What are you even talking about? This is just a bunch of technojargon that is clearly unrelated to the ancient and deadly art of the yo-yo. There are plenty of other threads where you can discuss non yo-yo related topics, go find one of them.
This patch proves also that the devs don't know anything about perspective. Me, very unhappy :-( 120 dollars paying customer thinking to quit.
You know what? I've seen it all. In game called SW TOR, there are two sides, republic and empire, each has four base classes, which are mirrored, the difference is purely cosmetic, abilities have different animations, etc. One would think, that no one could possibly complain about PvP balance, since both sides have acces to, in essence, identical classes. However, a group of forum jedis still found a thing to complain about: One empire healing class shoots healing darts, and its mirrored brother on the republic sides shoots a healing beam. So they complained that republic has it harder, because, allegedly, this healing beam allows to easier detect the healer in a battle. People will ALWAYS find things to complain about. Even when the subtlest change is made, there will be a doomsday profit prophet, proclaim the end of the world and death of the game that will surely come with the new patch. One ability of one class is nerfed. Time to put the crutch aside and learn how to play without it.
Of course they dont play the game themselves. They are actually no developers in any game that spend amount of time necessary to comprehend the current state of things. The reason why SOE balance the game so poorly and so slow is because they never listen to veteran players pretending that their magical data shows everything and when outrage reaches critical level they choose to listen to crybabies thus overnerfing only to stop the outrage and start another.
I used to have a Turbo Bumble Bee. It was my most expensive possession. I cried when I lost it. Now you can get them for like £10. **** the internet. Ruining everything.
I do not know if something has been changed but I feel like the TTK is even shorter now... I litterly constantly get 1 or 2 shotted I cant even react to fire because I am already dead. 1 Year ago I quit because the game felt it was getting worse and worse and now.. it is happening again.
This is a very important and clever post. A professional developper will play his game much less than a dedicated player, so, in the end, the pro will know his game, gameplay wise, less than the non-pro.
Wow... so someone can go and derail a thread for a page and a half and... nothing, whereas I go and throw in a clever, light-hearted direct response to another post a while back and get it removed by a mod for "posting non-constructively." Oh, this forum... On-topic though, it's difficult to take and implement community response in a game like this because for every person who wants one thing, just as many are going to want the opposite. Try to please one group and you piss off everyone else. Try to please all groups and you piss off everybody. All they really have to go on are their spreadsheets, so that's what they do. It's not ideal, but it's better than any other option.
No. They need to build veteran players council consisting of top pilots, top tankers and top infantry players. and actually ask them about any change. No that they will eventually make a final decision, but rather correct the SOE's implementation of balance so the game wouldnt be 3 faction wise yo-yo
That's a terrible idea. Shouldn't they space out their experience across different servers as a coordinated effort?