply to go into details as to why it was a catastrophe from the beginning.
  14. Korban

    On the contrary, VS is the current faction that has THE MOST USELESS Ability in this version of the game atm.

    It is certainly not similar to its PS#1 counterpart (As I have explained on my first post); it is situational, the drawbacks outweighs the benefits; not distinct enough; it doesn't match the VS Lore, Creed or Ethos and the majority of the PS#2 VS MAXes would rather use the Common Pool Abilities "Charge" or "Ammo Storage Container" than this emasculated piece of crap that everyone thinks it is an "OK" ability.
  15. kr47er

    actually the vs has the best ability imo. people complaining just did not try ZOE + comets. i did not make numbers so i dont know for sure, but all the infantry i shot on a pair of max lives died with a single double shot. plus you can toggle it on/off now, plus you still have some slight movvement benefit.
  16. toxs

    The following abilities would have varying durations and cool down times.

    NC Aegis Shield - change to Vanguard type shield. except reduces damage only. does not block damage (helps close distance)

    VS ZOE - change to accuracy buff. no recoil. no cof. no penalty for moving while firing. (headshots and long range effectiveness)

    TR Lock down - scrap it. change to "chain fed mode". increase rof. decrease reload movement penalty. (increase DPS )

    These abilities would contribute to more enjoyable abilities with out being game breaking. They play on faction specific strengths. There would be plenty of numbers to play with to balance it out nicely.
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  17. kr47er

    that's actually a very good idea. like it.
    Much more simple, moch more straight, much less clunkyness.
    thumbs up for ya