Things You've Done That Have Affected An Entire Battle - Or More

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

    The oft quoted line in this game is that one person can't make a difference. For the most part this is 100% true, because usually things are such a *********** and there's so many enemies and ways to die around every corner that you never get any opportunity to change a battle's outcome all by yourself.

    Sometimes, however, it is possible to change the outcome of not just a battle but the fight for entire sections of the map. Take this:

    It's a damn good thing I was recording when this happened.

    This is the only time I can remember where I did something that affected who would control an entire section of the map. See, this biolab suffered a coup de main from a force that ended up totaling, in my estimation, about 30 VS. I had hopped on just a few minutes before this and decided to spawn at Bitol even though my team seemed to be nowhere to be found. For a few minutes there it's just me and one other person, and when the SCU gets overloaded it's me and two other people. It was not until after I stabilized the SCU that more people showed up and turned the VS back, and I can safely say that had I not decided to be there the SCU would have been blown and the VS would have taken it. Considering the number of VS that showed up after we began pushing out of the biolab (after this clip ends), I am certain we would never have taken this biolab back for at least several hours. So essentially, I saved an entire lattice line from being cut off to us.

    I mean you could just dismiss this as Jackhammer cheesing in a biolab but come on, that's no fun.:D

    Have you ever 'saved the day'? :cool: We don't have Medals of Honor or Victoria Crosses to hand out so a forum post here will have to suffice for your heroics.
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  2. starlinvf

    I've killed more Sunderers with Pizza boxes then most people kill with MBTs.

    My outfit once got cap credit for a 48+ battle.... I was the only one online.

    I once drove a Sunderer through a line of enemy tanks, somehow survived, made into the Techplant mid bay, deployed, and had tons of guy come flooding out, retook the cap point, got the gens back up (back when it was on the second floor), and proceeded to kick the attacking force out of the base.

    I once 1 man MAX crashed the SCU in a biolab, and cleared it out enough for everyone to take it.

    I once, in a MAX, jump over a Lighting as it was attempting to run me over, and then it got shot by an MBT trying to shoot me and blew up. FYI, this works against all vehicles except the Magrider.... but your timing has to be just perfect for whatever latency you have.
  3. khai

    No video sorry. Platoon I was running with was virtually wiped out on the plains of esimir the same time our sundy blew up leaving me and 2 others on a hill with an approaching NC. Managed to pin down their infantry with my turret while the HA spammed rockets and the medic sat there reviving the HA every couple of seconds. I ended up with around 20 kills before the replacement Sundy arrived. What saved us was really it was pre harasser and the NC did not have the tech plant so we only had a single lightning and a pair of sundies (that never engaged) to worry about vehicle wise.
  4. Latrodectus

    For any one who doesn't want to spend 12 minutes watching the video it can be summed up with: biolab, Jackhammer, sh*tters. So you can ju-

    Nevermind, apparently I've been preempted.
  5. ShortRovnd

    I single-handedly save the day on the regular. Not because I'm an awesome player, but because my pubby lemming teammates are mostly brainless.

    Some examples:

    Fly ahead to the next base and hack EVERYTHING.

    Destroy the enemy sunderers.

    Destroy the enemy aircraft which are farming the pubby lemmings.

    Storm the point with a MAX and clear out all the campers so the pubby lemmings can flip it.

    Cause mayhem, distractions and buy time with Stalker cloak.


    These are the kinds of efforts the directive system should reward rather than grinding.
  6. Colt556

    Obviously I'll never know for sure, but sometimes we'll have a battle where we're barely hanging on and I'll go full ***** mode and take out 5 or 6 spawn sundy's one right after another, and after that we manage to push out. Now I can't say for sure if it was because of me taking out their spawns or maybe we just got a good influx of people. But it makes me feel good all the same.
  7. Tommyp2006

    Usually the times I've turned the tide in a battle single handedly were either by flanking with an AP Prowler and taking out a large majority of enemy armor, running my dual walker support sundy, pulling a skyguard, or more often, a burster max, and clearing the skies, or killing sundys with suicide engineer.
  8. Scudmungus

    I forgave our enemies.

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  9. -Synapse-

    I like to think yelling "Come on guys get out of the spawn room, I'm a girl and I'm showing more balls than you!" prompted my entire team to rush out like they all just realized the enemy had stolen their Snickers, but it was probably just an outfit doing the old 'wait till the last minute and fail to rushcap the point' trick.

    Either way, the biggest impact I've ever had on any battle has probably been something to do with reviving the ever living crap out of my teammates when no other medics were around.
  10. Abraham with Cheese

    I'd like to think I change battles fairly often, but then again... meh.

    Once, back when 2 C4 was enough for it, I single-handedly stopped a massive assault on an Indar base (I think Rust Mesa Outlook) using my Light Assault. How, you might ask? Simple: I went to warpgate, strapped my 2 bricks of C4 on the front of my Reaver and kamikaze'd that sucker right into that sundy, jumping out and flying away as it hit, whereupon I pressed my already-selected C4 detonator. People in the VS /yell chat were so confused.

    In fact, I've done that same trick several times, but usually on Lightnings now, and the occasional MBT.

    I've also suicide-rushed Magriders with two bricks of C4 strapped to my Flash. Sure, I die more often than not, but hey, it's hilarious.

    One time, I remember, I jumped out of my low-altitude Reaver mid-flight over a Tech Plant assault, shot my Shrike (since I was a heavy) at a heavily damaged Sunderer, somehow hit it, and thus blew it up, securing the win for that alert. Of course, I couldn't get back into my Reaver before both it and I crashed and died, but hey, it was cool. Getting back in and flying off would have been cooler, though...

    I usually just charge enemy sundies when the enemy isn't looking and Alalalala them with my two vehicle mines and a grenade.

    I'm actually a terrible pilot, so I've rammed enemy galaxies with enough force that they (usually on Amerish) have flown right into the sides of mountains. Sure, I died, but hey, those Bulldogs were shredding my allies below.

    I once killed a Vanu MAX at point-blank range in a Biolab alert with my Light Assault's carbine. I was so close he couldn't hit me (right up against his chestplate, actually), and he must not have had the sense to just melee me.

    There are many a MAX who have cursed my Jackhammer and Shrike in Biolabs. Same goes for my Falcons.
  11. Tuco


    Each time I show up, I save the day.
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  12. Brahma2

    I gun a Liberator... so...

    Like everything I do?
  13. Flag

    While it's not me alone, there was this 48+v48+ fight, where me and 2 outfit mates managed to snag the base capture for our outfit.
    This was the first base taken by the VS in that lane after having been pushed almost to the WG, so maybe... Maybe we were responsible of changing the course of that fight.

    1 hour later the fight had moved to a lane equilibrium.
  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    This was my last Light Assault run:
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    HA HA. this was my exact response. What most people dont realize, is that there actually isnt as much sarcasm involved as they would like to think. To most, having a larger effect on an outcome, than the average individual, seems rare and amazing. For those that play like a team, and play the objective (any objective you set out) instead of personal stats, these events occur multiple times a day.
  16. Strottinglemon

    Many times I spawn into a 50/50 fight where the enemy has the spawn room locked the Higby down. I simply spawn at the neighboring base, grab a sundy, and deploy it behind theirs. Rake in AMS support certs and watch their spawns get flanked.
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  17. DHT#

    I have cleared the way to a cap point and flipped it with seconds left (sometimes right at 0 seconds) several times, but I think my most awesome moment was as an LA. I grabbed a reaver to get to a base that was under attack, shot down a mossie over the base, got hit by flak and ejected to see my reaver crash into the max shooting me, killing it. I ran to the cap room over the rooftops, killing 3 people on the way, enter from the rear, shotgun the 2 medics and plant a C4 before 2 maxes and 2 engies drop me. I get hit by a revive grenade, activate the C4, which kills everyone else in the room. Sure, I died in the middle of it, but It was 11 kills in about a 40 second time frame.

    I spawned on a sundy which was at low HP at a big fight. It was the only sundy that was left as a spawnpoint. A Vanguard made a push to put a couple of AP rounds into it so I climbed on a rock next to our sundy to get a good shot on him. I put a rocket into the vanny, then I pulled out an anti-vehicle grenade. Suddenly a teammate stepped right in front of me, the grenade bounced off of his head, landed right next to the already on low HP sundy and destroyed it along wit a couple of teammates that got debris'd mercilessly. W/o reinforcements we then got farmed by the vanguard and a couple of ScatMAXs and the fight was over.
  19. Prudentia

    in the good old days of hex esamir, there was a 48+vs48+ fight at the NW warpgate
    i deployed into it as a medic, took a look around, saw a skull on the street, ran down to get the revive.
    everyone followed my glorious [IVRI] tag and the base was won in 10 seconds
  20. SacredRay

    I play almost exclusively solo LA on NC Cobalt. The NC there are an incompetent bunch to be honest. We were getting swarmed by TR on a tower on Amerish (can't remember the name).

    Rather than push out, my brethren allowed themselves to be spawn camped by sundies, prowlers and lightenings.

    I did the honourable thing - I jumped off the air platform into the surrounding hills (killing TR on the way with my trusty mauler). I killed 3 Prowlers, 1 lightening and the main Sundy whilst killing many TR in between each respawn.

    TR lost enough concentrated firepower that we were able to push out and secure the base.

    Then VS cam with their PPA magriders lol. Happened 2 days ago.