this is how one person can shut down a map

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rumblepit, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Dubious

  2. Zorro

    He is right up there with Chuck Norris and the Contras.
  3. Nikushimi

    What you are describing is a script kiddy (often mislabled as a hacker). There are tons of freeware applications out there that can perform the task, so a script kiddy does not have to have any understanding of how it works, they only need to click a button.
  4. DamageKing

    PS1 is still subscription-only, but cheater infested since it's beginning. Won't help.
  5. Dubious

    Cause PS1 has even worse GMs/devs than PS2
  6. AcidGen

    probably the next account of this cheater. Kills our team every day


    Kills: 434
    Assists: 10
    Deaths: 0
    K/D Ratio: 0
    K+Assists/D Ratio: 0
    Headshots: 292

    his stats

    Wonziu is the name of our leader that Livestreaming game
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  7. sladuog

    Thanks for that baseless accusation. My main character name is Loudgas, I am a well respected member of the Blue Lions on Mattherson, an outfit that has a strict code of conduct which includes a zero tolerance policy on exploiting or hacking of any kind. Check my stats if you need to.

    So your post was wrong from the get-go.
  8. sladuog

    Dude, check my post above, this kind of post isn't allowed :/

    The only thing you can do is submit tickets and /report.
  9. Jurav

    If it is a known hacker then publicly calling them out should not be an issue. It's not like they care at all.

    BuzzLightYr, a TR on SolTech, was teleporting all over the Crown the other day and one shot killed nearly every defending NC over and over, while the VS capped it. That person completely and totally ruined the game single handedly. Meanwhile, many of the VS were laughing and chearing him in /yell.

    Putting in tickets did not stop it, /report did not stop it, and the NC lost the Crown during double XP.

    Something needs to be done about this kind of behavior, and if SOE does nothing, then publically denouncing them is all we can do until they fix it.
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  10. hostilechild

    Depends. Sometimes an area bugs and enemy will spawn in the spawn room (thought they fixed this). If you are lagging you can run through the spawn shields toss a grenade and move back out. (will get the minor damage from pain field). If they run around the spawn room or if take no damage well then i would say hacking vs bug vs exploit.

    Kind of like magrider sticking the barrel through shields. Seen a vanguard try this by moving 90deg to shield door and rotating barrel inside the spawn room (not sure if it worked). exploit.
  11. AcidGen

    I do not want to offend anyone


    If 36 people are killed in the sunderer respawn in 10 seconds at the same time. ******** killing us is super skilled player. It does not use mines, c4 only MG .
    Is not a hacker ?
  12. tigerchips

    They went through our shields and outside. I'll see if i can post video.
  13. sladuog

  14. Goden

  15. chilly154

    You what be better if they hardware banned them. So if they wanted to get back, they would need to buy a new pc.
  16. sladuog

    Have you proof? Are you counting every ticket requiring a CSR response as an act, or actually banning people? I've submitted several tickets and always had a speedy response from the CSRs.
  17. sladuog

    You can get around that, as you can get around any banning system and enough effort and time. What's necessary is a system where the response is so swift and effective that anybody who wants to hack will need to spend an inordinate amount of time setting up their new accounts, etc. They'll soon get bored and move on to a less heavily policed system.
  18. Leer

    Apple does it and they seem to do "ok" even though they are the greatest Satan of Technology. "All your choice are belong to Apple."
  19. Goden

    Personally? I've submitted tickets about griefers/hackers and I usually get some generic pre-typed response as a response. The people who I have submitted tickets against are still playing to this day. Some of the griefers I have encountered and filed a ticket against back in the beta are still here today. A few of them had several tickets filed against them because they were going on TK'ing sprees.

    Remember those server messages warning that aircraft-flippers at the Warpgate would be perma-banned? And that they would have admins watching the warpgates looking specifically for that? Jokes on them because while they were displaying those messages there were people at our Warpgate flipping aircraft. In fact, they were there all day and even into next day until they got bored and left. These players are still playing to this day.

    Then there are the big-time hackers that go to The Crown and amass 300+ kills in a single hour. These are the guys that do usually get banned but not until they've had their fun first. I don't play at The Crown often but I've heard some people say that some hackers have been up there for 4+ hours sometimes. It can take SOE a day to a week+ to actually deal with them, so the hacker can return multiple times before being stopped.

    This is NOT acceptable.
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  20. Mikouen

    We seem to have had different experiences.

    Last week I found someone with bottomless carbine mags. I had Dxtory open and ready, so I tapped the record button and filmed them for two whole minutes of non-stop firing. I then uploaded the video to Youtube (as an unlisted video), and linked to it in a support ticket with a summary of the incident.

    I had a non-copypasta response within two hours, and didn't see that person for five days. To be honest, I really didn't see that one coming.

    (I'm assuming they only got a suspension since ammo is actually tracked serverside. The amount of bullets legally allowed in the mag will do damage, but the rest will be illusionary and since the client considers your gun full, you can't reload. So as far as cheats go, it's pretty much worthless.)

    I'm guessing the conclusive evidence is probably the divergence point in our experiences here. GMs obviously don't have access to our neocortex - they can't know what we see/hear unless we provide appropriate footage. Without knowing what the person was doing, they don't know what to look for. Without knowing what to look for.... you get the idea.

    Grab FFSplit or OBS (both free, both record good quality) and next time you see a cheater, hit your record button. It'll help, after all GMs can't exactly brush off direct proof.