There was a problem getting the list of files for download. An update may be in progress. Please try

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Truk, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. Zulbob

    I wont do all that tihs. Bored, really bored by this. Go enjoy yourself, Daybreak. Kiss you.
  2. Ira_Encarnatus

  3. Ira_Encarnatus

    Im haveing the same issue and tryed all of the above to no avail. What can I do?
  4. Semith

    I am struggling with this issue as well.
  5. Matador20

    Worked flawless for me also, many thanks C0bretti :)
  6. Alizona

    So after reading this entire thread, let's try to do what the developer SHOULD HAVE DONE for us - summarize what is occurring:

    This is all a guess, since I am not Daybreak Game Company.

    1. The game must visit some specific web location in order for us to log in and play.
    2. This web location recently changed, meaning the "domain name" changed, and meaning the IP numerical address changed.
    3. This change must travel thru the DNS (Domain Name Server) system before we can connect to the new address that the game requires.
    4. Domain name changes take up to a couple of days to "propogate" throughout the internet, meaning we might be unable to connect to the game servers for a few days.
    5. If so inclined, you can manually edit your "hosts" file and connect to the game without waiting for the DNS servers to "catch up" with the proper web address.

    Is that accurate?
  7. Ira_Encarnatus

    Tyvm for the help it worked great.
  8. SilentSueRia

    Are they that inexperienced to make such a mistake as a "REAL" accident? If so, how are they managing to make new content for the game at all?

    It sounds like they needed a phase in approach where the bring the new servers online a week or so ahead of time, and a patch that tells your game, "HEY! this is the new DNS address!" and from there, all the clients already get to know what the new server is, and migrates over evenly without a hitch, for the next week or so, no problem, before cutting off the old stuff. If they where not prepared to do that, how are they managing to make any updates or new game content at all?

    And why isn't the "new" IP one that says "Daybreak" on its name, if Daybreak is suppose to be the owners? The fix IP says Sony. Where is Daybreak?
  9. SilentSueRia

    Or should I actually be asking "What is Daybreak?"
  10. Quovatis

    workaround didn't work for me. Added line to host file, etc, no go
  11. Bacardie

    wow.. Not sure if EVERY one is having this issue or a small number of us but I'll be dam*d if I'm going to mess with settings, files, and software to get this to work when it's not our job to do so. They broke it, THEY have to fix it.
    • Up x 1
  12. Hohdor

    hodor hodor hodor worked for me hodor hodor
  13. Liewec123

    did you make use you didn't use a # and also dont add in tabs (don't add spacing to match the "examples"), copy and paste the line exactly as it is, start a new line under all of the examples and stuff and paste in (with nothing infront of the 6 and save it.)
  14. Quovatis

    update: The host file didn't change anything for me. What worked was changing the DNS servers, as outlined in this thread.
  15. Voodoo4500

    Just add to your host file people. This is such a simple temp fix that even a child can do it.....Once their domain name full replicates across the internet you remove the entry from the host file. So simple.....
  16. Mitokandria

    Modifying the file Host located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ worked for me.

    As person working in IT I was hesitant to add a random IP address to a file so I looked it up.

    IP is owned by Sony and is the IP used for Sony's patching system. That is why this fix works. Should be safe to use. This is a fix for DayBreak Games that has been going around for at least a year or two now and works for some of their other games as well.

    (You should be able to find the instructions for this in the first two pages of this thread.)
  17. Nived

    sorry to say but PS2 has gone down hill sence DAYBREAK took over they never respond to you by person it is always an auto responce they cant handle the problems they have made and messed up one hell of a great game this is now 9/26/16 and seems the same problem has been ongoing ---There was a problem getting the list of files for download. An update may be in progress. Please try again in 20-30 minutes THEY NEED TO FIX THE ISSUE OR ALOT OF GAMING COMMUNITYS WILL BE PULLING THERE PAID MEMBERS OF THERE ACCOUNT S AND PULLING THERE MONEY INCLUSING OUR GAMING COMMUNITY WE HAVE WELL OVER 300 MEMBERS PLAYING PS2 AND WE WANT TO KEEP PLAYING SOME HAVE CONTACTED LAWYERS
  18. Tankalishious

    I tried all of the above fixes with no luck. If i remove the
    "" in the host file

    , i get to the "20-30 min" error in first post.

    If i do all the workarounds
    and add the line above in the host file, i get this
    "unable to download socket error :retry - try again(11002)

    tried validating files, it said i was missing a file 20mb big, but it would never download it, just go into the "20-30 min" error... i then uninstalled the whole game... now when i try to reinstall, i get the same loop of errors as above.

    god damnit, daybreak..... how hard can it be? You have had several days to respond to this now, get your **** together.
  19. Loki

    Once you edit your hosts file make sure you reboot your computer or flush your dns file.

    To flush dns: open command prompt (hit windows key and type cmd then hit enter)
    type ipconfig /flushdns

    If you don't do this your host file edits won't do anything.
  20. ShiruBiru

    Soo its RIP for Planetside 2... a good game we can cofirm...

    i did and undo several times the host thing ( with dns flush and nothing..

    Im backing to BF, good luck guys, this game is near to a end...