[Suggestion] This forum needs a shoutbox

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Clay, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Clay

    It really does. So the technical support section etc. isnt spammed with threads whats going on every time the servers decide to shut down. People could just ask in the shoutbox and get an answer soon. And the downtimes wouldnt be that boring. Not everything you want to write needs a thread.

    Moderators could be soe mods and long time trusted forum users. Other forums do this sucessfully.

    Whos with me?
    • Up x 1
  2. day ofm one

    Will be hard to realize, because it can't be controlled that easily.

    You can report posts, but the mods won't have time to check the shoutbox for profanity or link spam all the time.
  3. Alizona

    All I want is a little information box from the Sony Control Room (LOL), so that when servers go down, they can immediately place an informative message into the game letting all the players know what is occurring in real-time.

    Instead, when something like this morning happens, we run around looking for answers without much success. For instance, the servers all say "UP" in green when you come to the forums. Oh really? They're all up? Why not go have a look at the "General Technical Support" forum then?

    There simply isn't good "real-time" communication links between Sony and their customers (we the players). And that is problematic for us players. We'd like something a bit more, and some of us have asked for this sort of thing for a long time but haven't gotten it. All we get are "Servers are UP" or "Servers are DOWN" and as this morning's incident shows, it doesn't always work correctly.
  4. Klypto

    Just embed twitch chat and have Moobot handle it.

    Moobot is all powerful.
  5. Clay

    haha yeah as if. i think the players would do that better.