Oh I do - and you're absolutely correct, I lost. It was silly of me to expect the right thing to be done. It's surprising to me however that SOE can afford to alienate their highest paying folk like this though (which we surely are, buying multiple items in multiple factions). Well, lesson learned. And color me alienated.
For the "record", I don't disagree with anyone who wants to criticize SOE for the (pretty) poor communication of details with respect to account-wide unlocking. I will, however, tear into anyone who still ignorantly implies that the current limitations of account-wide unlocking is evidence of evil intent on SOE's part, as if the current implementation is the final iteration. Higby's statement that they're looking into allowing even more account-wide unlocks should already be old news by now. For anyone who cares even one bit about this topic, there's no acceptable excuse for ignorance.
Higby has also basically stated that this is just the first step, they are working on more unlocks. It just takes time. They would have had to push this back 2-3 weeks to get it all done at once. But they choose to push this out now, to please people or to get them to stop whining about it. We all just got more bang for our buck today, with the promise of more to come..... and yet people are ******** about it. It is absolutely no wonder that the developers rarely post on these forums. They get far more intelligent and rational posts on reddit/twitter.
It's the lack of information that got us this far and into this problem. If they had come out a month ago and say "Okay guys, the account unlocks is going to work like this, this and this" there would be no one right now throwing a tantrum. Vague answers and outright ignoring threads that touched this subject is how they chose to handle the issue, so you'll forgive me if I take the "promise of more to come" with a pinch of salt. Also, they chose to release it last week and said they would have to postpone it a week to get it out just right, without any problems. There was no outcry about that, there was no anger. We all accepted that... Hell, take a month more if you really need it to make it perfect. Now today we get... a few camos on different characters and a promise of "more to come? Sure I can live with that. BUT in the very least get someone on the forums to tell the community exactly HOW it will work, and roughly WHEN it will work. Is that really that much to ask? That's actually pretty funny (no sarcasm) I was the one throwing that line around in these forums before this patch. I guess I turned into one of those I despised only yesterday. World is funny like that.
Higby said: “Here's the scoop. Your "item" is unlocked into a shared inventory across all your characters, but it's the exact item you unlocked. The items across different empire specific weapons are COMPLETELY different items, from a data perspective. Yes, including the tank secondary weapons - they have totally different mount point information and item id #s so we can track them separately in data. The common pool vehicle weapons are not, therefore when you acquire that item you can use it on all empires. Yes I imagine they have different ids so they can use metrics to see which faction is buying what weapon. But saying vehicle secondaries are functionally unique because of different mountpoints is pretty weak sauce - ofc the mount points are different because you are mounting them in a different x, y, z position from the root of the vehicle so it doesnt clip inside the mesh. In vehicle projects devs create an inventory of mountpoints for each vehicle and then mount whatever weapon on those points as needed. In a car combat game, mounting a rocket launcher on the hood of a Mustang GT and then mounting the RL on the hood of an SUV does not make that 2 weapons. Damage numbers, the model, the gimbal locks being all the same... points to it being at most a Save As... (which would be questionable architecture anyway because then when you updated tuning on one weapon it would not propagate to the other "same" weapons, creating bugs).. gimme a break that they are "COMPLETELY different". If the biz reason of selling more copies of the same weapon trumps the biz goal of offering more value to the customer for cash buys by giving account wide unlocking of the same weapon -- ok. That is your decision. But saying the weapon is COMPLETELY different is not a good argument to offer instead. Tbh, is the Sundie Kobalt REALLY Completely different than the Magrider Kobalt? Maybe PS2 should unlock a weapon across ALL applicable vehicles AND faction wide when you buy it.
Better communication would have resolved most if not all of the complaints people are having, especially if the communication actually came through an official channel instead of things like Twitter. The FAQ was good, but it could have used some more clarification.
It's pretty obvious from the issues that they are having that they originally never intended to do this for their players. They are obviously listening to players by giving us items across factions. They just did it today.... while it is incomplete, it is a start. It is something they said they would do. But because they did not give us 100% transparency as to how they will do this, you do not trust them? Many of us just got more then we originally paid for... what they said they would do, thus living up to their word. They just gave us another promise that more is to come. So far in this regard, they have been pretty trust worthy. I have advice for people who buy things in a f2p type game. When you buy something, expect what you get. Don't expect more. Be hopeful, and state that it would be cool to have more. But don't expect it..... don't EVER expect anything for free. When you actually do get something for free.... you will feel a lot better about it. I'm stoked I have a fury on my flash for all 3 factions now.... STOKED. Am I upset that my composite armor is not on all my other factions? No..... because I bought it for that 1 character without any kind of expectation that it would be available to my other characters. Should SOE communicate better? Maybe for some.... but I have never had issues with finding information from the developers. I've never been left guessing what might happen, because I don't expect something to happen that has no valid or non definitive information regarding it.
Zero interest in playing Vanu, TR or rolling another NC on any other server. Doesn't affect me in the least bit, but I can see where people would be mad
Ah god bless reddit, i knew i wasn't going nuts. Thankyou for the link. Though why they can't post this stuff on the forums as well is beyond me. I feel the PS2 like their social media, but the message gets lost when you have to search multiple places for answers.
If what I've seen so far is anything to go by, this account wide unlock business has actually done very little for the players, as most - if not nearly all - unlocks besides some common camo are excluded.
Still waiting. btw, I've read all of the 'official repostings' of information. But still no real information. Thx for your continued feedback.