Because without the yo-yo nothing feels like a buff. If everything could somehow get perfectly balanced then wouldn't everything have the exact same damage range, rpm, ttk, armor values, everything? Face it, balance in a game like this is an impossible task, the only way to get close is to homogenize everything which makes a boring game. Things need to have strengths and weaknesses and sometimes those need to be tweaked. With these yo yo's the entire game shifts until the next patch, which is at least something different for the time being. When they eventually yo-yo back then the people who stuck out playing vehicles this patch will feel like they're getting huge buffs, just like infantry feels right now.
Did someone say SOE likes Yo-Yos? http://2.bp.************/-_iNM0RyPk_c/TViHclubCCI/AAAAAAAADcg/xGUpsr9yXPs/s1600/24TomSmothers1.JPEG
Did anyone else ever get one of those yo-yos that would roll back up on their own? Had to use those before I could even figure out how to use the regular version.
I once split a man's cornea with a yo-yo.Just after I'd boasted, ''I'm lethal with a yo-yo'!' and he said ''Show me!''I still feel guilty as hell about it.
Thus is the nature of the massively multiplayer game - to keep players moving from one side to another, one class to another, to keep them playing. If they're playing, their grinding. If they're grinding, they're paying. It's just the name of the game.
Okay, so I might be slightly bored sitting here waiting for the servers to come up... It only took me like 10 takes, and now I'm sitting here wondering what I'm doing with my life. Because whatever it is, it's ****ing awesome.
And it's not a bad thing either, games need to be profitable to keep going, especially mmos. It's just something you become accustomed to.
UPDATED PATCH NOTES: C85 Canister now shoots yo-yos at the enemy with knots in the string which the OCD players of the opposing factions will stop to untangle leaving them vulnerable to be killed by ANY OTHER THING IN THE GAME THAT IS BETTER THAN THE C85 (AKA EVERYTHING)