This game is horrible

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dr Grumbler, Mar 26, 2013.

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  1. Dr Grumbler


    1) Constant zerging
    2) Constant spawn camping
    3) 70% of people run as Heavy Assault
    4) 20% run as a double shotgun instakill MAX
    5) 80% of people use shotguns constantly

    I remember that it was written somewhere that PS2 is supposed to last 25 years. HA HA HA... good luck with that. SOE will be lucky if PS2 survives a year
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  2. Roy Teppert

    Then just don't play it. I think the big bang theory is a horrible tv show, but you don't see me taking time out of my day to go post on their forums about how awful I think it is.
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  3. RomulusX

    They should call you Dr. Grumpy
  4. whitehawk

    dont play it then.

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  5. DemoEvolved

    wow. did not think those would be his top 5 reasons.
  6. Hosp

    That math doesn't add up.
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  7. Oreo202

    Don't play the game if you don't like it. Making useless posts expressing your opinion helps no one.
  8. Skadi

    God... you must have StarCraft and Zombie games...
  9. infinite loop

    Indeed, it is a terrible, terrible show.
  10. cfnz

    These aren't exactly uncommon complaints about the game, but in fairness though to label the game as horrible because of them is excessive.
  11. GuraKKa

    What my eyes actually read:

    1) I play solo in a team based game
    2) And I like soloing zergs
    3) 70% of HAs beat the crap of my HA
    4) I take my stats out of my ***
    5) I use shotguns vs Tanks
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  12. tastyBerryPunch

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  13. Skadi

    I like your signature... no not the part with characters.
    The sad part is, I can HAVE fun solo play, phoenix + flanking prowlers that are deploy'd = trololololol
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  14. Hosp

    You just reminded me, I almost forgot...

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