Things You've Done That Have Affected An Entire Battle - Or More

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. ShortRovnd

    Damn, graphics look awesome on your PC! What settings are you using?
  2. Astriania

    I've cleared some ghost caps, and taken down the only enemy sundy at some small fights that then get cleared. I play in a team most of the time though so I don't have a lot of solo 'magic moments'.

    One of the best ways for a single person to affect an entire battle is to use /orders ;-)
  3. Bhudda V1

    once i pulled a scat max and found the enemy sundy stopped spawns REAL fast

    another time i pulled a he/kobalt vanguard and violated many many infantry holding off a zerg

    i have killed so many set up sundy's with tank mines it's all a blur now

    once i was rolling with some outfit mates in a liberator and just hunting down deployed sunderers i can't even remember how many sunderer's we got something like 20 that 1 run we did it for like an hour with 2-3 liberators, fun policed so many fights.

    many times when i see i HAVE to pull a burster max because no one else will i save a base chasing off aircraft after aircraft from a base that is effectively lost.

    many of my memories are of me and my outfit taking a base under a zerg with usually number's like 4-1 for tr/vs so it's not "effected a battle" more like kicked a zerg in the nutZ tbh
  4. Frosty The Pyro

    normaly i spawn at the next base (and give a proximity chat sugestion for the rest to do the same) and prepare for a zerg break, repair base turrets, set up mines, use AV turret or av max, etc. But i have been pulling flank sundies more and more lately.

    As for things that have drastically effected entire battles.

    killed a sundereer
    hacked a terminal and pulled a sunderer
    killed a sunderer
    stoped a cap with 2 seconds left
    killed a sunderer
    knocked down that god damned lib
    killed a sunderer
    took out half a max crash with a pair of AT mines
    killed a sunderer
    gunned for that god damned lib
    killed a sunderer

    I may have also at one time, killed a sunderer.
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  5. Flag


    Tell me more!
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  6. DK22

    anytime you can take out their lone Sundy you got a good chance, or saving yours for that matter.
  7. M4gn1

    Two man yes. My friend bought a harasser and planted his c4 on it so did I. He drove it in the amp station shield(we are defending) and told me to detonate and I killed him, 3 sunderers(parked next to each other he drove straight in the middle) +- 20 people standing around it and with 20 seconds on the clock the amp station was saved.
  8. DatVanuMan

    You're nearing Auraxiums on some weapons, and don't even have the Bronze medal for your Cuttero_O
    Now then, children. Gather 'round, gather 'round, it's time for me to tell my story...
    DarthTobusco was a man of cunning and skill,
    Even in the midst of battle, he was always quite chill,
    He one day spotted a crash of 23 MAXes,
    Intent on saving their allied classes.
    So, with shrug of his shoulder, and a pout of a face,
    He said,"I know! To my aid shall come the Magrider's grace!"
    So he pulled his noble steed, from a terminal well-hacked,
    And ensuring to aim, the attack was cracked.
    With the MAXes almost reaching the Tech Plant doors,
    Our hero Tobusco made them die in their fours,
    All their allies dying by his noble friends,
    The Vanu were victorious, just like a battle always ends!
    And that, my children, is the story of an Auraxian legend,
    What stories have you to mention?
    As a sum-up, the VS was taking Tawrich, and the TR numbered in their 200s. They then decided to crash the SCU to save it, and the attack worked, they managed to stabilize it. However, they also decided to retake the point, and I realized that there were not enough blue dorritos on my MM located at the point area. So, I hacked a terminal, pulled the Magrider, and the certs flowed graciously. This happened a little over a year ago, when the Magrider was ACTUALLY good. I realized that if I hadn't attacked the crash, the point would have been taken, because my outfit's Sunderer was still in Tawrich Depot, and another outfit had to get some other Sunderer. Hope you enjoyed the story, that SpongeBob episode inspired me a bit:p
  9. TheShrapnelKing

    As odd as it is, yes, I have over 18000 kills and not even 10 of those are with my knife.
  10. Alan Kalane

    You Sir are a Shotgun Hero!
    You make NC Proud
  11. CipherNine

    I once cried so hard on the forums that ZOE MAX got nerfed.
  12. Frozen-K

    Most of the times I've influenced a battle were me deploying away from a fight we're losing, getting my prowler, driving back and picking off the sunderers outside of the base. I mean I've probably done other things with my medic and max, but most of the time it's just pulling burger tank and setting up shop in places people don't expect attacks to come from and killing them before they realize I'm there.
  13. Tykune

    Something that happened recently, actually. I was flying a mosquito from warpgate to a battle and I didn't care much for the vehicle itself, was gonna ditch it, but had a better plan since I was bored. Well! There was a stalemate fight going in the valley south of Quartz Ridge and I aimed down, threw my thrusters on, and tried to ram myself into a magrider to blow myself up and do some damage.. but the magrider strifed out of the way at the last moment....
    I skid across the ground, plowed through a group of vanu, killing at least ten of them in the process and slamming right into their sunder instead. The sunder lived though, those around it didn't do so well.

    It goes without saying that the stalemate battle ended in TR's favor after that happened.
  14. DatVanuMan

    Not bad, not bad at all:p
    Congrats, man. Hope you're enjoying the game:D
  15. ElastaPlast

    One time we were getting owned by air at a base, so I logged off and they had no-one left to farm. They never get out of their planes so they couldn't flip the point, so the base was saved.
    I would have posted the video but I had logged off so it stopped recording when it came to the good bit. ;)
  16. Boildown

    A ton of them on my Twitch highlights. I had a nice one last night where I didn't change the outcome, just made it happen a lot sooner. :D

    They almost always have something to do with blowing up a sunderer, but sometimes can be SCU or point flipping related. This is really why I play the game. If there's a chance I can solo an objective against all odds, I go for it. Usually I die in the trying, but when it works, its epic.

    Epic but not affecting the entire battle:

    A couple days ago I was on a flash driving right at an enemy MBT. (Whenever I drive a flash, I consider it likely that I may die without warning at any instant, so I tend to be reckless and high risk.) I was swerving back and forth and the MBT trying as he was couldn't hit me, while I got closer and closer to him. Behind me and to my left was a friendly lighting hammering the MBT while I distracted it. Finally reaching the MBT and miraculously still alive, I streaked along it just to its right as its turret tried to track me, and I jumped out to try to C4 (I was playing medic) while my flash flew past. Just at that instant, the friendly Lightning landed the critical blow and BOOOM the MBT blew up. After dodging debris falling all around me I got back on my flash and exchanged a word of "well played" with the lightning driver before we went our separate ways. I really need to go back and find that highlight in the recording. This is why I play Planetside.
  17. Boildown

    Oh, speaking of flashes, bringing scout radar to a fight has a subtle but amazing tendency to turn a stalemate into a rout in your favor. Its uncanny really, but makes sense.
  18. MetalCotton

    Heavy fighting at a TR controlled Amp Station. There was a heavy TR air presence, and libs would often destroy any Sunderer that got even remotely close.

    So I spawned in as an infiltrator, and snuck around the gun towers. Hacked just about every single AA turret, and killed several of them containing operators. When a few Reavers came in I hopped in one of the turrets and shredded the Libs, letting the Reavers finish them. Eventually the NC managed to push in with proper air cover, and we took the amp station rather quickly once we got inside.
  19. Calisai

    Countless times:

    AV/AV Mag, comes along, kills all sundies used by an attacking force... wipes out bunches of camping tanks and a bunch of infantry and allows friendly forces to finally get out of the spawn and push towards point to resecure a base.

    Then there was this gem.... from way back when:

    Video TL;DW: Wipe out an NC assault attacking a TR base... finally had to leave due to lack of ammo. :(
  20. Praiseworthy Tunes

    I have once dropped some ammo box next to an Emitz named Skillsuite and even repaired it before I went on with my own farming fighting for defending our 48/48 Allatum Biolab. About 10 minutes later, Allatum was fully saved, then, after another 15 minutes have been passed, we also won the Alert. I will never drop him ammo again, he's just too OP that way.