This game is pay to win.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nedry, Nov 26, 2012.

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  1. Nedry

    "There will be a cash shop for the game however the goal is not to sell power. For example we would sell things like customization because we would like there to be a massive amount of ways to customize your characters. So people could recognize you or your outfit out of a group. We will not sell a more powerful gun or vehicle."

    -John Smedley

    Well, the game is OBVIOUSLY pay to win. You can purchase any gun or upgrade with station cash.

    Good job SOE, only you would screw up a F2P game.

    You need to learn a lesson from Turbine's Dungeons and Dragons Online - the best F2P game out there.
  2. Jourmand1r

    The game isn't really pay 2 win, but lying dev's still isn't a good sign.
  3. Tzizimitl

    All of the unlockable guns are, supposedly, sidegrades, and the actual UPGRADES for a given weapon or vehicle are certs-only.
  4. Emperor

    You don't need any of those guns to win. Most of the sidegrade guns don't even confer a very distinct advantage. Furthermore, p2w implies that it is required that you spend money to win, however in PS2 you can purchase weapons with certs. If you don't like the wait, tough. You don't really need any of those guns.
  5. RedOak

    I disagree. Your only point is only 25% true, upgrades can only be purchased via certs and guns can be either. You need to try harder next time ;-)
  6. Morpholine

    Would you please direct me to the upgrade that can only be purchased through the cash shop?
  7. Kommissar Klose

    I think the underlying assumption is that as long as in game currency can pay for it, it doesn't really count as P2W.

    People are still getting used to the cert rates, but I think in time and with some experience, players will realize that 1k certs isn't unreachable. Difficult, sure, but thats the price you pay for trying to play the game for free.
  8. SuperLexatron

    I have Rocket pods on my Scythe, I didn't pay a penny for them. I am winning. Your point is MOOT.
    • Up x 1
  9. Bogarth

    Cool story bro
  10. VoidMagic

    Every time I read one of these, I giggle, as thou I am guilty of buying stuff and enjoying the shopping throughly. Almost litterally all my xp comes from kills with my stock, unupgraded, iron sight Orion. lol

    Games great. <3 SOE
  11. bigcracker

    I have bought many guns and still use the default carv no matter what. The only thing that is a true upgrade is rockets pods. Everything in the shop that deals with weapons is also available to the regular free players so you need to brush up on your definitions OP.
  12. Tipsy McStagger

    What do you need to spend money on in order to win in this game? Teamwork will always be your best weapon.
  13. Nedry

    Yeah right, the cert income is disgustingly low. 1000 certs for a decent gun and I have 190 certs after hours of playing. With lots of kills. Lots of captures.

    But BECOME A MEMBER now and get more certs!

    No thanks.
  14. somerandom18

    Dear god not ANOTHER one of these threads...
  15. Spectral Haze

    Viral marketing plz go
  16. pochacco

    you can literally get 190 certs in less than a weekend

    stop being an entitled little free riding baby
  17. Tzizimitl

    "Oh no, a game that I have to PAY MONEY FOR, what is this outrage?!"

    I mean, seriously, if you don't pay money, you're basically enjoying a demo. You've got all of the basics, everything fundamental to the game, but you lack some of the bells and whistles. Pay money, you get the full set of fancy features that makes things a bit more fun and in-depth.

    But while you aren't paying money for anything, you don't really get much room to *****.
  18. VoidMagic

    Also Pods really aren't better than the main gun used to be in beta. Not sure now, don't think I flew once with the main gun lol... <snicker> Hailstorm and A2A for me... Podding is a waste of time compared to just killing the N00bz in the zerg face to face, hand to hand. Yea yer KD isn't pretty but, the xp/hr sure is.
  19. Meurtos

    If I kicked your face in with all stock items? Would you still scream Pay2Win?

    Yes you would. Because, you're bad. End of story.
  20. Xinceidi1

    I would love to know why important upgrades are behind 1000c/700sc barriers. Tell me how that did happen and remember to spin the tale well, because the players know that they should never have been buyable. The answer is obvious, the developers know that the weapons aren't balanced and that many of them are upgrades. It's just greed and hubris.
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