the waterson server pop is absurd

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Viritus, May 10, 2013.

  1. Viritus


    Why did you ever let people make characters on opposing factions on the same server? People are just going to join the opposing faction if they get warpgated.
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  2. Riftmaker

    Because if people really wanted to play another faction on the same server they would just make a new account and do it. The game is free to play,you can't stop it. Might as well let them create the characters on the same account.
    If you restrict that again all you do is damage the people that want to enjoy the game from all POVs,it wouldn't stop the 4th faction.
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  3. Viritus

    people who wanted to play other factions can do so on another server. All that happens now is people lose some territory to the TR and suddenly the nc and vs pop dwindle and the TR pop swells.

    Maybe better bonuses for underpopulated factions would help.
  4. Czuuk

    Maybe less worrying about server pop at 3:46 AM.
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  5. InMedeasRage

    There's still a 15% difference during prime time some nights. Its pitiful. Matterson has a pretty stable and balanced population, right? How did that one work out while Waterson's went to ****?
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  6. RedKestrel

    There is a population disadvantage XP bonus already, but it's not doing anything. I made an alt Vanu on Mattherson just to see if anything is different.....

    Vanu! Conglomerate dogs! There is hope! When I rose up from the primordial nanite goo, I was welcomed not by a desolate wasteland with Vanu helmets tumbling across the tundra, but by a thriving and populated warpgate! In just a matter of minutes I took part in massive ground assaults that ranged across entire continents! As I pulled up my holo-map, I noticed that there were more than one platoon sized ally force on all fronts, and they were kicking ***! Conglomerate dribble, on behalf of all Vanu warriors on Waterson, I invite you to our experimental spaceship- designed specifically to enter new dimensions! There is hope on the other side, in the land called Mattherson!

    Seriously though, server transfer tokens can't come soon enough. But if they don't, I assume eventually the TR will only have themselves to shoot at....
  7. Xind

    This all happened after the warpgate rotation.

    I saw NC overpop TR everyday I played during primetime till about midnight and then the warpgates got rotated and now everyone is QQing about TRs population. They NEVER should of allowed multiple characters on the same server. Even if they'll just make another account, they have to put the work in to do that and given how ******* lazy most people are they'd of just made the character on another server
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  8. Monkeydmomo

    I'm VS on Waterson, you know I have the right to QQ.
  9. Spartan 117

    Yes, yes you do. VS on Waterson are some resilient players I will give you that.
  10. Czuuk

    Vague argument is vague. Some nights? Which nights? I will agree that at the moment the population favors TR. Anything else is rampant speculation. The only problem on Waterson is the same on other servers. There are not enough VS. To shoot at.
  11. Eugenitor

    Oh wow, it gets bad on Connery but I've never seen it this bad.

    What the hell do you do when an entire real-life nation is pulling one empire?
  12. Shockwave44

    Stop playing.
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  13. Falcon_BR

    Yes, I also agree that when the server transfer go live, it will just be one faction each server!
    I think they should implement some kind of faction suggestion, I was already going to play TR, but during the time to choose the server I picked up the one where I have most XP bonus!
    For 3 month I couldn't go more them one territory away from the warp gate before the Vanu overwhelmed in great numbers!
    We stand up and fight until the magrider nerf when we started capping continents, more one month and we started triple capping even whit less population!
    Since we got merged with the Waterson, we were still underpopulated by the NC, there were no VS to kill anymore on the server, I almost had no NC kills and I learn fast what was a scatmax!
    The VS become underpopulated, the TR had less population then the NC, but for month we stood up and fight, now the only thread we got during the alerts when everyone is 33% is the Vanu, most NC just stay inside the warp gate waiting to receive almost no points, or just log off and change character to receive the bonus! NC population really drop fast now near the end of the alerts!
    I also got some outfit members that log off the game when we are losing the alert to the VS just to get more points with his other character! We are even making bets now when someone log off near the end of the event to see if they are going to log on with another character or not!
    I have a suggestion, there are already threads about when the alert is near to the end, event twitter where you can see when you should log on to get free certs!
    Give a minimum of 25 minutes of participation on the event to receive the points and you will receive them even if you log off after 25 minutes, this will make useless people who only wants the points leaving as soon as they are qualified for it and will also help people with crash problems like me that in the last 5 minutes do everything to stay alive, because having a redeploy lock on happens to me a lot! Sometimes I just stay dead so I dont risk to lose the event because of a computer crash! Already lost some events because of that!
  14. Spartan 117

    Sit in the spawn room & attempt to pick people off. The moment you step outside you'll either die to the multiple prowlers anchored down outside, mossies/liberators hovering overhead or one of the countless infantry stationed outside.
  15. Shockwave44

    Not sure why you're repeating yourself. Is it something the cool kids do nowadays?

    Funny, I guess that's why every time we try to take away the TR's cont bonus, you start capping right towards our warpgate.

    Stay sharp NC.
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  16. Czuuk

    I wouldn't know what the cool kids are doing now or any other day brah.

    You're talking to the wrong guy friend. We camp the TR bubble 80% of the time we're online. Take your venom somewhere else.
  17. Nighteyes

    You can't prevent people from making a new char for a different faction on the same server. The game is f2p so they would just make 3 accounts, one for each faction.

    However, if you deny making multiple faction characters on the same server, you prevent people from using their unlocks on their main account when they relog to the winning team. This could be a pretty big deterrent, but that still won't stop everyone because a lot of players are nonpaying customers.

    The only way to seriously deal with this issue is implement a queue to log in on a faction that has a pop of 10% or higher. A player can then choose to wait, use a different faction character or join another server. Practically every other FPS out there has an auto-balance feature that forces a player to join another team or wait if they really want to join their friends/clan. This game should be no different, especially if you claim balance is an important factor. I see no reason to argue against a system like this UNLESS you are one of those players who stacks. But the wait won't be as bad as, in the case of Waterson, a TR only player might think. A lot of the 4th faction players will switch to VS or NC instead of waiting.

    This will lead to a balanced fight at ALL times of the day (lol its 3 am who cares is not an excuse or valid argument) which keeps a very positive in game experience and allow a better study of weapon/vehicle balance (If your data is skewed by player number differences 20 hours out of the day, it makes it difficult to really balance weapons and vehicles)
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  18. Ammathor

    From my understand a number of EU players jumped ship from the Pro7 servers and went to nearby servers.

    Also fourth Factioners aren't helping with the Warpgate Rotation.
  19. Shockwave44


    Taken last night. I guess this must have been the 20%.
  20. Czuuk

    Whoops. wrong thread. This is one night. And unfortunately for you my friend, NC is going to be coming for your warp bubble regularly now given this warp gate rotation. I can't take full responsibility for everything NC command does all the time, but I have trained them well. Our strategy for capping Indar goes through Scarred Mesa Skydock and onto HVAR Tech Plant.

    That I will take full responsibility for. ;) Deal with it yo.