the waterson server pop is absurd

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Viritus, May 10, 2013.

  1. Morpholine

    You think Waterson is bad. That's cute.
  2. ReconTeemo

  3. Phaex

    9pm EST, TR 34%, NC 36%, VS 29%

    Alert continent (Amerish): TR 22%, NC 50%, VS 27%
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  4. Phaex

    10pm EST, TR 34%, NC 36%, VS 28%
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  5. 89xOnoma89

    Waterson pop was never absurd, the OP is crying about a population disparity that occurred at 4AM CST. During an alert we ended up getting the servers first dominating victory because NC and VS were switching to their TR alts when we got around 80% of the territory.
  6. SenEvason

    Just signed off of Waterson. Pops were 29%VS, 34%TR, 37% NC. Pop was fluctuating pretty wildly all night.
  7. RonnieBoy

    60% TR pop? That must have been after a server crash or restart in the middle of the night, as I haven't seen a population like that since well before the server merger, back when Totalbiscuit was very active in game. Generally the TR hold the pop advantage during EST late-night and morning say 35-45% TR, 25-35% NC and the rest VS. Once it starts rolling into EST prime-time the NC numbers pick up and overtake the TR population toward the night-time going towards 37-40% NC, 30-33% TR, and the rest Vanu.

    It's not so much the TR being overpopulated or the NC being overpopulated it's the lack of VS numbers, with them hovering around 20%. Still even with comparatively fewer numbers the Vanu seem to hold their own pretty damn well.
  8. Phaex

    Early morning through until mid-afternoon is TR time the last couple weeks.
  9. Slavek

    (Not reading entire thread)

    Waterson pop is rarely that extreme. Most likely people jumping ship to grab free alert certs late night/early morning.
  10. Czuuk

    Amerish is ours.
  11. LT_Latency

    Waterson population is broken every die when it's not prime time.

    The game has been come unplayable outside of 7 to 12pm est AND I PLAY TR.

    I don't even want to know what it's like from VS and NC
  12. Zotamedu

    Current population: 41 % NC, 35 % TR and 23 %VS. NC are now controlling Esamir and Amerish while VS holds Indar.
  13. Czuuk

    But on the weekend at prime time...


    And oh... [BRIT] is back. They dropped about 30+ galaxies on the Stronghold prior to this alert.
  14. Zotamedu

    You really need to work on your print screen skills because that is completely useless.
  15. Czuuk

    Hehe. I could chop it for you. Just use your scroll. It tells a story. In order of descending importance. From right to left.

    Alert on Indar. Prime time. Weekend. DRAW. Population 33/33/33.
  16. Zotamedu

    Actually no, it doesn't help it if you zoom it. You still can't see anything useful at all. Why on earth did you take a screen shot of a screen shot? If you have the picture you want to show open in Photoshop, what made you think it would be a good idea to take another screen shot of the open Photoshop instead of just uploading the picture? Oh wait a minute, it's a screen shot of a screen shot... How do you even manage to do something like that?

    BTW, I was playing at the same time. I think you got world population and continent population mixed up. Indar had an alert and thus enjoyed a even distribution amongst the factions. The world population was not as even. The numbers I posted was from when the alert started. Then the population between TR and NC evened out but NC still had a global population advantage last time I checked. Poor VS was the underdog as usual.
  17. Czuuk

    Didn't mix up world pop. Continent pop is what matters for alerts. And I have two screens. I'm lazy. Here's the chop.


    and the content map and population


    The point being that Waterson is just fine. Population varies over time. TR has been removed for the time after recent triple caps.
  18. Zotamedu

    Why did you post the half of the picture that shows nothing at all about population? This picture is even more useless than the first one.
  19. Czuuk

    Was editing, check again.
  20. Zotamedu

    Yes that is the population of Indar. Do you even have a point or are you just trolling?
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