This is Nonsense

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. GoyoElGringo

    So reducing the redeploy time suddenly makes transport vehicles less viable? What game are you guys playing where driving a flash from one base to another only takes 25 second? Redeploy still has the same affect it had before, but without wasting as much time in a menu screen.
  2. Cirevam

    Alright you got me there, SOE would definitely implement cert reset tokens in that case.

    It sounds like you're talking about implementing a separate "leadership experience" system. That could be interesting... and if it's separate from certs, it really promotes leadership types to lead, and those that don't want to lead don't have to bother. It's a sound idea, Ash.
  3. OldMaster80

    That's another small step to game oversimplifcation. *Sigh!* :(
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  4. Advanced Darkness

    So uh they dumbed down a game that , skill wise, is a cake walk compared to its predecessor ? Sorry to hear :) and yes i only pop in forums to see what progress this game hasnt made and how long till it completely becomes a BF or CoD game while i wait for them to let me back in planteside 1. Oh yeah, I cant add Titanfall because of course any large robot exo suits in a game is op, game breaking and impossible to beat right? right? yeah everything is too hard.
  5. Ash87

    This is piss easy, again, to the point it is hardly worth mentioning. Yes, you can drop 12 people on a point via a galaxy. I can also do that with an ESF. Yes, you can put people into a specific area of the base, yes I can do this with a wraith flash. All you need in these cases is an LA and a Spawn Beacon and you are golden. These are two ways, that you can step around the forces that are there, effectively nullifying any advantage all that armor grants, and make the entire exercise meaningless.

    Someone already said it earlier, the only reason to pull armor, is because they have armor. If no one pulled armor... there would be no need for armor. That is such a backwards way of considering things it makes my head hurt. People don't consider armor being worth pulling for anything but farming aid, and again... one of the reasons in my opinion, is because there is just nothing between bases that you have to deal with.

    You -can- pull a tank to drive up the road... but why? I can just redeploy and pull an ESF and fly around it now. Lets make this exploitative tactic even more powerful. At this point lets continue to erode away at vehicles, until finally at some point in the future, we can redeploy to any base on the map at any time by pressing one button. There will be no wait what-so-ever, and everyone will be thrilled.
  6. smokemaker

    As if this game has meaning beyond the kill.

    Is it the base? Nope you will lose it anyway.

    Enjoy the kills. Beyond that its just setting things up so you can kill again.

    To expect more is foolish.

    So i see no issues with faster spawn times, just means more targets.
  7. Advanced Darkness

    Spawn rooms worked just fine in PS1, dunno what happened here, and redeploy ..well there was no redeploy everywhere in PS1. Btw what youre calling cheap is what i guess the easy mode players call improvement. hurray for easy mode everything! I wonder how long before easy mode players cry on Titanfall forums for them to start out in a Titan instead of waiting for one to...Fall? eh who knows.
  8. Advanced Darkness

    The proper term is dumbing down sir..its called dumbing down XD
  9. Advanced Darkness

    You sir will never ever see any of that here..uh ever. Adding a mechanic that adds depth and another dimension of gameplay to ps2? pfft forget that crap heh the forum would be full of tears..."ah its all too hard" and somehow it was tons of fun in ps1.
  10. Advanced Darkness

    And to this day i dont understand what the belly aching was over BFRs. Everyone had em, but it only took 1 person with good sense and no BFR to kill one. I killed tons of em on my own and a cloaked hacker. I loved it. It took me a while to take another one down because i had to stop laughing so hard at the rage from the BFR owner. haha i was called cheap so many times and had no idea there were crybabies in the forums calling BFRs gamebreaking? heh wut? were they hard? were they super fast or something? were they hard to see and hit? Prob so if you were a moron.
  11. GlassItem

    I don't see any issue with the faster redeploy times. If your argument is that they will affect people's incentives to pull out a sunderer or vehicle to get to another base, well, that doesn't make much sense. If people wanted to get to another base, say a base on the opposite side of the map, they definitely wouldn't bring a vehicle (unless it was a gal drop) to do it - they would redeploy, even before the redeploy timer reduction. At that, if people wanted to get to a nearby unconnected-by-lattice-link base to fight in a battle, they would redeploy there - before or after the spawn "buff". It's just straight up faster to redeploy than to bring a vehicle around.

    The ten second difference in redeploy times is negligible in discouraging people from pulling vehicles because they weren't even encouraged to pull them for traversing areas in the first place.

    Oh, and if you wanted to set up a tactical sunderer spawning position, you can still do that - faster redeploying gives more incentive to redeploy, but -10 seconds isn't that much for many people. If it means winning the battle/farming the enemy, many people would still place a tactical sunderer somewhere.

    Overall, the only problem I can see is more miracle base defenses happening; as in, friendly bases that have enemies are almost about to take the base when they become stopped. Quicker redeploy times = quicker getting to bases = lots of people able to stop enemies from taking a base. Kind of annoying, but it happens fairly often so w/e.
  12. Captain Kid

    I pulled a vehicle yesterday. But the fight was over shortly after. I felt pretty stupid because you cant redeploy with a vehicle. I want to be able to deploy at all bases. Or at least don't make it so (seemingly) random. This is frustrating for zerg players like me and special op players doing small operations because they can expect the zerg to spawn at the base they are attacking any moment.

    This game is half finished.
  13. Posse

    The thing is, /suicide remains unchanged, the only thing this does is make redeploying as effective as /suicide, so there's really no negative effect on gameplay. Jumping between bases is usually done in defenses, and it's still faster to pull a ESF+beacon than jumping around if you can't get to the base you need to in one redeploy.

    Well... that would need changes in the terrain of the continents more than anything.
  14. Ash87

    I am just going to answer you both together because you are pretty much asking the same thing:

    Yes it does matter. This is Another step towards some asinine universal redeployment system. It further discourages the use of transports (Which are already underutilized given the mechanics at play). The point isn't the time to drive a flash, the point is that it's as simple as figuring risk. You have two situations:

    1.) You Redeploy and wait to deploy at the new location once a beacon or spawn point goes up
    2.) You all pile into a transport and go to the new location

    If you reduce redeploy penalties (Or if you /suicide, death penalties) then option 1 begins to become more of the norm than Option 2. Why? Because if you pile into a transport you could loose a Squad of people. If you wait for a point to redeploy to, then you don't Need to get 12 people to the next base, you only need to get 1 person there. That 1 person is the person with a beacon, and that person can pretty much get there a million ways that Avoids putting them in the line of fire. They deploy a beacon, now you have 12 people there. Alternate spawn points (Sunderers/galaxies) can be an afterthought at this point.

    All of this would be fine in a Silly game, but it was my understanding, based on things we had heard, that PS2 was supposed to have at least some semblance of realism (Heartstring bow notwithstanding). This is another schizophrenic design choice that doesn't fit with things looking at it from -that- angle.

    Moreover, it's easy to justify "Redeployment" something where you warp up into the sky to fall back down in a Drop pod: Make a terminal for it in the bases, so people can't do it just Anywhere, but it's possible To do it most places. This becomes another one of those Secondary objectives or something, it could even be an alternate spawn point where you redeploy up or drop down on ONE spot. Those kind of things make it Okay. But Redeploying takes you absolutely bloody everywhere, instantly. It's an alternate to Suicide, because it doesn't give you a death on your stats screen... That is pretty much the Only reason it exists, and now it is totally indistinguishable from Suicide. And WHY?

    And what does further eroding away at the miniscule base that supports the structure that holds up the use of transport vehicles? This reduces in field battles, it reduces the chance you can cut off reinforcements, it reduces yet Another means by which people can, by outmaneuvering their opponent capture a base.

    It's One more bloody step away from more meaningful combat between bases, and what I would argue is more meaningful combat Overall. It's a Small change that will have farther reaching implications, like when continent capture was reduced from 100-75%... because over time it erodes away at other things and makes the whole situation bland and homogenized.

    And, it's just adding more to the camp that says the game should only be about Stat padding, because the reason for this to exist, the reason we even HAVE a redeploy option, is so that people can avoid having +1 death on their screen. That is it. If you Removed redeploy tomorrow, none of this nonsense would Stop, but it would be at least lessened because the ONLY thing we have in this game to aspire to is higher KDR, and this is further reinforcing that Ontop of everything else.
  15. Ash87

    Yeah I know /Suicide is the same, that is the thing: why do we have two features that effectively -are- the same thing. There is no downside or reason to use 1 or the other, they are interchangable... and Why? You say it right there too: "It's still faster to pull a ESF+beacon than jumping around..." It's still faster that 11 people sit on a deploy screen and warp around the map by the grace of one individual in an ESF and that just... doesn't seem Right to me. It's like it's half complete, like there is some limit to Redeploy that makes it a meaningful alternative to respawning from a death... that doesn't exist, so right now they are the same thing. So why do two of the same thing exist *Keeps going around this circular logic for a time, until finally he starts foaming at the mouth and passes out in a corner*

    I'm just exasperated with this.

    What do you mean though by "Changes in the terrain" ?
  16. Posse

    Distance between bases is just not enough to make open battles happen, at least most of the time.
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  17. Tuco

    I don't think that's why we don't have PS1 CE. I think it's because game devs have become stingy penny pinchers when it comes to servers. For each entity placed in the world, the server has to keep track of each one. It's why we've gone from 30+ pets in UO, 70+ pets in Diablo2, 20 mines 20 motion detectors 10 spitfires in PS1; to 1 pet in WOW-clones and zero "pets" in PS2.
  18. iller

    I'd just be happy if there was a check box for turning off the game's annoying habit of moving your current Respawn location on its own.

    The only reason I actually LIKE this redeploy change is because it lessens the wait time on recovering from that built-in spawn-repicking function. It literally makes me so mad I'm cursing and punching the walls in my room after the 4th or 5th time it's "tricked" me....
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  19. bPostal

    Not to mention that with cap timers what they are, you have to be proactive (rather than reactive) on defensive fights or risk the fight turning into a nigh unwinnable situation because you took 20 seconds too long to load up at the warpgate or your SL's ESF got shot down and now the squad beacon is 100m away from the objective.
  20. BOOKEN

    Careful you'll make their heads explode making a reasonable statement.

    I am starting to see a pattern here just like all other games and forums. The 5% of the people with a brain are largely ignored. Making sense on these forums often goes unnoticed. And I never seen such a big group of little whining babies.

    All these people calling for nerfs and buffs and changes to mechanics should focus their efforts on getting SOE to fix these bugs and major gameplay problems.

    I like the shorter timer but I could care less, I'd rather them spend the time and effort fixing the broke mechanics first.
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