The True Infiltrator Build.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by BrB Stove Exploded, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. ChocolateLoveMuscle

    Yeah, sniping in general isn't going to turn the battle of a fight when they can respawn 5 second later. Infiltrating on the other hand, you can hack a terminal, deploy a sundy, place a ton of different mines in the base and what not. It helps the team where as a sniper just helps with his own k/d
  2. icesail

    I am with you on the ammo belt. For sniping I find it to be the perfect, the extra ammo comes in handy ALOT.
    I have 2355 kills and 1368 are head shots (58% or so)..... That is with me playing other classes as needed by my outfit for the nightly ops.

    For CQC I use the automatic sniper. The biggest reason is, I only CQC when I am running Ops with my outfit and are, therefore, part of a squad. Mostly I am dealing with flipping terms/turrets, not getting in a firefight. At most I come across one enemy, so the autosniper is nice at dispatching him, and since I have access to the terms, running out of ammo is not an issue.
    For the CQC role I use the flak armor, it seems to do pretty good against grenades. For cloak I have the armor cloak, for those times I have to reload under fire.

    For more medium range I use the SPR with 6x scope. Good for the inside base sniping, or when dealing with hordes of running enemies.

    I disagree. In my perch at that video (as an example) if I'm not found I can keep at least half the turrets from being repaired and 3/4 of the air terminals from being used.
    The towers I suppress as mentioned are heavily populated but still defending against an enemy force. They are able to repair turrets between salvos and pushes but I prevent that for the most part.
    • Up x 2
  4. ChocolateLoveMuscle

    If you don't use a silencer then you are just extremely lucky they don't look at the map. I've never come across idiots like this.
  5. Gadamlu

    Brilliant posting, Bump for you, OP
  6. Nehemia

    Nope, they are both identical in terms of every single stat.

    Nanoweave armor pushes the gun to be forced to deal the 4th shot.
  7. BrB Stove Exploded

    Different play style than the Build i have posted. This is just a glorified "look at me" post.
  8. BrB Stove Exploded

    I havent been posting in a while. Been playing a lot and certing up other classes/vehicles.

    I still play the Infiltrator the way I describe in the guide. He gets me in, and from there I have many options to choose from. If you use the infiltrator in this manner you are only limited to your kit and how much utility it has. 1 hacked terminal is all it takes then you are off to destruction.

    I still have 1 Bolt action kill only. The long range sniping style isnt for me. If you are a guy who likes to sit back on a rock with a bolt action rifle this guide wont be for you.

    Anyone can spawn as a sniper, sit on a rock, and pad their KvD. Its time to think outside the box and use the infiltrator for what it was meant to do. Infiltrate.
  9. BrB Stove Exploded

    This. 3 shots for non nanoweave, 4 for it. Most people use flak now a days anyways, but there are the occasional Nano few.

    Nice necro.
    You stated this as an ultimate end all build to Infiltrator. I stated there were other options, provided a small critique, and provided evidence.
    If you want an even more glorified look at me post I'll show you SS's of Auraxium in XM98 and Parallax as well.
  11. Ogornomus

    I think the builds should be updated, becouse the SMGs came out (and kick *** on infiltrators).