[Suggestion] The Ultimate Thread Dedicated to Refurbishing TR as a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, May 3, 2013.

  1. EliteEskimo

    He merely said he wanted damaged scaled, meaning scaled down to compensate for the ROF increase. It would make no sense to buff ROF and damage at once, that would be broken. I think you need to need read more carefully before you jump to conclusions. The only opinions I won't tolerate in this thread are "TR are fine and don't need to be changed" or something along the lines of "Changing the TR will make them OP" This is a TR refurbish thread. So if you're not in here to help refurbish the TR or bring clarity as to why it should happen there is really no reason to be in this thread other than to cause trouble.
  2. ZaebashySoSOE

    Considering current Prowler turret, there must be Quad turret, or basic turret must be remade into centeret variation from first post.

  3. EliteEskimo

  4. MetalGrave

  5. Metallic123

    I would be perfectly happy to trade the EM1 for the Carv. It's better than it minus its RoF. Extended magazine option, better and more controllable recoil.
  6. EliteEskimo

    This has nothing to do with refurbishing the TR, please stay on topic Metallic :)
  7. Metallic123

    To stay on topic I agree 100%. Lowering the bullet damage and vastly increasing RoF/Magazine size while keeping the TTK relatively the same would make playing this game 100x more enjoyable. As far as stats go as pointed out we aren't really unique, we get outclasses by our own faction traits by the opposing ones. Just take a look at the AV MAX's, that's a step in the right direction as far as DIVERSITY is concerned.

    Basic math. T9 Carv shoots at 750 RPM @143 dmg with 100 round drum. Double the RoF (1500) and magazine size (200) but cut the damage in half (71.5). We are now unique without unchecking the current balance. Of course bloom would have to be set at rounds per second as opposed to shots fired.
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  8. TheBloodEagle

  9. EliteEskimo

    That would make things pretty unique, but at the same time we would also need a advanced forward grip, or a reduction in horizontal recoil or else this will happen every time we shoot :rolleyes:

  10. EliteEskimo

    You can leave that up to me, but honestly my Ultimate combined arms thread was much more detailed in nature than this thread and it was given multiple compliments by SOE. I also condensed my points way down to only 2 pages for this one. I'll most likely make part two of this sometime over the weekend. I hope the developers don't hold back on commenting because it's a TR specific Thread. Either way I'll provided them a link to this thread too so they'll have reference to know how many people , VS/NC/TR, are in support of these changes.
  11. Metallic123

    SOE has managed to irritate us all but they've also done a damn good job keeping their ears open to the player base. Ultimately we all want the same thing and thats for this game to excel more and more.
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  12. Dingus148

    Chances are they will hold back, I know if I was a dev/mod, I'd be very cautious. Can you imagine how much worse the "SOE HATES [Insert Faction Here]" threads would be?
  13. TheBloodEagle

  14. EliteEskimo

    Well there's an overall consensus that the developers love the NC since they get the stuff with the coolest mechanics with their weapons. So it would would really just be a matter of if people said the developers hated the VS/TR. Btw I don't buy them hating the Vanu at all and here's why. The Magrider was buffed numerous times after it was nerfed into the ground , and apparently they may even buff the Magrider again based on the "Death of the Magrider Thread." They are going to buff the turbo lasers on the Scythe, and give a sound package overhaul to the VS weapons shortly. The VS recently got a cool looking black armor look with streaks of purple and had all bullet drop taken off all of their weapons. The Developers obviously care about the VS and are in the process of making them better. Don't the TR deserve some love too?

    I hear what you're saying, but a developer shouldn't be afraid of helping bring the community together to help make a faction specific thread more interesting if it benefits everyone in the game. It's more fun to play against an enemy with cool weapons then it is to deal with the constant lock on spam on the Striker. I've already done the hard work by bringing and keeping the VS/NC in here to help create new ideas. Can't I get a little recognition for any of these ideas by the Developers? After all both pages on their own now have about 120 likes each.
  15. Hemi

    Looks like someone made that in paint. :/

    Not my thing srry...
    Is adding yet another weapon that needs balancing the answer though. Is it not better to focus on what we have atm? :) Adding stuff to the pool isn't a sollution, it only makes other weapons useless.

    Ontopic : The Vulcan is prob the weirdest minigun ever created in a game. A 30 round clip.... for a minigun. Right. Just give it a shtload of ammo to go "RRRRaaaaaAAAHH" and a nice recoil. TR guns need to be more fun imo, a 30 round clip for a minigun is NOT fun.

    "RRRaaaa....oh wait reloading....ok.....RAAAaa...oh *** reloading....crap....RAAAaa bleh, nevermind ill get out and shoot them..."
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  16. Flukeman62

    GUYS! i have news from on high that the devs have indeed graced this thread with their gaze.
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  17. TheBloodEagle

    I bring up new weapons because Aegie made an excellent point:

  18. -Zlodey-

    Original Planetside 2 concepts:


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  19. Flukeman62

    to zlodey. could you replace the images with links? it puts allot of strain on the forums.
  20. Sharmanti

    Well, as a developer I'd definately release the funny **** asap. Because more people will buy it then! No matter if they leave or not.

    Did they leave this fast too? As in PS2 that is