the waterson server pop is absurd

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Viritus, May 10, 2013.

  1. maxkeiser

    Why? The best fights are when you are warpgated. It's great fun trying to push out.
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  2. Ghosty11

    I guess ghost capping is much more fun. Who would have guessed.
  3. LordZombie14

    LOL, I took the same snapshot when I got home from work.
    Logged in, saw the population, logged out.

    SOE won't be making any money off of me with a population balance like that :).
  4. Ripshaft

    I never notice any meaningful population difference on the server. Do you have any evidence to support your claim?
  5. LordZombie14

    This here.

    If I could take my certs and SC I have spent on my main, I would be Vanu right now.
  6. Reventine

    What those pictures don't show is that the population at the time across the whole server was low. Most of the map was empty and the best that 60% TR population could muster was one platoon on Indar.

    People get to caught up on large population numbers without realising that they don't show the true number of people on the server at the time. For all we know it was 60% of less than a hundred people, and the fact that "enemies detected" boiled down to one guy ghost capping everything from Rashnu to camp waterson I would say there was even less than that.
  7. The King

    much more than that...
    Even Vanu had 20-40..
  8. Quiiliitiila

    Wait... What? Do you play on Waterson? If you do and you don't recognize the imbalance, then you must be playing on some alternate la-la Waterson server.

    The VS NEVER have world population that comes even within 10-15% of the other two factions. Sure we get some fairly equal continent pops, but that's if the VS pile ALL of their players on one continent to fight it out... Even then we're normally still 3-5% below. Furthermore even when we manage to tie pop on one continent, both the TR and NC still have enough troops to completely roll the VS on the other two continents.
  9. eldarfalcongravtank

    waterson vanu represent!! *raises clenched fist*

    always outnumbered and surrounded... allows us to attack in all directions!
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  10. Hobo Jack

    Last night on watterson i logged on my br50 nc main and couldent handle being outnumbered so bad. We had only 20percent pop on an alert continent and tr and vs had more birds in the sky than we had players total. I got so frustrated i made a vs alt on matterson and had pretty good fun but i would have rathered advance my nain character because i only got like 80 certs on my noob vs character.
  11. DestructShawn

    It doesn't matter anyway, there's almost no benefit or penalty for warp-gating or being warp-gated, you just lose or gain a lame, 10% boost to a already irrelevant resource. Actually, I prefer to play out-popped because at least then I get a cert boost. Certs drive behavior in this game, not resources, if SoE wanted us to care about territory, they would give a cert boost or reward certs in a certain area to teams that have taken a continent.

    Or here's a idea, give a special item to the empire that takes the continent rather than selling the special item or bundle. Something that actually is worth fighting for.
  12. Lampenfieber

    I dont care about pop number, i just want to put my platoon to change continents without that huge queue like before.
  13. Snarfy

    As opposed to a month ago when the NC were the 60%. Don't worry, Waterson TR spread themselves out amongst the conts so you wont get zerged too hard if the NC sits on just one of them like they usually do. Was probably late night anyway, we got a lot of late nighters on waterson TR.
  14. ReconTeemo

    lol NC crying about being outnumbered? [IMG]
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  15. Soundmonitor

    This is funny I started playing NC when GU08 came out... More targets for me!
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  16. Ghosty11

    Giving any meaningful reward to continent ownership would only further fuel the current population imbalances. Why would you play the under population faction if you were potentially never going to get the continent capture bonus?
  17. Soundmonitor

    Because the under pop gets a relevant exp bonus... what would you rather have continent bonus or exp bonus?
  18. Nocturnal7x

    The people who buys SC would be deterred and people who are too lazy to make another account would be deterred. They never should have allowed people to make more than one character per server. Stupid decision.
  19. LibertyRevolution

    TR has the North Warpgate on indar..
    When the NC had north gate, they get the population boost from it..
    VS also had a pop boost from having north gate, they were at 27%, now that the north gate is gone they are back at the 20%.
  20. NinjaTurtle

    What are Pro7 servers?

    Also this entire issue on Waterson is due to the WG rotation. Before NC and TR were pretty much even with VS about 10% behind, whereas now TR have always got an advantage in pop.

    The only thing this can be due to is the WG rotation. Nothing else in the previous patch would make people jump ship to TR
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