There's another 43MB patch up! Go get it!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    Hopefully these are the optimization fixes we are looking for.

    Let's hope so because right now the games frame rates suck!
  3. hawken is better

    Did people really take that big of a performance hit with the last update? I've noticed lower frame rates, but not by much.
  4. Gustavo M

    Not everyone can afford alienware, you know.
  5. shd

    Who knows what this update does, they obviously can't be bothered to let us know.

    One can guess tho and one thing that's been consistent in all the patches so far is that they will break something :)
  6. Rommie

    fix something and then break something
  7. Chiss

    Luckily you can buy something thats better than a $4000 Alienware for less than $1000!
    • Up x 1
  8. huundar

    I went from over 100fps to around 30 with the last patch