I don't understand why DB devs are so addicted to nerfing Vanu and buffing TR and NC. I do not see how the magrider is superior to the Vanguard or Prowler in any situation except for flanking. Same with Betelguese, why nerf it?! Yes, give Betelguese a 49 bullet magazine and nerf its damage while you give TR a 500 bullet mag on the T9 A Butcher but still keep the recoil lower and damage higher than on the Betelguese. And not to mention that Godsaw will be able to destroy tanks. The magrider also does less damage and is SLOWER than the Vanguard and Prowler. Seriously, Why are you constantly nerfing Vanu when TR and NC have much better weapons already. It's like the devs are trying to compensate for hackers / more skilled players by nerfing Vanu and buffing TR and NC.
Oh, and i forgot to say that Vanu is getting a paper gun and TR is getting ANOTHER gatekeeper and NC is getting a RAILGUN. Seriously, Vanu doesnt have ANYTHING to counter the Gatekeeper and now the NC will. Can't wait for a dev to try out Vanu and actually use the weapons before nerfing them.
Battlegoose uses no ammo, butcher uses one giant mag, godsaw gets a second firing mode that does minute amounts of damage to armor. The damage lowering you speak of is being applied to all LMGs except each factions long range type, this includes the Gauss saw, Flare, and TMG. Closer ranging LMGs are dropping one damage tier at long range, including orion, anchor, MSWR, carv, em6, polaris etc. Stop thinking this is a vanu nerf, just play another faction if you think it is.
Magrider is a chariot of the gods. Betelguese is obviously OP due to its combination of hipfire capabilities, accuracy, COF and ofcourse the fact that it doesnt have to reload. The betelgeuse is pretty much the top LMG since forever.oh and look up the accuracy for once, the betelgeuse has similar or better aim accuracy and waay better hipfire, only a slight increase in cof bloom (0,04 for the butcher and 0,05 for the betelgeuse). The destructive capabilities of the godsaw is like expecting a side-arm to be capable of destroying a Harasser. So in case of the Magrider you've got to learn to drive it and for the rest you have to do some fact checking instead of getting angry over your own misconceptions.
Sir, try the other factions. 3* the fun, no extra price. The grass is not always greener, just a different length!
You know, tanks don't only cruise around in flat areas of the VR. No matter where you are going, you are getting there faster with a Magrider 99,9% of the time. This is the reaction of anyone who has ever driven a Magrider and has to cross a hill with Vanguard
Try to Play TR or NC, you will see they have not better weapons as VS. You Need to learn how to Play VS...
On top of the general fear of AV Sunderers, someone had the good idea to review the aurora as a no bullet drop/spammy weapon resulting in the 40+ seconds TTK you probably saw (if it hasn't been fixed yet at least)
Probably because the VS weapons have no bullet drop making them unusually easy to use, even with maxed lockdown, the magrider is almost impossible to hit given an experienced pilot. The VS have distinct advantages over the other factions in many ways. The magrider may do less damage per shot, however its reload is faster than the Vanguard. The main guns are well balanced, but the Saron is hella OP at long range in comparison to the TR and NC long range weapon equivalents especially given the Gatekeeper nerf. The battle goose is getting a nerf only in its mid-long range effectiveness where with normal trigger discipline the magazine is infinite. The NC and TR are not constantly getting buffed, in the very last patch, shotguns got a massive nerf which hit the NC heavily, and the claymores got a nerf making them useless (since that update i haven't gotten a single claymore kill...) The TR and NC do not have superior weapons to the VS. most VS weapons are clones of the NC/TR counterparts but have no bullet drop. The only weapons that might be superior are the raven, scattmaxes, halberg (for prowler cause almost doubble the damage of other factions- but honestly that barely makes it on par with a vangaurd and you cant move with lockdown so C4 food) The Battle goose in particular is really OP only at long range and when other heavies have to reload as for the magrider, its slower in forward speed? really? you get an afterburner and the ability to strafe without showing the weak parts of your armor. The most effective way to use the magrider is to max its strafing speed, either max the fire suppression or magburner. I personally used to like using fire suppression as it was easier to use. you want to have cover you can strafe around, or a hill you can camp on. Spend some time in vr training learning to use the heavy arc of the AP rounds to curve shots up hills or over cover, practice strafing around enemy armor for CQC battles, it takes a lot of getting used to, but the magrider is a terrifying MBT because it escapes so easily. also, as generally useful the auto repair is, try running top armor, or front armor, its a massive benefit as you can limit armor to hitting you in the front or top. As for fighting vangaurds, try not to fight them at long range but if it cant be avoided, duck in and out of cover and get them to waste their shield. If you can manage, circle behind them. it only takes 4 shots to kill a vangaurd with AP rounds from the back.Never show your back to the enemy. For camping on hills, i suggest getting an ally with a proxy repair sundy and dual G30s. Park the sundy on the hill and have its driver also be your gunner. the sundy is good air defense and repairs. More people is always better. And finally: "VS is always getting nerfed" didnt the phaseshift just become the most effective long range weapon in the game with 1 shot kills, unlimited ammo, and no bullet drop? true it may not have the fastest velocity, but thats a small price to pay for the perfect sniper rifle. As for the sundy gun for VS, on the test server, yeah i agree that the VS weapon looks like its getting shortchanged. but the siegebreaker is more like the NC Mjolnir, as for the Railgun. yeah, thats gonna be a beast on indar. if they concern you, play hossin!
always lul when i see vanu complaining about magrider. statistically prowler sits on the throne, with maggy hovering in close behind, and the stalwart slug that is vanguard slowly slithering behind XD each faction is fairly balanced imho.
Prowler is great for kills under the right conditions -- especially for sniping infantry from range. Tank vs tank, though, magboost and the ability to strafe makes the Magrider king -- it can usually duck away from a bad situation yet it's impossible to run from it when it has the advantage. (Prowler speed advantage isn't gonna help you against magboost. This is why Prowler drivers prefer to fight from long range -- our best defense is just not being anywhere close to you.) That said, I do think a 1 person Magrider is laughable compared to a 1 person Vanguard or Prowler. Main gun vs main gun, the Magrider is awkward and harder to use. THAT said, a 2 person Magrider is way scarier than a 2 person Vanguard or Prowler. The Magrider definitely has the most fun and generally useful (and easy to use) secondary guns. Everyone wants to jump in and man the gun on a Magrider but a lot of people look at the gun on my Prowler and are like "ehhh, pass". The Halberd is just no fun to use, the Vulcan is best from exactly the ranges the driver would prefer to avoid and the gatekeeper is meh.
Lol, have you tried Prowler? Buildt one and fully maxed it(reload speed and all) and that **** is ********. Its like driving a big harasser with about 4 times more dps than the other mbt. The prowler stomps, and is the best at everything. Requires no skill at all, lol.
I sadly haven't tried TR at all Long while back, I set out to try everything on VS that was called crap. It was pointless, since I just found myself doing my best with those things instead of whining about 'em(same goes for my own faction, NC). Since then, I haven't set out to put people's balance claims to the test and rather do my own thing
I wish i was "enemy faction". They are so lucky and win all alerts and have it way easier than "faction i play" "Faction i play" sucks and always gets zerged and double teamed.
The game has never been about true balance. Planetside, and Planetside 2 both had asymmetric balance, meaning different factions (as a broad, general category) had different strengths. The TR has larger magazines and higher fire rates, but worse vertical recoil, giving them a slight edge in close quarters combat. The NC has slower rates of fire but harder-hitting weapons, giving them an edge at range. The VS has no bullet drop (or for bolt-action sniper, less) and generally faster reloads, at the cost of horizontal recoil. The above three statements are super broad, and obviously certain weapons go against the grain (HC1 Cougar for TR, GD-7F for NC [I think?], XM98, V10, Parallax for VS) but, it gives a better idea for the real 'balance' of the game. If every weapon for every faction was just a reskinned clone of a gun that every other faction gets, it'd be incredibly boring and stale. There's supposed to be 'flavor' in there somewhere.