This post is dangerously close to being only loosely about yo-yos, which is in many ways worse than being not about yo-yos at all
also, a good rule of thumb would be to avoid making balance changes that are more than 10% nerf or boost. If necessary, do things incrementally until desired balance is reached. That way change flow is much more smooth, less risk of yo-yo effect, and people less angry
They do this on purpose. Maybe you give that other faction a try. And when you do, you really should buy a few things to speed things up.
This patch proves, if you nerf The ZOE bad things happen to your servers and you don't get to eat lunch on time. Hope they brought in pizza for you guys.
Its like said, they need a test server for testing the actual patch, they will put on the live servers before going live. The test server does not do this. See the big patch, before they put it on the live server and find out there's a million problems and some that crash the servers, stick it on the test server for at least 2 weeks so the community can test it for stability/bugs or even just SOE test it there to insure no problems. But no, never learn, same story, over and over again.
' As an apology we placed 500AT mines in evedy warpgate that are of an opposing faction. They shot out christMess YoYos that entangle any spawned vehicle and aircraft'
I have you all beat. Behold... yo-yos IN SPACE I also wonder if the devs take their play experience into consideration when balancing things. Did they actually use a ZOE Max for a few hours and say "yes this deserves the nerfs" or what?
I don't care about that, I'm more interested in understanding the complex dynamics behind how yo-yo's work. I'd also like answers to some of the deeper metaphysical questions in this reality. Questions like, "Could God himself create a yo-yo so big that he himself would be unable to yo-yo it?"
Would he then be able to create a being more powerful then himself to then yo-yo this powerful yo-yo... then would that being create a yo-yo too powerful to yo-yo, being bored with the first yo-yo, that it would too have to create a more powerful being than either of them?
either that (OP).. or they're in this agenda of nerfing above average players in favor of making the game more newbie friendly. like, hipfire and 0.75ADS nerfs are there to limit good players' movement advantage while dueling infantry vs. infantry. harassers were mainly ******** on below average tankers with bad aim/awareness/positioning. ZOE (especially comet ZOE) was ******** on everything. droppod and squad deploy were mainly used by organized above average outfits/squads. the list goes on..
Sup with the new patch changes? The one NC LMG all the noobs dont like much didnt get anything but the standard issue hipfire nerf. Why no slight recoil buff to it?