the waterson server pop is absurd

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Viritus, May 10, 2013.

  1. siiix

    yeah why care , in 4 hours the NC will take over again, its like that every day
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  2. chrisbeebops

    Continent pop vs world pop.
  3. MorganM

    Precisely. This thread is ********. That pop imbalance is at a completely irrelevant time. By 8 to 9 AM CST the TR and NC will be neck and neck. That will be the population spread for most of the day, through prime-time, and well into the night. Even when I log in at 4 AM CST it's never like this. I have no idea where that guy got that screen shot but I wouldn't be surprised if it was taken prior to the Jeager merge where that world pop spread was more common.

    The real population travesty on Waterson is the VS. They are almost always at a 10 to 20 % disadvantage against any single faction and if you combine the TR and NC it's a huge imbalance.
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  4. 89xOnoma89

    The other story to this thread was the fact that the pop didn't hit those levels till the other two factions started switching to their TR alts when they realized what was happening. than before you knew it... DOMINATING VICTORY. OM NOM NOM CERTS
  5. UmbraUrsa

    Primetime TR=NC
    Late night TR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NC
    Morning/Day TR>>>>NC
    All the Time TR/NC>>>>>>VS
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  6. Oathblivion

    Yeeaaaah, I get a little irate over the TR pop on the server, but let's be real here: only the VS has any room to complain. Those guys are nearly always 10%+ behind the NC or TR. If things are going well, then us NC (we NC? how2grammar?) typically run about even with the TR.

    Except that alert at midnight a couple nights ago on Amerish. What the asterisks was up with that? NC got slaughtered by both VS and TR. D':
  7. PhilDun

    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I switched from Vanu last week and have been having a blast. SoE is never going to fix this problem - the quicker you accept that, the quicker you can make the swap.
  8. UmbraUrsa

    ^^ With a statement like that I guess you don't actually like shooting people.
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  9. NoctD

    On Waterson yeah, but on Helios, I've seen more and more NC TKing of late, and someday I suspect Auraxis on Helios might be blue vs. blue. There's no one else to shoot at.
  10. Skippytjc

    Whenever you see the TR pop get above 35% its because all the Vanu logged over to their TR Team Killing alts to help them save their a$$'s
  11. Mythicrose12

    That's because in the world of Smurfs, there's only one female. You're bound to kill each off for her once all the VS females are gone...
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  12. TeknoBug

    Judging from the time you posted this screenshot, this was in the middle of the night?

  13. 660/12

    What SOE needs to do is make it possible to reinvest certs and station cash into the faction with the lowest pop. Not sure how this would work, but without seriously buffing the VS, it's never going to be balanced.
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  14. chrisbeebops

    TR had 60% world pop and couldn't even triple cap? I guess its harder to cap Amerish from the NC when you only outpop them 2.6:1 versus 3.5:1 for VS. :rolleyes:

    Good work NC, you saved us all from having to endure yet another ODAM thread. Instead today we only got a ODAM reddit post about them defending a biolab with a platoon of medics against 3 VS players.
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  15. DeltaGun

    It is speculated that many European TR players joined to be a part of TotalBiscuit's outfit BRIT, hence the large TR population during European prime-time.
  16. Czuuk

    We won the alert that started shortly after the time of this post. The NC that is. On Waterson. With a major world population disadvantage as noted here and elsewhere. On Amerish. Which we own. Or we did when I was last on. I made a youtubez about it. At risk of ruining my like streak today I will not repost it here.

    But it is in one of the other threads on this topic that was started about the same time as this one so let me google that for you if you want unless we could get these threads merged into a super thread and then all summarily executed. kthxbye.

    I'm not saying. I'm just saying.
  17. Czuuk

    Or you could revel in the challenge. The choice is yours.
  18. Czuuk

    We got an ODAM recruit the other day. SHHHH!!!!
  19. Eugenitor

    So it's completely impossible to cap continents at completely irrelevant times, then?

    The zerglings piling into TR clearly weren't very smart, or they really would have had the triple cap.
  20. Eugenitor

    Thanks for helping ruin the game!
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