There's Something Wrong With the Entire NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

    Since the site rebooted, it has so far documented:

    TR Alert Victories: 116
    VS Alert Victories: 155
    NC Alert Victories: 66

    Anyone who says the factions are generally equal is spewing crap. The NC SUCK ***. They would appear to be blatantly inferior in competitive performance to the TR and VS.

    So when I ***** about my faction being the worst and not winning anything, I'm not pulling it out of my ***. This is a systemic problem within the faction. The mindset of the people who join is such that no one co-operates, no one organizes, and thus we get circles run around us. Why? Why do people like that (myself included) join NC? I get the whole "lone wolf FR33DUM" thing but there's no particular reason why people who DO like to organize shouldn't pick NC - so WHY don't they? And I realize I do exactly what I'm criticizing but here's the thing: people like me exist in all factions. So that fact that I play the way I play shouldn't matter - there should, if every faction had the same statistical average, be a group of people that organize and co-operate. But for some reason, those people don't join NC, so we lose. Constantly.

    That's my ******** for the day so feel free to tell me to join an outfit or all those other things you typically tell me. I'm going to play Alien Isolation and forget today's woes of Planetside through blood-curdling fear.
  2. OminousZ

    Dude, i feel your pain...i was NC once...
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  3. gibstorm

    They don't want to win.

    I play TR and can say we need to go fight VS our we will both lose this alert. NC will spam "LoL alerts, who cares" Not understanding if you don't try to win alerts. They players that do try will switch to a different team.

    All teams have players that don't try to win....But i think NC has the most

    NC need more players who focus on winning. I am not sure how we can move players over. I would switch to help but I am not starting over. It takes to long to level up a character.
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  4. Paragon Exile

    Shrapnel King, it's the unfortunate truth that the NC is filled with bads who couldn't find their ***** with both hands.

    Of course, the TR and VS are also filled with terrible players such as myself, and outfits who have alts on other factions tend to perform similarly to their mains with the different equipment. This leaves organization and co-operation as the only explanation by exclusion.

    I'm inclined to believe that if NC's command was a bit more harmonious and less Wisdomcube, they'd be better off.
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  5. OminousZ

    And TBH, in IMHO...the NC is the best faction with the best toys.
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  6. Ceiu

    This, right here.
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  7. LT_Latency

    Rule Number 1 of PvP : Is everything else is equal....NEVER pick the "cool good guy" faction. You will regret it.
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  8. Paragon Exile

    NC? Good guys?

  9. TheShrapnelKing

    I almost feel bad that I revived him like 5 times yesterday as he kept running into enemy fire. His tactics are not better than his strategy apparently.
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  10. LT_Latency

    Description: Hardest hitting weapons, best Armour and fight for freedom.

    What faction did you think they were going to pick??
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  11. Elrobochanco

    The reason NC lose is because they refuse to play. Literally they avoid alerts on emerald. It's not a good way to gauge balance beyond the fact that lone wolf "rebel" faction attracts the kind of people who don't want to compete.
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  12. Paragon Exile

    The correct one.
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  13. LT_Latency

    That doesn't even make sense.

    The fact remains if you look quicky at the game. The faction that looks like it has cool army rebel guys that fight for freedom is the NC.

    The VS are lazors and love alien gods and the TR have weird googles and are the big emprie
  14. M2_Bradley

    The reason NC lose is because TR would much rather farm on NC rather than have to fight the VS.Therefore,instead of teaming up on the overpopped faction(VS),they team up on the underpopped one(NC).
  15. Mootar

    Alert win rates have absolutely nothing to do with faction balance, the vast majority players who actually care about winning alerts left the NC long ago to join TR/VS (depending on server) because they got tired of being steamrolled while 2/3 of their faction were farming in "good fights" on a non alert continent.

    Now the majority of NC consists of lone wolves and MLG tacticool outfits who couldn't care less about playing redeployside and just want fun fights or stats, leaving the few stubborn NC who actually like alerts to get zerg stomped, that is why NC rarely win alerts.

    In terms of balance NC has by far the best and most varied infantry arsenal and is mostly at least competitive in every other area with the possible exception of ESAV since the phoenix is **** even when it works, which isn't often.

    Alert win rates are an indication of what percentage of a specific empire on any given server actually play an alert properly, that's it.
  16. Paragon Exile

    Unfortunately, SOE's lore for Planetside 2 makes the Vanu Sovereignty the only "good" faction; the TR is a military dictatorship masquerading as a republic, while the NC is (by definition) a business venture to get away from government regulations masquerading as a libertarian revolution to exploit well-intentioned freedom fighters. The Sovereignty is the only faction where the leaders are not explicitly lying to their people for their own gain and makes their motivations very clear from the outset; "We must annihilate the ignorance that stands in our way".

    We also have spandex and our Daredevil voice pack sounds like Commander Shepard.

    This was different in Planetside (1), where the TR was transparently an evil dictatorship and the VS was obviously a group of crazy idiots being controlled. The NC were the uncontested "good guys"
  17. LT_Latency

    This happens as well, When I am farming my SMG directives I won't fight the VS cause odds are too high I will go against an Orion heavy who I don't want to fight in Close combat with a SMG.

    But by the same token, TR should lose just as much for doing this.....But they don't
  18. TriumphantJelly

    You don't play on Miller, do you?
  19. LT_Latency

    Who knows this or cares??? No one.

    In game NC screams Freedom. TR screams Oppression and everyone says the VS are spandex wearing cultist. That is what matters in this case. No one is digging through wiki files to piece together what may have happened

    It's why I put "cool good guys" in quotes
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  20. Paragon Exile

    Except me and thousands of others who care about storytelling in games :D

    I don't get that vibe at all. The NC and TR scream "Oppression", "Shortsightedness" and "Regression", the VS are the only faction with noble goals upon even casual inspection.

    Maybe my standards are too high.
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