The whole revive stealing bs

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Cookiepiledriver, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Cookiepiledriver

    Solution: Lock a corpse that is being revived.

    Is it really that hard to implement? There are plenty of dead people lying around, go find them and be of more use than running to the guy I'm less than .0001 MS away from resing and taking it from me to max your exp gains.

    Of course I am left to actually heal the poor bastards who are still alive while you pricks just run from corpse to corpse like god damn buzzards.

    You're not medics. You're cockroaches. ****ROACHES.
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  2. Dopefish

    what I find way more annoying are the "medics" that run around with a level 1 medic gun to revive the same poor sucker again and again because he comes to life with just a sliver of life ... how useless and counterproductive is that.
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  3. Cookiepiledriver

    Thing is, I heal the person I revive. I don't leave until he's ready to be shipped out.

    I don't revive people randomly; if I can res him and get him back on the field I do so. I don't spam revives.
  4. Malicious_Emu

    I also wish in the window that asked you if you want to be revived or not, it tells you the level of the rezzer...
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  5. KoooZ

    I feel like the corpse drag suggestion would be the perfect solution for this. Lazy medics would have no excuse, and genuine medics with lower level med applicators would have a work around.
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  6. NullPointer

    Exactly. I almost never accept a rez any more because I don't want to be rezed for less than 75%.
  7. Marko Box

    If a medic revives me with low hp and dont tops me off and if theres no other medics araund ill just shoot him in the back to half health, apologise then leach to his aoe heal which he will surley use(they usually also take cover so i dont even have to chase him).
  8. Vorenius

    I just kill medics who are rez-overriding, not the solution I would prefer, but with the current mechanic, it's the only one I see.
  9. Trysaeder

    So once a squadmate's corpse has been revived by some scrub, I can't override it and give him a proper 100% revive. He can only respawn or accept the ****** revive, which kills the point of having a combat medic.

    Lock the corpse from lower ranked medtools only.

    Medics have asked a million times for better revive information, so hopefully the devs actually do something useful instead of making minor reskinned guns to sell.
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  10. }{ellKnight

    Today I intentionally killed a friendly medic for the first time.

    I was bringing people at 100% and I see some guy moving up behind me overwriting my revives. Was a bit annoyed because overall you loose efficiency because you have to heal them to max HP but then again the guy didn't know I had a maxed out med tool so I can't blame him for that.

    But thing is what he'd do is revive and then run up to the next corpse, completely ignoring the guy he just revived with very little health and the wounded people around him asking for a medic. He was XP whoring. I asked him to stop but nothing so I killed him.

    Sounds sensible.
  11. SDD

    So you're not in it for the XP? You're completely selfless with your reviving? Good, then you should agree that XP needs to be turned off for revives.
    That is the most sensible solution here.
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  12. }{ellKnight

    And you got to that conclusion how exactly? Support classes should be rewarded with for doing their job same as other classes. The issue is some people only think about the rewards instead of actually putting some effort in helping out their side.

    I don't care if you steal my rez (personally I don't steal them but whatever) but if you do at least heal the dude completely, don't run off to the next corpse like a lemming.
  13. SirBurning

    Its neccasary until they make it so that people want to upgrade their tools.
    I cannot risk one of my outfit mates being revived by a lv 1 exp farmer medic. So i re-rez him self.
    Increase the exp you get with higher tool SOE!
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  14. Dieselpunk

    Oh, just shut it and revive your damn teammates. It's a team game...people will try to heal, revive, fix stuff, man a gun station, etc. just to get the job done. When a player TK's you, another medic, just to get in all the local healing and reviving, that's when you complain and of course report them. Get over yourselves and play for your faction. What's next? Whining over who is capping and who shouldn't? Sickening...
  15. SlyHix

    It would be nice if only the top two tiers of the revive gun worked as a revive and the others were just heal guns.
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  16. Sebyos

    I'd like a system where you can only override if you got superior tool or equal if it's a tool 6. Would help the medics a bit, but most importantly it would help all the poor infantry rezed by ******** with almost no hp.

    At least when you run with an outfit people know you at some point. My outfit always accepts my rez straight away.
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  17. Believer

    AHA! so the better the medic, the better the heal, only took me 6 posts into this thread to learn that! What a curious gameplay dynamic that is. I'd love to be a wallflower in the development office during brainstorming sessions.
  18. Adima

    It would be nice if they fix the rezzing bug whille they are at it.

    sometimes you get revived.. press accept nothing happens..
    so far had it happen to me 3 times in a row.
  19. botosan

    i dont even know how to steal rezzes, u keep the tool going till body is up...i think most medics think that once that timer thing is done it's keep it going till the person is up.

    I just acquired lvl6 and yea its super fast but if you want the XP you stay on them till up.
    I stay till up unlesss its a frantic assault situation where i'll spam rezzzes knowing my patients will be 100% cept maaxes of course.
    I could careless the XP thats the gravy......pushin an assault with or without a sunderer with lvl6 medics is awesome knowing im helpin.

    Oh and get lvl 6 flak too medics/engy's it's OP.

    And even if you do steal rezzes, get um up its what we do......accept that 25% rez dun matter u absorbed some of his ammo which could have lead to more significant deaths, YOU the rezzee was not going to turn the tide, however you might sway it abit.

    And yes I've been on receiving end of many lvl 1 medics, ill accept to no end, we all start at lvl's not like you arent going to die ever again. Get over yourself.
  20. Chinchy

    My problem isn't other lvl 6 medics stealing my rezzes, and honestly most lvl 6 medics are pretty honorable when it comes to rezzing. My biggest problem is the lvl 1-4 leaches that hurt the cause by overwriting my rezzes, I have no problem with not getting the exp I have gotten to a point in the game where I don't need certs anyways, but if you are coming in behind me re-rezzing people at 10-50% health you are wrong!

    This problem needs to get fixed, I find it to be a big issue that should get fixed asap!
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